On Health

The Aduki bean is popular around the world, especially so in Asian countries. Japan is a large consumer of the Adzuki bean. The minerals - Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium and Zinc can all be found in the in it.


In addition to supplying high levels of soluble fibre and protein, aduki beans, like other types of beans, are packed full of trace minerals. These trace minerals are utilized by the body as component of enzymes.


For example, a 1/2 cup of aduki beans provides almost 200% of the daily recommended intake for molybdenum, which is necessary for the production of an enzyme called sulphite oxide, one of the most important enzymes in a liver detoxification pathway called sulphoxidation.


Poor sulphoxidation is associated with neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, and with inflammatory conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, delayed food sensitivity, multiple chemical sensitivities and diet-responsive autism.


High in protein and low in fat, azuki beans contain high levels of potassium, fiber, folic acid, as well as B vitamins such as thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin, and minerals such as iron, zinc, and manganese. Azuki beans are rich in soluble fiber, which speeds up the elimination of waste from the body, promoting regular bowel movements and preventing the body from absorbing harmful substances. Soluble fiber has also been shown to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol) in the blood.


Beans are high in soluble fibre, which can aid regular bowel function and are a rich source of Vitamins B1, B3 and Niacin. Beans are also high in protein, complex carbohydrates and iron.


What are the health benefits of Azuki beans?
Aduki Beans are low in sodium and can reduce and aid in preventing high blood pressure.


Some research into phytoestrogens shows evidence the Azuki bean may help to prevent breast cancer. The study of oestrogens is well beyond the scope of this article but to touch the surface, in women, phytoestrogens fool the body into believing it is still producing real


According to traditional Chinese medicine, azuki beans been used to aid the urinary tract benefit bladder and reproductive functions and the kidneys, and are therefore used to treat problems such as urinary dysfunction and bladder infections.


Azuki beans are thought to boost energy, promote regular bowel movements, and help lower cholesterol. They may have a role in preventing breast cancer.


It tones the heart and spleen, promotes the flow of fluids and urination, heal swelling as in edema, and stop vomiting and diarrhea. Adzuki beans specialize in removing water accumulated in the lower region of the body. Adzuki bean sprouts are good for blood in stools, bleeding during pregnancy.


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Calcium and Weight Loss

Calcium is one of the most important nutrients for proper growth and development of various systems of the body. It is essential for growing children to develop strong bones and teeth. In addition to these benefits, calcium can also be linked with weight loss. Let's find out the relationship between calcium and weight loss in adults.

A proper and well-balanced diet includes adequate amounts of protein, carbohydrate and fat. A person who eats whole meals at least three times a day is healthy with no excessive fat because vitamins and minerals found in the food stuff help in the absorption and breakdown of large protein and fat molecules. Calcium is one of those substances that act as a catalyst in the process of digestion.

It has been found that people who drink milk on a daily basis and have lots of calcium-rich food in their diet have less body fat than those who do not eat a healthy diet everyday. From this we can safely say that calcium and weight loss are directly related to each other.

Animal protein is sometimes considered dangerous for already obese people. Therefore, doctors suggest we should eat more vegetable sources of calcium than animal or dairy sources. One of the best sources of calcium is coral calcium obtained from fossilized coral reefs above sea level. It is essentially a salt of calcium carbonate or limestone which has been found to be very beneficial in terms of overall health and well-being.

Coral calcium not only helps in overcoming the deficiency of calcium in the body but also prevents many diseases. One of the most prominent benefits of coral calcium is seen in the context of weight loss. Health specialists all over the world link coral calcium and weight loss because of the ability of calcium to lower not only the blood pressure, but also high cholesterol levels in individuals.

One thing that you have to remember is to introduce certain vitamins and minerals to your diet that help in calcium absorption. Many people who eat calcium-rich foods and additional dietary supplements still remain deficient of calcium. This is because the calcium they consume is lost in their urine. Due to this reason, you should consume calcium-rich supplements along with a balanced diet that contain important vitamins and minerals to help calcium get easily absorbed in the bloodstream.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/657250

Calcium Weight Loss Relationship - Shed Pounds and Body Fat With the Help of Calcium

It isn't medical fiction or an old wives' tale: a correlation between calcium and weight loss does exist. If you are one of the millions of people struggling to lose weight, don't you think it would be helpful for you to learn more about this calcium-weight loss relationship?

You know that calcium is vital for healthy bones, skin, teeth, and hair. What you may not realize is that it can help you lose those unwanted pounds as well.

