TCM, Fruits and Fruit Nutritious

Fruits and Foods Nutritions (fruit food) contain many human needs of nutrition and health (health food) components, its beneficial effects for the body. Fruit has become daily meals to most people.

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Fruit contains pectin, cellulose, and wood quality is dietary fiber can promote intestinal to prevent constipation, prevent entanglement colorectal cancer, conducive to a person in the of lead and other heavy metal from body discharge; reduced cholesterol of absorption; for intestinal in the of common bacteria propagation provides places and food, conducive to maintain intestinal in the of bacteria mass balance. Fruits are also rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and other minerals that metabolic products of alkaline, call alkaline food.

Meat, fish, eggs, aquatic products, soy products and other food are the result of acidic, belonging to the acid forming foods. Only in weakly basic conditions of human metabolism will function properly.

Now people eat more food high protein, high fat and high intensity, the blood acidic, so fruit to neutralize acidic environment, maintain normal pH is of crucial significance.
One’s body needs vitamins sources in addition to the vegetable, and fruit vitamin c has a synergistic effect.

In addition, fruit, protease in promoting protein (protein foods) digestion (digested food), citrus, cherry, lemon, and other fruits of hippophae rhamnoides in the free radical scavenging effect of flavonoid compounds.

Fruits and foods nutritious play a pivotal, eating it correctly is essential.

In general rule, before breakfast fruit cocktail can both stimulate vitamin absorption, after the human gastrointestinal tract after a night of rest, the function activated, digestive function is not strong, but the body also requires fair nutrients, eat fruit for easy digestion and absorption, require for work and study activities provided by the sustenance in the morning. If take before dinner a suitable choice, is the fruit that are not so acidic, pucker taste, such as Apple (Apple foods), pears, bananas, grapes (grape food).

At 10 am in the morning, because after the tension of work and learning, carbohydrates has running out, at this time eat a fruit, the fructose and glucose can affect body absorption, to supplementary mind and body the right energy, and at this stage, the body absorption is most active, fruit high in vitamin and mineral, enhance the body metabolism. In traditional Chinese medicine: 10 am in the morning is rising Yang, spleen and stomach in the high of the day when selecting fruit at this time the lack of the spleen and stomach, more beneficial to the body to absorb. Take fruit 1 hour after meal helps in digestion, pineapple, Kiwi, Orange, Hawthorn fruit is a good choice.

Take fruit after dinner does not conducive to digestion, and remarkably easy to over eat, where sugars convert into fat accumulation in the body.

Fruit have a variety of essential vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fiber, protein and fat and other nutrients can develop excellent health, thus preventing disease, beauty (beauty foods) effect, is the most popular in natural health food. If one likes to eat fruit this morning, most effects to the human body, better nutrition, result in data conducive to human health.

This is because the body after a night rest gastrointestinal function activated digestive function is not strong one need variety of micronutrient supplementation eating natural digestion, and absorption of fruits and foods nutritious at this time meet the nutrients needed to work or study activities this morning.

Fruit itself had less heat effect, it belongs to the low energy food if one eat fruit first and then eat food, fruit occupies a small volume in the stomach, is conducive to reducing the amount of food to stop eating too much heat, weight control, obesity prevention has a pivotal role.

For one who needs to lose weight (weight-loss foods) eats fruits in meals than the control diet had a stronger effect. However, for people with normal weight or gaining weight, eat fruits after a meal and when varied by one’s opinion.

If one had a hearty meal, flatten the stomach heave; take one’s fruit 1-2 hours after a meal; if one look for a light meal or fatty food can eat fruit together with meal. Many people have experience, during summer eat half a watermelon daily, result in a summer down and long for meat meal. This is due to increased quick meals a lot of sugar and impact of increase in fat.

Regardless of meal after, meal before bearing in minds this-point:
First, do not eat sour taste fruit on an empty stomach, is too strong, avoid the stomach produces stimulating, may also be dissolved, and the creation of proteins in the stomach is not easy to structure.

Second, do not eat fruits immediately after a meal, this block reached in finding fruits and foods nutritious in the stomach, causing the fruit which not meant for digestion in the stomach, but the fermentation in the stomach, causing symptoms such as abdominal distention and diarrhea or constipation, worst can causes digestive disorders, also brings extra energy.


Correct Way to eat fruits
When to take fruit? Fruits before other foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner, are excellent because fruits are easy to digest and nutrients are easy to assimilate by the digestive tract. At an interval of time an hour before or between meals is also suitable, fruits can reach a height of efficiency. Most of fruits nutrients are water-soluble and easily absorbed, so fruit nutrient can easily be absorb in the stomach by the digestive tract. If taking fruits after meals, gastric surface here because there is other food waiting for digestion, fruit is behind the queue, not only does not meet the effects of nutrients absorbed, easily lead to disruption of digestive function.

Taking fruits before “Dinner” also have the advantage, because the same amount of fruit compared to other food calorie, low fruit calories make sense of stomach full, this will reduce calorie intake of other foods, is helpful for those who want to slim down.

To note are: some of the fruit should not be eaten on an empty stomach, such as tomatoes, Bell, such as bananas, oranges, sugarcane, lychee, because some special components, can cause gastrointestinal irritation.

When choosing fruit, select different category color fruit consumption as much as possible (containing different colors represent differences in nutrient), can obtain different nutrients!

Fruits have different functions for different color:
Purple fruit: such as blueberries, blackberries, containing anthocyanins, anti-aging.
White fruit: such as PEAR, white peach, containing sulfide, lower cholesterol.
Yellow fruit: such as citrus, grapefruit, carotene, Increase Immunity.


Fruit suit one Constitution
People have different physical; each fruit had its own distinct fruits quality nutritional value and medicinal value varied. A careful fruit lover, eat fruits and foods nutritious make others uncomfortable, by choosing according to one physical, so beneficial effect is twice!

Constitution classification is unique principles of traditional medicine in the world, which often heard from the cold, heat, virtual and real.

Cold Constitution: body has less body heat, hand and foot is cold, pale looking, and likes to drink hot drinks, less likely to be thirsty, even in the summer heat in the air-con area need to have a hot drink or a coat to keep warm.

Heat Constitution: have more thermal energy, one look red, burning tongue dry easily, like cold drinks; feel more comfortable in air con room during the summer.


Fruits and Foods Nutritious properties verse body form in Chinese medicine, Chinese believes that food for the body will have a “cold temperature and heat temperature” role. Therefore, each fruit has its “personality”.

Chinese medicine emphasizes balance, balance of yin and Yang, so a person with physical intensity eats cold food, and a person with physical partial cold normally eat warm food, principles of fruit as well.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that fruit intensity refers to heat high density, high sugar content of fruit. Such a fruit eaten, easy to set fire, physical energy increases. Conversely, low calorie density, are rich in fiber, but remarkably little fat, sugar and fruit, are from the cold, eat such fruits; fiber and water absorb stomach capacity. If a person eats other nutritious food with less energy, not physical, become more and more afraid of cold and pale.