Tag Archives: meal mover

Hawthorn (Shan Zha), also known as red berries, Shan Lihong, rouge fruit. China has 3,000 years of cultural history. According to the Chinese Center for Disease Control Nutrition and Food Safety of the latest tests showed that Hawthorn is rich in many nutrients, especially the: hectogram Hawthorn (Shan Zha) flesh, Eat Hawthorn (Shan Zha) will have a positive anti-aging, beauty, anti-cancer and prevention of arterial atherosclerosis of the role. Hawthorn (Shan Zha) itself is a rare health food. Hawthorn (Shan Zha) is rich in carbohydrates. Things like dietary fiber, vitamin C, calcium, iron, potassium and other mineral elements.

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) acid has anti-tumor, anti-HIV, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, anti-bacteria, and the promotion of meat digestion, weight loss and beauty, and other effects, the Hawthorn (Shan Zha) contains flavonoids with the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases task.

Modern medicine has proved that Hawthorn (Shan Zha) contains citric acid, malic acid, ascorbic acid, sugar and protein, carbohydrates. Lowering blood pressure, and promote the role of gastrointestinal digestion. Chinese medicine believes that hawthorn may spleen consumer product, the weight loss support. Assist analysis of secondary obesity.

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) most notable success is the digestion, Chinese medicine, surface digestion with malt, rice digestion buds with rice, meat digestion with Hawthorn (Shan Zha). When the body of a one-time intake of meat excessive consumption of hawthorn have a significant digestion. Hawthorn (Shan Zha) aids digestion theory does not exist the ability to spleen and stomach, but only can stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, in this way but also stimulation the stomach, suffering from stomach problem should not be fasting drinking the Hawthorn (Shan Zha) water or eat Hawthorn (Shan Zha), especially for gastritis, hyperacidity, gastric ulcer and reflux gastritis and esophagitis patients will be worse. Control the amount of intake Hawthorn (Shan Zha), not only do the lipid-lowering role of weight loss, but also lead to serious gastrointestinal problems. While taking Hawthorn (Shan Zha) tea, it is difficult to control the intake, if drinking Hawthorn (Shan Zha) tea whole day, it clearly detrimental to the stomach. Therefore, taking Hawthorn (Shan Zha) tea should pay attention to the amount consumed, otherwise not a lipid-lowering, but likely to cause gastrointestinal upset, not worth the candle.

The role of Hawthorn (Shan Zha) first digestion, consumer product food, use and support digestion. Traditional Chinese medicine theory holds that the surface (eat) digestion with malt, rice (to eat) digestion with rice shoots, meat (eating) digestion with Hawthorn (Shan Zha). Hawthorn (Shan Zha) to aid digestion, people with stomach problem should not drink hawthorn (Shan Zha) tea, hyperacidity, gastritis, gastric ulcer, reflux gastritis; reflux esophagitis is not suitable for drinking.

Insist on having Hawthorn (Shan Zha) tea once a day, require time in order to achieve the lowering blood pressure, moderate blood vessels. The experts recommend daily use of Hawthorn (Shan Zha) portion of 25 g. Accompanied by step-down the cassia seed, Hawthorn (Shan Zha) tea antioxidant polygonum multiflorum, would be better.

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) Effect:
Governance meat product, phlegm, fullness, intestinal wind, low back pain, hernia, post-natal child occipital pain, not the lochia children milk food stagnation. Digestion stomach, qi and blood stasis. Used for meat Indigestion, fullness of stomach alkyl, Xie Li abdominal pain and bleeding amenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis, the confidant tingling, hernia pain, hyperlipidemia. The leaves are edible and, if picked in the months of April and May, they are tender enough to be used in salads.

Medicinal use
In recent years, this program had been noted and adopted by Chinese herbalists as well. Hawthorn (Shan Zha) also used as an aid to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and treat some heart related diseases. Hawthorn (Shan Zha) widely use in weight loss pills and other weight loss program.

Side effects
Overdose can cause cardiac arrhythmia and dangerously lower blood pressure. Milder side effects include nausea and sedation. Digestion product scattered bleeding, taeniafuge.

Chinese Name: Shan Zha
English Name: Hawthorn Fruit

Clinical Usage and Indications
Reduces and moves food stagnation outward - accumulation of meat and/or fatty foods with distention, pain, diarrhea. Transforms blood stasis, dissipates clumps - post-partum abdominal pain, hernial disorder.

Stops diarrhea (when partially charred).

Dosage and Preparation Notes
Dosage: 9-15g
Channels/Meridians Influenced

Associated Temperature and Taste
Sour (Suan)
Sweet (Gan)
Warm (Wen)

The leaves, berries and flowers, used medicinally. These items carry bioflavonoids, which include a variety of cardiovascular benefits, including a reduction in hypertension, increased coronary artery blood flow and improved delivery of the heart muscle. Large scale clinical trials have confirmed that Hawthorn (Shan Zha) is effective in treating patients with early-stage and mild congestive heart failure. Other smaller studies have shown that it may help patients with angina and abnormal heart rhythms.

What is the amount of Hawthorn (Shan Zha) should I use?
Many herbalists recommend taking 80-300mg of a Hawthorn (Shan Zha) extract, either in capsule or tablet form, two to three times a day. If traditional preparations used 4-5 grams per day or 4-5ml of a Hawthorn (Shan Zha) tincture three times daily.

When using Hawthorn (Shan Zha), make sure to use only standardized Hawthorn (Shan Zha) products. Look for a label that says the product contains between 4-20mg of flavonoids and 30-160mg oligomeric procyanidins, or 1.8% vitexin rhamnoside/10% procyanidins.