What Does Science Have to Say About Calcium and Weight Loss?

Numerous clinical trials and studies have been conducted to explore the relationship between calcium intake and obesity. Here are some of their results:

1. A study conducted by the US National Institutes of Health found that overweight people who consumed plenty of calcium not only lost a significant amount of weight, but that the body fat they lost was in the problematic mid-body area.

2. Results of a weight loss program conducted in Canada, with the results published in The British Journal of Nutrition, showed that obese women whose diets were deficient in calcium lost nearly six kilos (12.2 pounds) during the program. In addition to following a low calorie diet, the women took 1200 grams of calcium supplements daily.

3. An article in The Journal of Nutrition discusses implications of clinical trials that calcium may contribute to prevent obesity and the occurrence of insulin resistance syndrome.

Data suggest that the brain can tell if your diet is lacking in calcium, and then spurs the body to eat more. On the other hand, a scientific hypothesis suggests sufficient calcium intake can stop your food cravings or desire to eat more.

Best Sources of Calcium From Which You Can Choose

You can get your calcium from many kinds of food. Some of the plant-based sources are almonds, spinach, oranges, and peas. Fishes like sardines and salmon are also rich in calcium. Plus, of course, dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt -- though you should probably opt for low-calorie dairy products since you're trying to lose weight.

Calcium supplements are likewise an excellent source of this important nutrient. The right one can give you the daily requirement you need for health -- and it CAN help you lose weight. You have to remember, though, that a calcium supplement is not a magic diet pill. You won't get rid of your flab through calcium supplements alone. But combine it with a healthy diet and enough physical activity, and you might be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Keep in mind that it didn't take you one day to gain all those pounds, so don't expect to slim down in just one day either. Keep your head, and don't let your desperation to lose weight make you go on a fad diet that will only make you sick -- and which will have you putting even more pounds back again later.

Remember, for the best results, consult your doctor about the ideal weight loss strategy for you, exercise, eat healthy, and consume enough calcium. That way you'll experience for yourself the calcium-weight loss relationship at work.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2134588

Calcium and Body Fat

This is the main mineral present in bones and teeth, between them they contain about 99 percent of the body's calcium. The remaining 1 per cent is used for various function in the body such as blood clotting, nerve signals, and muscle contraction. Absorption of calcium in the intestine is regulated by vitamin D. People who have problems absorbing vitamin D also have poor calcium absorption.

The body absorption of calcium can be enhanced by lactose, which is the sugar naturally found in dairy products. Conversely, the body's ability to absorb calcium is reduced by the compounds oxalate and phytate, which are present in vegetables such as spinach, beetroot, celery, and parsley.

People who are following a high-protein diet will excrete more calcium in the urine. It is for this reason that people who have kidney stones may be advised to reduce their dietary intake of protein.

The mineral calcium has been found to help weight loss. Studies have shown that when your dietary intake of calcium is increased, there is also an increase in the breakdown of fat and a decrease in the production of fat. As a result,body fat is lost.

This relationship was discovered when studies of children and adults who consumed higher levels of calcium and diary products were shown to have less body fat. Obese adults who were following a reduced-calorie diet high in calcium lost more weight and fat than those on a reduced-calorie diet with a low intake of calcium.

Researchers believe that each 300mg increase in calcium intake is associated with approximately 1kg(2lb) less body fat in children and 2.25-2.7kg(5-6lb) lower body weight in adults.

When calcium intake is low, levels of a hormone called calcitriol, which is involved in calcium metabolism, increase in order to help conserve calcium in the body. Calcitriol also causes fat cells to expand and increase fat stores in the body. Conversely, by maintaining your calcium levels,you can suppress the calcitriol and therefore help your body increase the breakdown of fat.

Calcium is found naturally in all the foods listed below, which contain at least 150mg of calcium per 100g of cheese, milk, yogurt, spinach, whitebait and sardines, white bread, canned salmon(eaten with bones), almonds, tofu.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2860810

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Food allergies can be a common source of discomfort and symptoms often go undiagnosed. Many people experience the daily effects of food allergies without realizing their unease is actually a food allergy symptom. One of the most common symptoms of a food allergy is weight gain. In the body, water is retained as a way of attempting to protect the body from the irritation of poisonous substances and food allergens. Fat cells also expand to provide a buffer and protect the body. When losing weight, water is often shed, but the body retains the fat because it is necessary to protect you from these toxins and allergens.


What causes food allergies? They are caused by reactions, produced by your immune system, to certain types of foods. A food allergy can produce critical health problems in people and in some cases it can be fatal.


