TCM, Body Chemistry, Fast Oxidizer or Slow Oxidizer & Body Weight

Body Chemistry, Fast Oxidizer or Slow Oxidizer and Body Weight: The metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy referred to as oxidation. Energy formed and released at different stages during two cycles - glycolysis and the citric acid cycle. To get most of the energy out of foods, both cycles need to work at the right rate. If carbohydrates and amino acids oxidized too slowly ("slow oxidation") in one cycle or too fast in another cycle ("rapid oxidation"), energy production reduced. Both fast and slow oxidizers suffer from inefficient energy production but for different biochemical reasons. The most common symptoms of a fast or slow oxidative rate are FATIGUE, EMOTIONAL DURESS of some type, LOWERED RESISTANCE to infections, a LOW BODY TEMPERATURE, GALL BLADDER or LIVER PROBLEMS, and being over or under WEIGHT. One’s oxidation rate influenced by both genetics and the food. Thus, what one eats affects the rate of oxidation and energy production which in turn affects one mental, emotional, behavioral, and in some cases, physical characteristics.

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The characteristics of slow oxidation tend to be of the alkaline, hypo-active quality. Slow oxidizers tend to have remarkably little appetite, an aversion to rich proteins and fats, low but steady energy levels, depression, digestive problems due to lack of hydrochloric acid production, calcium deposits, poor fat metabolism, apathy, lethargy, repressed emotions, introversion, belching, premature aging, and often feel cold. A slow oxidizer often finds he/she thinks and feels better if after a heavy dinner, he/she does not eat anything after arising the next morning. For this reason, he/she should not eat a substantial breakfast. High intensity, short duration exercise, poorly tolerated and for the slow oxidizer needs to be of low intensity and long term (aerobic).

Slow oxidizers have problems metabolizing carbohydrates and tend to have higher blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) after an oral glucose tolerance test. Slower oxidizers have lower levels of blood lipid (cholesterol, triglyceride) and citric acid cycle intermediates and higher levels of pyruvate and lactate. They tend to be able to keep their breath for a relatively long time and have a slightly lower pulse rate.

Dietary recommendations for the slow oxidizer:


PROTEINS: low fat, low purine type such as selected fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, low fat dairy CARBOHYDRATES: vegetables,

SUPPLEMENTS: Emphasize activated vitamin B1, B2, and B6, niacin. and potassium citrate, magnesium citrate and chloride, copper, manganese aspartate, and iron. PABA, vitamin C and D, and chromium recommended.

Eat a light breakfast (that contains protein) and check calcium.


Whole fruits, lean beef, lamb, natural and whole grains, breads and cereals, cold-processed non-hydrogenated vegetable oil (ex: olive is the preferred source).


HIGH FAT or HIGH PURINE PROTEINS: fatty red meat, salmon, tuna, herring, anchovies, high purine proteins such as liver, caviar, meat concentrates, artichoke hearts, and inexpensive purine containing foods such as beans, peas, lentils, cauliflower, spinach, and asparagus.

FATTY FOODS: lard, butter, oils, fatty meats, nuts, avocado, high fat pastries low in flour such as cheese cake, Danish, and torts. High fat content DAIRY products like cheese and cream.

CARBOHYDRATES: sugars, fruit juices, alcoholic beverages, and meals consisting mainly of starches and sugars.


The characteristics of fast oxidation tend to be of the acid, hyper-active quality. Most women tend to be fast oxidizers. Fast oxidizers tend to have healthy appetites, crave and do well on rich proteins and fatty foods, tend to get hyper yet feel exhausted underneath, feel anxious, nervous, jittery, have serious emotional ups and downs, feel too warm, irritable, impatient, are competitive and usually extroverted.

