TCM, Health Benefits of Pumpkin Flesh and Seeds

Health Benefits of Pumpkin Flesh and Seeds

Prostate Cancer – The protective compounds present within the pumpkin seeds, called phytosterols can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. This tasks by shrinking the prostate and stimulating the secretion of chemicals that protect against the transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). High DHT levels can cause swelling of the prostate glands.

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Lower Cholesterol and Cancer Prevention - Pumpkin seeds contain phytosterols, compounds that have been shown to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol and also protect against various cancers.

Osteoporosis - High in zinc, pumpkin seeds are a common defense against osteoporosis. Low intake of zinc is linked to higher rates of osteoporosis.

Anti-Inflammatory Effect – The Beta carotene present in pumpkin seeds and flesh has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of pumpkin protects against joint inflammation and arthritis. Pumpkins have been known to provide relief from inflammation quickly, without the harmful side-effects of anti-inflammatory medicines.

Great on skin – The high amount of Vitamin A, C and E as well as Zinc present in pumpkin, make it an excellent choice for a healthy and glowing skin. A cup of pumpkin seeds per day stops the appearance of wrinkles and keep skin hydrated and nourished.

Prevents Kidney Stones – Have 5 to 10 grams of pumpkin seeds daily. This stimulates the kidneys and prevents the formation of calcium oxalate stones, and pumpkin seed extracts improved bladder function.

Depression – Pumpkin flesh contains L-tryptophan, a chemical compound that triggers feelings of well-being and happiness. Having pumpkin as our daily diet keep our spirits high and prevent depression.

Treatment of Parasites – In different cultures especially China; pumpkins are used as a natural cure for tapeworms and other parasites. Studies show how effective against severe schistosomiasis a parasite contracted from snails.

Diuretics – Pumpkins are natural diuretics. This support in flushing out the toxins and unwanted waste material from the body leaving make us feels refreshed and healthy.

With so much fitness benefits, it is no wonder that pumpkin is an essential part of the Super Foods. Do not shy ignore the flesh or the seeds – instead boil, bake or make them in any form you need.