It has been reported that about 2% of adults have a food allergy, while about 6% of children have the condition. Don't confuse them with food intolerances. Food intolerances don't have anything to do with your immune system.


A food allergy specialist will often first ask a patient to write down their three favourite foods and then eliminate those from the diet. This can result in us actually being addicted to the foods that make us sick! The cravings experienced for these foods are based on the same neurochemical responses that lead to drug additions. Removing the three favourite foods from the diet can not only reveal food allergies, without the need for expensive tests, but it can quickly make us feel great after the short period of "withdrawal" to the addictive substances is over.


Other common causes of food allergies include poor digestion, nutrient deficiencies; too narrow a food selection in the diet and leaky gut syndrome. Food allergy relief can often be achieved by applying greater awareness of the need for a broad selection of whole foods, and the limitation or elimination of processed foods.


While some people may be able to reintroduce foods which once caused allergy symptoms, as they improve their diet and focus on an improved state of wellness, variations in genetics leave some people with permanent allergies to certain foods.


Your Immune System and Food Allergies


When you have an allergy to food your immune system makes a mistake and treats a certain type of food as a harmful item. In order to defend your body from this food substance your immune system stimulates specific body cells to create antibodies to attack the substance.


If you consume that particular item again your immune system releases histamine as well as other chemicals that flow into your blood stream. These chemicals create allergic symptoms. Symptoms of food allergies typically occur a few minutes or up to about an hour after consuming the item.


Doctors believe that histamine is part of the cause of many common allergic reactions, such as rashes and hives, runny nose, diarrhea, nausea issues, itchy eyes, dry throat, difficulty breathing, and anaphylactic shock.


Most allergies from food are caused by certain types of proteins that are contained in:


Dairy (milk) Allergy : Many children are sensitive to this allergen, especially in the infant to pre-school years. Medical research believes this to be because many new mothers chose not to breastfeed, thus using formula instead. Milk-based formulas often are not compatible with a newborn's digestive system. It is normal though, often the child will outgrow this sensitivity as the child's digestive system matures. This allergen can be acquired though at any age in life.


Egg Allergy: This is probably the second most serious allergen in any young child, but again the very young eventually do seem to grow out of it. It can be acquired also at any age in life.


The third most common childhood allergy is a Soy Allergy. Avoiding soy sounds so simple to many people but the reality is soy is in almost every processed or prepared and packaged food in the grocery store's aisles. Eating all fresh foods is the easiest and safest way to avoid soy.


The following allergens now, although more prevalent in older children through the adult years, can also be found in the very young also.


Peanut Allergy: this allergen seems to hit the headline news the most often because of its capabilities to create the most severe allergy attack known as anaphylaxis. Without immediate medical care, many sufferers of a peanut allergy can lose their life to the severity of the symptoms.


Gluten Allergy: gluten intolerance or a wheat allergy are all different conditions but their treatment program is very close to the same. Avoiding the gluten protein (or several other proteins necessary to avoid with a wheat allergy) generally leads to a much easier lifetime with fewer recurring health drawbacks.


Tree Nut Allergies: although not as prevalent as the peanut allergy, this one can be just as serious because of the severity of a possible allergy attack. Many people can show sensitivities to only one or two tree nuts but often not all of them. This information though must be determined by a licensed allergist. Do not attempt an at-home care testing program to determine where your adverse reactions will lie. The chances for a severe allergy attack are far too great.


Fish (such as tuna, salmon, bass, trout etc.) and the next category Shellfish (shrimp, crab, clams, and lobster) is often found only in adults. One of the biggest reasons for this though is that very few young children often do not have these two types of foods in their diet.


What Causes Food Allergies in Children?


Most doctors and medical experts point to milk from cows, wheat, and soybeans as the main causes of food allergies in children. If your child is allergic to soybeans you need to remember to read the ingredients of all the food you buy that will be part of their diet.


Soy is in a lot more food items than you might think. You can find soy in protein powders, cereal, and candy bars bread oils, protein bars, fast food, and most meat, especially pork products.


Many peoples who have spent frustrating years trying to understand their health problems, only to discover that they do, in fact, have food allergies. Not surprisingly, a great many of these peoples or parents of allergic children tell me that they first suspected allergies, but their suspicions were dismissed by their doctors after their tests results showed negative. It is thanks to sheer persistence that these peoples eventually find the answers they have been seeking.


How to Recognise Food Allergies in Children


This questionnaire might help you determine whether your child is reacting to foods.