Fast oxidizers tend to have low blood sugar (reactive hypoglycemia) and higher levels of blood cholesterol and triglyceride and citric acid cycle intermediates. Bilirubin commonly found in the urine. They tend to be unable to hold their breath a long time (one can consider the fast oxidizer functionally anemic due to low oxygen capacity in the blood) and have a slightly faster pulse rate. Exercise should be of high intensity and short term (anaerobic) if normal or underweight but aerobic (walking, biking, etc.) if overweight.

FOODS RECOMMENDED for a Fast Oxidizer

FATS/PROTEINS: all meats (especially beef, lamb, and venison), fish (especially tuna and salmon) and fowl, especially high fat, high purine (adenine) types: such as anchovies, brains, meat gravies, soups, heart, herring, caviar, kidney, liver, sweetbreads, mussels, sardines, tuna, and meat extracts. Foods with low purine ideas include meat, shellfish (clams, crabs, lobster, oysters, and shrimp), asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, lentils, yeast, whole grain breads and cereals, beans, peas and mushrooms.

NUTS & SEEDS: almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds

CARBOHYDRATES: cauliflower, beans, peas, lentils, broccoli, barley, corn, sprouted grains (sprouting destroys the phytates that bind calcium)

SUPPLEMENTS: Should include vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B12, niacin amide, calcium pantothenate, bioflavonoids, choline, inositol, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, and zinc. Carnitine.

Eat a full breakfast. Eat frequently


PROTEINS: milk, buttermilk, cottage cheese, eggs VEGETABLES: root vegetables (carrots, beets, yams, potatoes, radishes, and onions), lettuce, green peppers, cabbages, pickles, cucumbers, and tomatoes


SWEETS & STARCHES: - simple carbohydrates like glucose, maltose, fruit juices, honey, corn syrup, highly glycemic foods like white bread, white rice, soft drinks, catsup, and meals consisting mainly of starches and sugars.

MISCELLANEOUS: spices, gravy, alcohol, and caffeinated drinks such as coffee, colas or tea. SUPPLEMENTS: limit vitamin B1 (thiamine) and vitamin B3 (niacin) because they grow Coenzyme A and increase carbohydrate oxidation; vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) because they increase the breakdown of amino acids leading to a faster citric acid cycle activity and more CO2 generation; glucogenic amino acids (Alanine, Glycine, and Serine), and citrates.


Body Chemistry, Fast Oxidizer or Slow Oxidizer & Body Weight: ABOUT either a SLOW or FAST OXIDATIVE RATE Never eat a meal that is mostly carbohydrates. Avoid all "trans" fats (hydrogenated vegetable oils).

Any sharp shift in the weather tends to further disturb one's metabolism in the way it usually tends. Fast oxidizers go faster, and slow oxidizers go slower.

Common pesticides, paints, and chemicals can distract the energy producing abilities of tissues.

In addition to knowing what foods to use sparingly and what foods to emphasize - make sure the status of your diet contains enough of the correct protein at every meal (about 1 gram per kilogram/2.2 pounds of ideal body weight a day).

The metabolites of protein-derived sugar stored in the liver as glycogen and converted to glucose when sugar derived directly from carbohydrates in the diet runs out. The gradual digestion of protein keeps a reasonable and running glycogen (and therefore blood sugar) reserve. That is not to mention protein can be substituted for sugar and starch in the diet, for without available glucose, protein cannot be converted into glycogen.

Alcohol depletes glycogen storage in the liver causing an increase in blood sugar. Alcohol also increases the demand for carbohydrates (by directly broken down into acetyl CoA of the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle) and the resultant nutrients needed to metabolize it.

If think the "need of a drink," do not. One need energy (ATP derived from oxidation)! Eat animal products limited or natural; avoid overcooked animal products since heat destroys essential amino acids (Phe, Lys, Thr, His, Tryp) and beneficial enzymes.

An easy way to calculate the amount is to divide one ideal body weight by 15 to get the number of ounces of cooked meat to be consumed per day. Ex: 150 pound Ideal Body Weight = 10 ounces).