TCM, Health Peak Performance

The secret of success knows how to deal with your body to maintain peak health condition. But keep in mind that while exercise moves the body, food not only fuels the body but actually makes the body.

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Operating at Peak Performance means centering in on the whole of which you are so you feel powerful, healthy, and energetic physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Water obviously supports us to feel better physically, and it also has positive spill-over effects into the mental, emotional and spiritual areas as well.

Nutritional Components of Peak Performance
The amount of energy that can be derived from the food eaten. We know that carbohydrates are important in creating short-term energy or fuel, while fats create a more sustained long-term energy source. Proteins work more in the area of building and rebuilding. So how do we go about getting the highest quality carbohydrates, fats, and proteins available?

1 Take Good Care of Your Body - It's the Only Place You Have to Live
Real health is a great deal more than just 'not being sick' or an absence of disease. Real health is about peak performance physically, mentally and emotionally. You have a high level of strength and energy, emotional balance, a lean slim body, and a sharp and nimble mind. Your strong healthy body has the ability to fight off disease and illness that stalks and pounces on so many people cutting their lives short after years (even decades) of pain, disability and ill health.
Diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes are labeled 'lifestyle' diseases, caused by the way you live your life. Caused by what you do and don't do each and every day in the way of proper nutrition and proper exercise. These diseases are preventable and rob families of their loved ones well before their time.

It is important that our life span is also matched by our health span. Our health is important and we tend to take it for granted until we find ourselves out of health. The knowledge about what it takes to remain healthy and well is vastly increasing every year, which has enabled people to live longer, and to treat more illnesses.

Yet we are producing children today that are now unhealthier and may even die before their parents. It is a sad fact that children being born today are predicted to have a 20-30 year shortened lifespan.

Deficiencies create situations in which millions of people world wide function well below their potential. These deficiencies are lack of proper nutrition and proper exercise. It can mean your blood doesn't pump efficiently, your digestion doesn't break down food properly, your weight keeps increasing, you have constant aches and pains, don't feel well, aren't sleeping properly, are depressed and the list goes on.

Yet your health cannot be left for your doctor to take care of. Your doctor does not look after your health; your doctor only looks after your illnesses. If your doctor says you are well and healthy it means that things have not got so bad that there are enough actual symptoms for a disease diagnosis.

But this can also mean a person it still far from being 'well' and them usually do not feel well either. In fact they are often called the 'walking wounded' as they are not sick enough to be bedridden (yet) but not well to function properly either.

2 Drink Water for Peak Performance
Do you know that drinking it mindfully is an important part of living in Peak Performance?

How Much Water Does My Body Require?
6-8 glasses per day, or roughly half an ounce per pound of body weight. You'll need more if you exercise vigorously, if you're in a warm environment, and if you eat salty foods. If you drink caffeinated beverages or alcohol, you will need to drink an extra glass for each serving of these beverages, because they dehydrate the body.
Benefits of Good Hydration

  • Flushes out toxins from the body
  • We all have these, from pollution in our environment, preservatives, pesticide and herbicides in our food.
  • Improves the functioning of many bodily systems, including digestion, elimination, muscular and nervous activity, etc.
  • Regulates body temperature
  • Increases your physical endurance and physical and mental energy level
  • Controls your appetite
  • Often, we think in our minds we're hungry, but really our body is just dehydrated. It often feels like hunger. If we drink a glass of water, your hunger subsides for awhile. If you wait until you are thirsty, your body is already under-hydrated. Drink before your feel thirsty.
  • Clears your mind
  • Improves the appearance of your skin
  • Your skin will look plumper and moister, and it will have a clearer, more radiant look to it.

3 Eat Right for Peak Performance
Eat and drink so important? Let's go over three reasons. First, proper nutrition is absolutely necessary to
ensure your peak performance. Second, good eating patterns can enhance, while bad eating habits can
sabotage our peak performance. Reasons why you should be aware of what you eat are...well, it's healthy!

A. You need good nutrition in order to achieve your best
Eating and drinking properly will help you achieve your peak performance. Food in your body acts like fuel in your car - it keeps you going, and higher quality food means higher quality performance. Eating the right types and quantities of food will give you a steady supply of energy. Also, the specific nutrients, such as electrolytes, in your foods can help replenish what you lose through sweat. Hydration, or water intake, is just as important. A loss of just 1-2% of body weight from water loss can impair your performance and more than 4% loss is medically dangerous; on the flip side of dehydration, too much water intake can lead to hyponatremia, an equally dangerous condition. By choosing the right foods and hydrating properly, you can also avoid unpleasant effects such as stomach or muscle cramping.

B. You need good nutrition in order to be healthy.
And finally, be aware of your food and water intake is that it is healthy! You probably already know that when you balance the calories you eat with the calories you burn, you maintain a steady weight. But nutrition is more than calories. The other nutrients are important, too. The best way to prevent nutrient deficiencies is to eat a well-balanced diet. Healthy eating means clearer thinking, higher energy levels, stronger bones, and a healthier heart. Besides making you look good and feel great, a healthy diet at your optimum weight allows you to perform your best.

4 Workout Peak Performance
There is no denying the fact that exercise and working out can have a tremendous effect on your physique and overall health. It can help you gain confidence in your appearance while making you feel far younger. What many people do not realize is what you do after the workout routine can be just as important as the workout itself. It is vital you refuel your body and replenish the nutrients that were lost through sweat and burned calories.

5 Sleeps to Achieve and Maintain Peak Performance

Don't abuse your body in your effort to get and maintain peak fitness. You can overdo it. Your body needs a balance of activity and rest to maintain health and peak fitness.

Sleep is necessary for your body to refresh and renew tissues and organs, particularly your brain. While individual needs vary, you should probably get at least six hours of sleep every night. A good night's sleep helps you recharge and help your body function at its best. You'll wake refreshed, full of energy and enthusiasm, feeling alive and ready to go. It's a fundamental contributor to peak fitness.

Remember - take good care of your body - it is the only place you have to live.
One way to assess your level of health and fitness is to be aware of your body's response to stress. First, peak fitness means you're able to respond quickly to emergencies. Like a well-oiled machine, your joints won't slow you down with creaks and catches when you’re at your peak fitness level. Motions will be smooth and comfortable. Second, stress produces illness in less-than-fit bodies. If you have colds, flu, headaches, or stomach problems, you probably aren't at peak fitness. Stress lowers immunity, and healthy bodies have healthy immune responses that result in fewer, less serious illnesses. Some scientists believe that peak fitness is a great way to prevent more serious diseases like cancer.