Does your child avoid certain foods?
Do behavioural or mood changes occur after a certain food is eaten?
Does your child crave certain foods?
Does your child complain about his/her mouth or throat itching?
Does your child frequently say that he/she feels dizzy?
Does your child have unexplained diarrhea, vomiting or tummy pain?
Do hives or skin rashes sometimes appear?
Has your child shown a strong dislike to a food that was previously eaten?


Other symptoms of food allergy in children are moodiness, frequent fatigue, stomach aches, constipation and muscle pain. Blocked airways due to excess mucus are a common sign in babies, whose small upper airways are easily congested.


One often missed warning sign is middle ear infections. More than 70% of children get them, and one study reported that as many as 78% of those children are allergic to milk, wheat, egg white, peanuts, and soy.


Psychological or emotional problems are also symptoms of food allergies, especially in children. Food allergies have been linked to autism and hyperactivity in children, anxiety, depression, inability to concentrate, mood swings, and 'fogginess'.


Kinds of Food Allergies


A food allergy can trigger either an immediate or a delayed reaction to food. This and whether or not the reaction involves the high levels of antibodies determine what type of food allergy it is.


Type l. immediately or soon after eating the food, you show clear and often dramatic symptoms. If you are allergic to fungus, you might develop abdominal cramps within an hour of eating a ragout containing mushrooms. A child with a type 1 reaction to kiwi fruit might experience severe itching in the mouth or vomiting within 15 minutes of eating a kiwi fruit.


Type 1 food allergies they result in high levels of IgE antibodies in the blood so they are easily diagnosed by tests for these antibodies. Many doctors consider IgE mediated allergies to be the only real allergies, yet most food allergies are not Ige mediated. Only 3- 5 % of children and 1-2 % of adults are estimated to be affected by Type l food allergies.


Anaphylaxis - a severe reaction that can be fatal within minutes - is a Type 1 reaction. Warning signs are dizziness, light-headedness, swollen tongue or throat, difficulty breathing, fainting or facial swelling immediately after eating food. Get immediate emergency care.


Type ll. Though not considered a true allergy by more conservative doctors, a Type ll reaction still results in high levels of antibodies, usually IgA, IgG and IgM, as well as the typical inflammatory reactions.


Type lll. Delayed reactions often go unrecognized because the symptoms are not usually obvious, and may occur days after the food is eaten. Also, since they do not involve IgE antibodies, delayed allergy reactions to not show up on standard skin tests or some blood tests. Instead, they manifest as clusters of physical, behavioural and learning symptoms that affect several body systems at once. Type lll allergies are for this reason often called 'hidden' allergies.


A person with Type lll food allergies can suffer from recurring breathlessness, mucous throat, sporadic hyperactivity and emotional swings, chronic stuffy nose, and flu-like symptoms. For another person, symptoms can include headaches, itchy eyes, stomach pains, depression, fatigue, sleep problems, and swollen lymph nodes.


These delayed reaction patterns of food allergy are difficult to diagnose. Yet health practitioners believe that they account for most food allergies, especially in children. In my opinion, any undefined pattern of illness that involves different symptoms and different body symptoms should be taken as a likely sign of food allergy until proven otherwise



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Jiaogulan belongs to the same family of plants as cucumbers and melons, but it does not bear an edible fruit or vegetable. Harvested in the late summer, the leaves of Jiaogulan are dried and used for healthcare products and medicine.

Ancient Chinese medicine has no record of this herb. But recent research has found that it is helpful in anti-aging, boosting energy, combating cancer, prevents tumors, treats ulcers, relieves stress, promotes long life and improves memory, ease pain and adjusting endocrine levels. Jiaogulan is also believed to have calming effects and to be useful in combination with codonopsis for jet lag and altitude sickness.

Its chemical constituents include the triterpenoid saponins gypenosides which are closely structurally related to the ginsenosides from the well-known medicinal plant ginseng. Ginseng alternatives, only jiaogulan actually contains compounds closely related to ginsenosides, although ginsenosides alone do not determine the effectiveness of ginseng. This herb is in the category called "Tonify Qi." This means strengthening energy and vitality.

Little was known about the plant until after the 1960s, when the Chinese began to realize that it might be an inexpensive source of adaptogenic compounds, taking pressure off of the ginseng stock. Think it may be a substitute for the ginseng that was being harvested by the ton. Worried that ginseng would get scarce, they began studies of jiaogulan. Jiaogulan is a plant that is either a female plant or a male plant. When the seeds are wanted from this herb, you must grow both the plants. The jiaogulan does not show any toxic effects.


