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Healthy Lifestyle topic for today is on Vitamin C

Vitamin C key role is producing collagen and helps us deal with daily wear and tear. Thus, it is one of the nutrients required for strengthening of tissues, increase gum health and can also prevent premature aging and boosting the immunity. Ascorbic Acid or Vitamin C is an essential nutrient found in fruits and vegetables. Fresh raw; foods have the highest concentrations of vitamin c, while whole grains, seeds or beans contain little Vitamin C. Vitamin C is water-soluble and one of the least stable vitamins.

Vitamin C is available in sources like oranges, lemons, gooseberry, papaya, grapefruit, cabbage, broccoli. However, since the vitamin gets washed out while cooking, storage, it is easily oxidized in the air and sensitive to light. It is mostly contained in the watery part of fruits and vegetables, eating raw for better benefit; vitamin C cannot be produce by the body, needed from external sources.
It is unfortunate that most Vitamin C supplement is not natural Vitamin C, and there is not perfect ascorbic acid. Ascorbic Acid can derive from the food (plant).

Health Benefit of Vitamin C:

Allergies and Asthma:
Vitamin C immune system reduces the allergic reaction. Vitamin C with magnesium is beneficial for asthma.

Vitamin C take increases the blood supply to the visual zones of the body help to prevent cataracts in elder.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, protect DNA from free radical damage, Vitamin C also feeds ones lymphocytes, part of the body's first defense system against cancer. High consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits minimised risk of various types of cancer. People with high levels of vitamin C and other antioxidants is less likely to develop cancer of the lung, cervix, colon, pancreas, eosophagus, mouth and stomach. The antioxidants remove all the free radicals and damaging toxins before they can damage cells/DNA and trigger cancer.

Diabetics have problems with low levels of ascorbic acid and other antioxidants in ones tissues. These nutrients need insulin to bring them to one cells. Since diabetics do not produce enough insulin, they have problems with antioxidant levels in general. The antioxidants do not flow when the insulin is low, results in poor control of diabetes and blood sugar level, result in excessive free radical production and consumption of your antioxidant reserves.

Vitamin C certainly helps reduce the risk of developing colds and conditions like lung infections, pneumonia, etc. Consuming oranges, lemons in fruit or juice form can help strengthen the body and prevent attack from seasonal colds.

Collagen is an essential for structural protein in the body, whose primary purpose is tissue growth. If the collagen has the potential to revitalize quickly, by consuming large amounts of vitamin C as required by the body (not overdose!). Its remarkable activity can result in control various medical conditions like muscular pain, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation of blood vessels, gout, aging, rheumatoid fever, etc.

Heart Disease:
Vitamin C is essential for healthy cardiovascular system. Include vitamin E supplement will enhance vitamin C protects against LDL cholesterol in ones bloodstream. It has also lower high-blood pressure individuals with high-blood pressure (hypertension) have a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases.

People with hyper-tension are at high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, vitamin C intake helps in lowering the blood pressure.

Vitamin C assists in the treatment of the respiratory system like asthma, chest colds, bronchitis. It also helps the mucus membrane in the lungs to dry during times of infection. Vitamin C is also use to treat urinary tract infections.

Immune System:
Vitamin C immune system ones the body. White blood cells are the defenders of one's body, which fight against infections like bacterial invasions, and protect the body. However, these cells require high levels of vitamin C to do their job, which is why it is necessary to consume adequate amounts of vitamin C. Vitamin C deficiency can result in weak body, susceptible to infections and illnesses.

Lead Toxicity:
Lead Toxicity is a serious health problem found primarily in children. They have behavioral problems, learning disabilities and have low IQ. It may harm the kidney and increase blood pressure in adults. Vitamin C supplements lower the blood lead level.

Is a gum disease caused due to vitamin C deficiency in the body. Thus, vitamin C helps maintain healthy gums and teeth.

Symptoms are dry skin, hair loss, bleeding hair follicles, swollen or bleeding gums, bleeding eyes, aching joints and bones, fatigue.

If vitamin c deficient in ones diet, the symptoms may take longer to develop and may appear in slightly different ways, such as loss of appetite, poor growth patterns, fatigue, weakness and bleeding beneath the skin.

Women on birth control pills and cigarette smokers are at greater risk of developing a vitamin C deficiency and so are some elderly.

Skin Aging:
Vitamin C function beyond its role as a network antioxidant. Vitamin C needed for the production of collagen, the connective tissue that supports your skin. Collagen needs for the formation of ligaments, bones and blood vessels. It is essentially the cellular glue that holds your body together.

Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid reduce the risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease. Diet vegetables and fruits provide a significant amount of vitamin C, which maintains the blood pressure level. Protects the body from free radicals.

Vitamin C has effectively resulted in proper dilation of blood vessels in the cases of atherosclerosis, congestive heart failure, high cholesterol, and high-blood pressure.

Wounds recovering from surgery:
Vitamin C levels may be low right after surgery. To help speed up healing and fight off infections, Vitamin C level needs to be high. It facilitates the growth of the connective tissues, which fastens up the process of healing of wounds.

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