Tag Archives: Exercise

The secret of success knows how to deal with your body to maintain peak health condition. But keep in mind that while exercise moves the body, food not only fuels the body but actually makes the body.

Operating at Peak Performance means centering in on the whole of which you are so you feel powerful, healthy, and energetic physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Water obviously supports us to feel better physically, and it also has positive spill-over effects into the mental, emotional and spiritual areas as well.

Nutritional Components of Peak Performance
The amount of energy that can be derived from the food eaten. We know that carbohydrates are important in creating short-term energy or fuel, while fats create a more sustained long-term energy source. Proteins work more in the area of building and rebuilding. So how do we go about getting the highest quality carbohydrates, fats, and proteins available?

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