More importantly for heart health, it also reduces cholesterol, lowers triglycerides, helps regulate blood sugar and reduces inflammation. What's not to like? Gynostemma (Jiaogulan) tea has been used in a Randomized Controlled Trial to treat type 2 diabetic patients.

If you decide to take it you might want to start with a small amount for a short time and see how your body responds before taking it full time.

Although it has long been used for beverages and medicine in southern China, praised in China as the herb of immortality, a Japanese researcher, discovered Jiaogulan have many qualities similar to ginseng. It sparks scientific research on Jiaogulan, revealing it to be a powerful adaptogenic and antioxidant herb with many health-giving properties.

Studies have confirmed the Possible Benefits of Jiaogulan
Studies recently have shown it contains many ingredients found in Asian ginseng. The properties that ginseng is known for such as preventing stress from causing an imbalance in the body have been found in this herb as well.

Scientific studies have confirmed Jiaogulan ability to assist the regulation of serum cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL (bad cholesterol), and HDL (good cholesterol, which helps to metabolize cholesterol from the arteries).

Blood Pressure
Jiaogulan has been widely reported to be effective in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. Although the exact mechanism is still being researched, studies have shown that it improves the metabolism of the heart directly as well as enhances the release of nitric oxide in the body, which helps to relax the coronary blood vessels.

While it is great for regulating cholesterol, it also assists a good weight loss program, by improving and strengthening digestion. At the same time, it helps an underweight person by assisting the absorption of nutrients. This regulatory effect on bodily functions is the hallmark of an Adaptogen.

Strength and Endurance
The results of human studies confirm that Jiaogulan can enhance the contractility of the heart muscle and heart pumping function. Other studies have shown that the saponins (chemical compounds having a soapy characteristic), as well as trace minerals, amino acids, proteins, and vitamins. Jiaogulan increase strength and endurance in the body. Considering these findings overall, Jiaogulan becomes the perfect herb for anyone who wants to improve his competitive edge in any field of athletic performance.

Jiaogulan has also demonstrated an ability to support the immune system when under the siege of various destructive agents.

Adaptogenic Properties
Jiaogulan has a biphasic effect on brain functions, energizing or calming the system depending upon need, as well as on the regulation of hormonal functions in both men and women. The healthy maintenance of these physiological actions plays a major role in the body's ability to cope with stress. It has the ability to adapt and regulate our sympathetic nervous system. Depending on the person or the situation it can calm or excite, yet there is no caffeine found in it.

Antioxidant Properties
The results of many scientific studies show that Jiaogulan powerful antioxidant quality protects against free radical damage.

People called Jiaogulan an 'immortality herb' and sometimes called "Southern Ginseng" or "poor man's ginseng". It was used in the Guizhou Province where people make a tea with the plant. The immortality associated with this herb comes from the fact that the people of this area live to be quite old.

Jiaogulan is a Chinese herb also called the Longevity Herb and in Japan it is called Amachazuru and it is used to increase the Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) in the body. Researchers use the SOD levels in studies as a reliable indicator of long life. SOD is one of the body's most important antioxidants. Human studies have showed that SOD levels can returned to youthful levels after taking it for only one month.

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Healthy Lifestyle topic for today is on Vitamin C

Vitamin C key role is producing collagen and helps us deal with daily wear and tear. Thus, it is one of the nutrients required for strengthening of tissues, increase gum health and can also prevent premature aging and boosting the immunity. Ascorbic Acid or Vitamin C is an essential nutrient found in fruits and vegetables. Fresh raw; foods have the highest concentrations of vitamin c, while whole grains, seeds or beans contain little Vitamin C. Vitamin C is water-soluble and one of the least stable vitamins.

Vitamin C is available in sources like oranges, lemons, gooseberry, papaya, grapefruit, cabbage, broccoli. However, since the vitamin gets washed out while cooking, storage, it is easily oxidized in the air and sensitive to light. It is mostly contained in the watery part of fruits and vegetables, eating raw for better benefit; vitamin C cannot be produce by the body, needed from external sources.
It is unfortunate that most Vitamin C supplement is not natural Vitamin C, and there is not perfect ascorbic acid. Ascorbic Acid can derive from the food (plant).

Health Benefit of Vitamin C:

Allergies and Asthma:
Vitamin C immune system reduces the allergic reaction. Vitamin C with magnesium is beneficial for asthma.

