Monthly Archives: June 2013

Oatmeal and Health.
Reasons to eat Oatmeal, a whole grain, contains both insoluble and soluble fiber. Soluble fiber offers these potential benefits for people with diabetes. Oatmeal is suitable for lowering cholesterol, as it is rich in betaglucan, which is a soluble fiber helps to lower cholesterol also keeps the digestive system function normal. Oatmeal has many health benefits. The main benefits appear to be due to its high levels of dietary fiber and beta-glucan, which helps lower blood glucose, insulin response and lower cholesterol. It shows that including wholegrain oats in one food may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Good reasons to eat Oatmeal, easiest way to get whole grains into your diet is to eat a bowl of oatmeal per day. Recommended eating 3 grams of oat soluble fiber daily in eating whole-grain foods may also help reduce your risk of heart disease.

1. MAINTAINS BLOOD SUGAR CONTROL by slowing down food digestion and smoothing out blood glucose levels.
2. SATISFIES APPETITE by helping one feels fuller longer!

Reasons to Eat Oatmeal is an excellent source vitamins and minerals, vitamin B complex. Vitamin B is ideal for running nervous system normal. Beside oatmeal also contain nutrients like vitamin E, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, calcium, thiamine, protein, silicon, copper and zinc. Thus, it helps in development of bone, teeth and muscle.

Oatmeal contains valuable micro nutrient zinc. Zinc is an essential component of many enzymes and need for metabolism and stabilization of nucleic acid. Zinc also associated with healing of wound, growth, reproduction and glucose tolerance of the human body.

Thiamine is essential for metabolism of branched-chain amino acid, helps in carbohydrate metabolism.

The Benefits of Oatmeal
Reasons to Eat Oatmeal is appropriate for one full digestive system health, body weight, heart, blood sugar levels and insulin levels. People with diabetes are at an increased risk for heart disease. Including Oatmeal each day can help one achieve these nutrients rewards:

• MAINTAIN A HEALTHY BLOOD PRESSURE: For healthy blood pressure levels, eat more oatmeal along with a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy, may help to maintain healthy blood pressure ranges and reduced risk for high-blood pressure.

• One of the richest sources of silicon, which helps restore bones and connective tissue, as well as strengthening hair and nails

• Oats contain compounds may prevent rapid hardening of arteries. Oats contain avenanthramides which include original anti-inflammatory properties for healthier arteries. This may help with disorders such as atherosclerosis.

• High-protein means that helps increase energy levels

• Sooth bloating, indigestion, nervous stomach and other digestive tract problems

• Good food for those who wants to lose weight, because it satisfying and filling and is low in fat

• Relieve itchy skin or insect bites - fill a sock with warm, cooked oatmeal and apply in the affected area.

• Excellent face cleanser and skin softer. Place a small amount of oatmeal in a bowl. Mix with warm water to make a paste and gently rub in a circular motion and rinse off.

• Fiber
Oats are an excellent source of fiber, recommended intake of about 25-30g per day, which is a need to maintain healthy digestive and colon health. It will also help to maintain a healthy weight by keeping one sense fuller for longer, and will also ensure that to have B.E.E.P. Help in ease constipation

• B-Vitamins
Oats are an excellent source of B-vitamins including thiamin, niacin and folate. These micro nutrients are essential for DNA replication and the breakdown of carbohydrate into energy. Having high levels of vitamin B are essential for brain and nervous system functioning

Carbohydrate represents the amount of starches, fiber, and sugars in the product. Being complex carbohydrates oats digested and absorbed by the body more slowly, helping with weight loss. Oats make one feel full after eating them, so one is less likely to overeat, again, helping with weight loss. Oats have a lower GI (glycemic index) than other carbohydrates. High GI foods are rapidly digested and increase blood sugar and insulin to high levels. High GI foods to avoid including white bread and anything with high-sugar content.

• Gluten-Friendly
Although oatmeal contains a small amount of gluten, is well tolerate by both adults and children with celiac disease.

• Beta-glucan
Oats contain a compound called beta-glucan, is a soluble fibre. Beta-glucan content is suitable for one heart. This is true. Beta-glucan reduces cholesterol re-absorption in the stomach and thus reduces total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in the blood. This is ideal for reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease.
• Lowers Cholesterol
Oatmeal contains a significant amount of fiber called beta-glucan that shown to reduce levels of bad cholesterol—and as high cholesterol is a significant risk factor associated with heart disease and strokes, a daily oatmeal could be a life saver! A daily dose of three grams of fiber can lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease by almost half. Oatmeal is a cholesterol-free food that is low in total fat and saturated fat. Proven that as part of a healthy diet, oatmeal can help reduce the “bad” LDL cholesterol levels in one blood. It is one of the best cholesterol lowering foods. BONUS IS IN THE FIBER: Oat-soluble fiber helps to remove the cholesterol from one body. A diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce one risk of coronary heart disease.

• Phytochemicals
Oats contain health-promoting compounds called phytochemicals. Phytochemicals have a number of health promoting rolls in the body and in particular they can help lower blood pressure. This is another area that regular consumption of oats can help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. Oats also provide certain phytochemical, avenanthramides (avns) that no other cereal grain contains. Avns has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and may also reduce one risk of colon cancer.

• If one is looks to lose weight and lower one risk of heart disease or diabetes, consuming oats as a part of a sensible weight loss diet will have a greater impact on one blood pressure and cholesterol than consuming a weight loss diet without oats.

• Boosts Immune System
Oatmeal’s beta-gluten fiber does more than keep one heart. Beta-gluten can also amp up one immune systems and help fight bacterial infections by helping nonspecific immune cells called neutrophils (one body’s first line of defense against pathogens) quickly locate and repair infected tissues.

• Special Antioxidants for Heart Protection
Oatmeal not only lowers bad cholesterol but protects good cholesterol! Oatmeal contains antioxidants called avenanthramides that prevent free radicals from attacking good cholesterol, which also helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Contains natural antioxidants that can reduce the risk of heart disease

• Stabilizes Blood Sugar
Oatmeal is so rich in fiber, eating it help stabilize the blood sugar, throughout the day and keep those mid-morning or mid-afternoon “crashes”, that results from eating refined sugars and carbs.

• Lowers Risk of Diabetes
Blood sugar, eating oatmeal can also help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Oatmeal contains high amounts of magnesium, which help the body to use glucose and secrete insulin. The type 2 diabetes risk in women with a magnesium-rich diet and risk reduction in women who regularly ate whole grains, rated as a low glycemic food, it helps diabetics manage their blood glucose levels.

• Prevents Breast Cancer
A diet rich in fiber can protect against breast cancer, particularly if the fiber comes from whole grains. It found that premenopausal women who ate fiber, from whole grains had less chance of developing breast cancer than those who sources fiber from fruit only.

So we have identified a lot of reasons to eat oatmeal. Healthy Lifestyle will love readers to leave their feedback, comment and share on this article.