Glutathione in Foods

Foods that naturally boost glutathione levels are fruits, herbs, vegetables and meats.

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Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, onions, Brussels sprouts and cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, and asparagus are good sources of glutathione.

Watermelon, avocado, fruits rich in vitamin C like oranges, foods containing vitamin E like almonds all contain positive levels of glutathione.

Glutathione is found in raw eggs, fresh, unprocessed meats, garlic, turmeric, and herbs such as cinnamon and cardamom.

Brazil nuts are also an effective source of glutathione. Eating one Brazil nut a few times a week is an acceptable way to increase glutathione levels; however, Brazil nuts are high in calories

Levels of Glutathione in the Body
One of the main causes of law levels of glutathione are free radicals. An increased presence of free radicals in the body can cause oxidative stress. Low levels of glutathione deficiency contribute to oxidative stress, which plays a key role in aging.

Oxidative stress can also worsen many diseases which include Alzheimer’s disease, liver disease, Parkinson’s disease, cystic fibrosis, cancer sickle cell anemia, HIV and AIDS, diabetes, and heart attack. The aging process also causes lower levels of glutathione in the body. By age 20, the body begins to lose between 10-15% of glutathione per decade.

It is important to increase consumption of foods rich in glutathione after age 20. Other ways glutathione is decreased in the body can be from pollution, stress, exposure to poison such as pesticides, and birth control pills and hormone therapy. The higher glutathione levels are the healthier the individual is. High levels of glutathione help to rid the body of toxins and boost the immune system as well as the metabolism and energy levels.

Many dermatologists recommend eating foods high in glutathione to help reduce the signs of aging and improve skin clarity. Raising levels of glutathione in the body has an impact on almost every disease and sickness. An increased presence of glutathione can help to reduce symptoms of and prevent colds and the flu, can increase energy levels, and can slow memory loss.