Vitamin C take increases the blood supply to the visual zones of the body help to prevent cataracts in elder.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, protect DNA from free radical damage, Vitamin C also feeds ones lymphocytes, part of the body's first defense system against cancer. High consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits minimised risk of various types of cancer. People with high levels of vitamin C and other antioxidants is less likely to develop cancer of the lung, cervix, colon, pancreas, eosophagus, mouth and stomach. The antioxidants remove all the free radicals and damaging toxins before they can damage cells/DNA and trigger cancer.

Diabetics have problems with low levels of ascorbic acid and other antioxidants in ones tissues. These nutrients need insulin to bring them to one cells. Since diabetics do not produce enough insulin, they have problems with antioxidant levels in general. The antioxidants do not flow when the insulin is low, results in poor control of diabetes and blood sugar level, result in excessive free radical production and consumption of your antioxidant reserves.

Vitamin C certainly helps reduce the risk of developing colds and conditions like lung infections, pneumonia, etc. Consuming oranges, lemons in fruit or juice form can help strengthen the body and prevent attack from seasonal colds.

Collagen is an essential for structural protein in the body, whose primary purpose is tissue growth. If the collagen has the potential to revitalize quickly, by consuming large amounts of vitamin C as required by the body (not overdose!). Its remarkable activity can result in control various medical conditions like muscular pain, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation of blood vessels, gout, aging, rheumatoid fever, etc.

Heart Disease:
Vitamin C is essential for healthy cardiovascular system. Include vitamin E supplement will enhance vitamin C protects against LDL cholesterol in ones bloodstream. It has also lower high-blood pressure individuals with high-blood pressure (hypertension) have a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases.

People with hyper-tension are at high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, vitamin C intake helps in lowering the blood pressure.

Vitamin C assists in the treatment of the respiratory system like asthma, chest colds, bronchitis. It also helps the mucus membrane in the lungs to dry during times of infection. Vitamin C is also use to treat urinary tract infections.

Immune System:
Vitamin C immune system ones the body. White blood cells are the defenders of one's body, which fight against infections like bacterial invasions, and protect the body. However, these cells require high levels of vitamin C to do their job, which is why it is necessary to consume adequate amounts of vitamin C. Vitamin C deficiency can result in weak body, susceptible to infections and illnesses.

Lead Toxicity:
Lead Toxicity is a serious health problem found primarily in children. They have behavioral problems, learning disabilities and have low IQ. It may harm the kidney and increase blood pressure in adults. Vitamin C supplements lower the blood lead level.

Is a gum disease caused due to vitamin C deficiency in the body. Thus, vitamin C helps maintain healthy gums and teeth.

Symptoms are dry skin, hair loss, bleeding hair follicles, swollen or bleeding gums, bleeding eyes, aching joints and bones, fatigue.

If vitamin c deficient in ones diet, the symptoms may take longer to develop and may appear in slightly different ways, such as loss of appetite, poor growth patterns, fatigue, weakness and bleeding beneath the skin.

Women on birth control pills and cigarette smokers are at greater risk of developing a vitamin C deficiency and so are some elderly.

Skin Aging:
Vitamin C function beyond its role as a network antioxidant. Vitamin C needed for the production of collagen, the connective tissue that supports your skin. Collagen needs for the formation of ligaments, bones and blood vessels. It is essentially the cellular glue that holds your body together.

Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid reduce the risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease. Diet vegetables and fruits provide a significant amount of vitamin C, which maintains the blood pressure level. Protects the body from free radicals.

Vitamin C has effectively resulted in proper dilation of blood vessels in the cases of atherosclerosis, congestive heart failure, high cholesterol, and high-blood pressure.

Wounds recovering from surgery:
Vitamin C levels may be low right after surgery. To help speed up healing and fight off infections, Vitamin C level needs to be high. It facilitates the growth of the connective tissues, which fastens up the process of healing of wounds.

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Healthy LifeStyle introduce diet and soup for Lupus Patients.

Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by your immune system attacking your cells and tissue by mistake. It is more common amongst young women. Symptoms are complicated and can change for no apparent reasons.

TCM practitioners have observed some common categories of symptoms in lupus patients. The symptoms are attributed to different types of imbalances in the body. Recommendations for dietary remedies have to be appropriately matched with these symptoms and imbalances.

Try some of the recipes according to the symptoms that you may be exhibiting. Listen to your body carefully. Stop if you do not feel well.

Although many people might be skeptical about the lupus diet, but my hope is that lupus patients will eat well, nourish their bodies and heal their immune systems.

Chinese Pearl Barley Drink

This drink is supposed to be good for lupus patients who suffer from high and persistent fever and have rashes on the face or all over the body.

15-30g chinese pearl barley or coix seeds
Sugar to taste

  1. Cook the barley with water until soft
  2. Add sugar to taste
  3. Drink a cup daily

Mung Bean Sprout Juice

Mung bean sprouts has a detoxifying effect and has been quite effective on patients experiencing pain and inflammation in the joints, suffer from fever, feel thirsty all the time, and have facial rashes.

500g fresh mung bean sprouts
Sugar to taste

  1. Wash the bean sprouts thoroughly
  2. Wrap them in a muslin cloth and crush to release the juice
  3. Add the sugar to the juice and drink

Astragalus congee with red dates and codonopsis root

Suitable for patients suffering from heart palpitations, lower backache, weak limbs, hair fall and fatigue

60g astragalus
30g codonopsis root
10 red dates
100g white glutinous rice
1 litre water
Sugar to taste

  1. Cook the astragalus and codonopsis root till soft
  2. Squeeze the cooked herbs for juice
  3. Place the glutinous rice and red dates in a pot, add water and cook till done
  4. Add the herb juice
  5. Add sugar to taste

Ginseng thickened soup

A tonifying soup to strengthen patients weakened by lupus

100g astragalus
30g American ginseng
50g glutinous rice flour
Sugar to taste
1 litre water

  1. Slice the astragalus into thin slices and wrap them in muslin cloth
  2. Slice the american ginseng into thin slices
  3. Bring the water, American ginseng and astragalus to a boil and lower the heat to a simmer
  4. Simmer until the water is reduced to about 500ml
  5. Add the glutinous rice flour to thicken the soup
  6. Add sugar and serve



The secret of success knows how to deal with your body to maintain peak health condition. But keep in mind that while exercise moves the body, food not only fuels the body but actually makes the body.

Operating at Peak Performance means centering in on the whole of which you are so you feel powerful, healthy, and energetic physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Water obviously supports us to feel better physically, and it also has positive spill-over effects into the mental, emotional and spiritual areas as well.

Nutritional Components of Peak Performance
The amount of energy that can be derived from the food eaten. We know that carbohydrates are important in creating short-term energy or fuel, while fats create a more sustained long-term energy source. Proteins work more in the area of building and rebuilding. So how do we go about getting the highest quality carbohydrates, fats, and proteins available?

...continue reading

TCM Chinese Herbs, Health Benefits of Pseudo Ginseng (Tian Qi) 田七 also known as Tian San Qi (田三七) it belongs to the family is sweet, slightly bitter and warm properties. It is use for treating the liver, stomach and large intestine.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Panax Notoginseng Soup

Medical Function:

Stop bleeding and anticoagulation: anticoagulation of platelets, promotes dissolving of fibrinogens.
Relieving pain.
Enhances the effects of adrenocortical hormone: regulate the metabolism of sugar.
Protects liver.
Anti cancer.
Improve capillary circulation: anti fatigue.
Anti aging.
Arrest bleeding (active chemical: dencichine, there is more of that in raw tian qi ).

Cautions Use:

Allergic reaction: face and eyes becomes red and swollen. Numbness in the limbs, dizziness, heaviness in the chest, palpitation, sweating, nausea, arrhythmia

Pseudoginseng should not be used during pregnancy. It has been found that it treats an embryo as a blood clot, and can therefore result in abortion. It should also be used cautiously if someone has weak blood (anemia, fatigue, etc.) and no blood stagnation. In such a case it should only be used along with herbs that strengthen the blood. It has the capacity to cause the expulsion of blood clots lodged anywhere in the system.


Pseudoginseng Root (Tien Qi or San Qi)

In contrast to Salvia, Pseudoginseng (also called Notoginseng) is in the category of herbs that stop bleeding (hemostatic herbs). In other words it causes blood to clot.

If this seems contradictory to what someone would want for increasing circulation, consider that this herb is unique among hemostatics because it is the only one that also helps disperse stagnant blood. In fact its classical uses include treating pain from stagnant blood, including chest and abdominal pain as well as pain from traumatic injuries.

In addition, like Salvia, Pseudoginseng improves blood flow to the heart while lowering cholesterol. It is a very important herb in the Chinese herbal pharmacy.

"The miracle root for the preservation of health and life," as it is called by the Chinese, stands as one of the most excellent health preserving herbs known to mankind. Panax Pseudoginseng, also commonly called Tienchi ginseng, is a relative of Panax Ginseng. It is a superb blood tonic and blood cleanser when cooked. It is a powerful blood vitalizing agent when consumed raw, and it believed by the Chinese to protect the heart and vascular system. It can be used externally to stop bleeding. It is widely used in Chinese herbalism internally as a tonic after traumatic injury. It is one of China's premier longevity herbs.

Whole, fresh roots of Superior Grade A Tienchi are used to guarantee the total benefits of the most potent ginseng available anywhere. Yunnan Tienchi is worldwide famous for its superior quality, purity and pollutionlessness. Tienchi is called "the pioneer of the ginseng field." Researchers have found up to 42 trace elements and minerals in Tienchi roots. An important element in Tienchi, germanium, is especially prevalent in Yunnan Superior Grade A Tienchi. Germanium is an electrolytic conductor. This makes possible the construction of transistors in the body. Tienchi is believed to help increase the supply of oxygen in the blood.

History China's most famous herbalist, Li Chih Shen, said that "Tienchi is more valuable than gold." Since ancient times Tienchi has been taught as a premier life-preserver and general tonic, building the blood and strengthening the primary energy.

It has long been recognized as one of China's best blood tonics, and has been used to improve circulation and to prevent anxiety. Nutritional Value Like Panax ginseng, a tremendous amount of scientific research has been done on Tienchi. As a matter of fact, Tienchi now seems to be even more valuable, with the research bringing to light a number of actions of this herb that make it of special interest in these modern times. A great deal of scientific research has been conducted on raw Tienchi. Tienchi contains three particularly important substances: Saponin A, Saponin B, and flavonoides. Tienchi is also rich in Iron, Calcium and proteins.

It appears that these substances provide raw material for the human synthesis of major adrenal hormones such as cortisol and reproductive hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. Tienchi has also been found to promote non-specific RNA to deploy amino acids to form gamma globulin which acts as an antibody for the control and prevention of general diseases. The most astounding and significant research findings, however, revolve around Tienchi's ability to positively affect the heart and its tributaries. Chinese research indicates that Tienchi increases blood flow in the coronary artery (the artery that supplies the heart itself with blood) and increases the consumption of oxygen in the middle muscular layer of the heart. This results in the lowering of blood pressure and in improving regularity of the heartbeat.

This has led to the finding that Tienchi can prevent insufficiency caused by stagnation of blood in the heart. Research further indicates that Tienchi can relieve chest pain and/or the feeling of oppression in the chest due to angina pectoris induced by coronary insufficiency. Tienchi has also been found to arrest both internal and external bleeding, while being able to disperse blood clots. Tienchi has further been demonstrated to significantly reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood and coatings in the arteries.

What is Lupus?

Lupus is an autoimmune disease where the body's immune system becomes hyperactive and attacks normal, healthy tissue. This results in symptoms such as inflammation, swelling, and damage to joints, skin, kidneys, blood, the heart, and lungs.

Under normal function, the immune system makes proteins called antibodies in order to protect and fight against antigens such as viruses and bacteria. Lupus makes the immune system unable to differentiate between antigens and healthy tissue. This leads the immune system to direct antibodies against the healthy tissue - not just antigens - causing swelling, pain, and tissue damage.

What causes lupus?

Since lupus is known to occur within families, doctors believe that it is possible to inherit a genetic predisposition to lupus. There are no known genes, however, that directly cause the illness. It is probable that having an inherited predisposition for lupus makes the disease more likely only after coming into contact with some environmental trigger.

The higher number of lupus cases in females than in males may indicate that the disease can be triggered by certain hormones. Physicians believe that hormones such as estrogen regulate the progression of the disease because symptoms tend to flare before menstrual periods and/or during pregnancy.

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My Comment:

This is good it explain very clear how traditional chinese medicine works. Traditional Chinese Medicine takes time in healing with no side effect, unlike western medication antibiotic it does have side effect.

Chinese Traditional Medicine is based around the idea of restoring balance to the body. Unfortunately, Chinese Traditional Medicine does itself no PR favours by referring to this as Qi – which literally translated means life force or health. To put it in more practical and scientific terms, many of the afflictions that affect the body are caused by chemical imbalances and Chinese Traditional Medicine focuses on restoring this balance.

Unlike western medicine, which attempts to pinpoint a specific disease or infection as the cause of your illness and treat it, Chinese traditional medicine takes a wider, holistic view of the both symptoms and treatment.