What forms of Hawthorn (Shan Zha) are available?
Hawthorn (Shan Zha) tea by combining dry cut, Hawthorn (Shan Zha) leaves, flowers and berries in boiling water.

What can happen if I drink too much Hawthorn (Shan Zha) tea? Are there any interactions I should be aware of? What precautions should I do?

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) is extremely secure. The American Herbal Products Association has given Hawthorn (Shan Zha) a class I level, meaning it is a safe herb with a wide dosage range. Nevertheless, it is always wise to follow the recommended dosage. In addition, pregnant or lactating should not use hawthorn.

Berries, flowers, and leaves of Hawthorn (Shan Zha) used medicinally as cardiac tonics. They work in different ways to nourish the heart functions.

Olegomeric Proanthocyanadins are key flavonoid constituents of Hawthorn (Shan Zha) particularly strong in young leaves. They have a profound antioxidant effect subdue inflammation support healthy blood vessels and strengthen the capabilities of vitamin C.

Meal Mover
Hawthorn (Shan Zha) is well known in Asian as Meal Mover.
It is a Chinese herbal medicine which promotes weight loss by removing stagnation of food and attending to digestion. Meal Mover is a regulator of Qi, and triggers off peristalsis. It is appropriate for most people, assisting those with underactive digestion, through excessiveness, inadequacy, strength, weakness, poor sustenance or over indulgence.

Meal Mover can also be utilized for indigestion associated with hyper or hypo stomach acidity, incompetent digestion of animal protein, vegetable fiber, fats and starches, regular cravings, and irregular appetite. Additionally, Meal Mover utilized for uncertainty distinguishing between satiety and hunger, cramping, regurgitation, sickness and bloating. Additionally, delayed digestion or slow-moving peristalsis, congestion, drowsiness or lethargy after consuming food.

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) contains tartaric acid, citric acid, saponin, fructose, vitamin c, vitamin B, niacin, calcium, iron, selenium, flavonoids and other nutrients. High content of vitamin c which is only less, than jujube fruit and kiwi fruit; carotene and calcium content is also excellent. Therefore, elderly people eat Hawthorn (Shan Zha) products can enhance the appetite, improve sleep, maintain bone and blood calcium homeostasis, prevention of atherosclerosis, people live longer it seen like Hawthorn (Shan Zha) is “longevity food.”

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) can prevent cardiovascular disease, with the expansion of blood vessels, increase coronary blood flow, improve cardiac activity, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, moderate blood vessels and a diuretic and calming effect. Hawthorn (Shan Zha) acid also cardiac function in elderly heart disease also has benefits.

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) appetizer digestion, there is the power of promoting blood circulation and help alleviate local congestion state, there are secondary effects of traumatic injury. In addition, the Hawthorn (Shan Zha) effect on the uterine contraction can stimulate uterine recovery after childbirth.

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) contains flavonoids and vitamin C, carotene and other substances can prevent and reduce the production of free radicals, can improve the body’s resistance, anti-aging, anti-cancer effect.

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) has the structure of reduce asthma and phlegm; suppress bacteria, treatment of abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) common nutrients is incredible
Haw preserved from the Hawthorn (Shan Zha) or Tang Hu Lu, and Hawthorn (Shan Zha) to begin with both of these snacks are appropriate for our digestion, Hawthorn (Shan Zha) is extremely healthy food. Do not under estimate Hawthorn (Shan Zha).

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) contains the majority of nutritional components of it, for your health and beauty has a tremendous extensive use. It might be small Hawthorn (Shan Zha), but fresh in Hawthorn fruit per 100 g contains vitamins C89 mg, second only to the fresh jujube, Kiwi ranked third in the fruit, vitamin B2 content 5 times higher than the Apple, and banana, side by side with its first fruits; carotene 0.82 g is Apple’s 10 times; even more impressive is the extent of calcium-containing, as high as 85 mg, also being on the forefront of fruits and vegetables in the Group fruits after olive. Hawthorn (Shan Zha) is most suitable for children, pregnant women and the elderly’s need for calcium. Also, contain iron, Nick acid and protein, fat, carbohydrates and other nutrients.

As fruits of hawthorn (Shan zha), Hawthorn (Shan Zha) fruit, famous as Beijing candied haws on a stick, a chain of mountains red, sweet and delicious. Hawthorn (Shan Zha) not only sour and sweet in taste, can stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, appetite, digestion, also has a variety of therapeutic value.

Experts said fresh fruits of Hawthorn (Shan Zha) vitamin e ranked the highest it also contains rich protein, amino acids, and sodium, potassium, manganese and other minerals. In addition, pectin content in Hawthorn (Shan Zha) fruit comes first. Have lower cholesterol and blood sugar, pectin gallstone prevention effectiveness. According to the latest research, there is radiation protection impact of pectin, take half of the radioactive elements from the body – such as strontium, cobalt and Palladium. In addition, there are large amounts of dietary fiber in Hawthorn (Shan Zha).

Hawthorn’s (Shan Zha) most foremost is an aid to digestion, treating diarrhea popular prescriptions, eliminating meat, top of Hawthorn (Shan Zha)is dedicated to eliminating meat from backup. Dietary fiber is intestinal “scavenger”, can promote intestinal motility and secretion of digestive glands, in favor of food digestion and excretion of wastes.

An aid to digestion: Hawthorn (Shan Zha) is rich in organic acids, dietary fiber, food can play a role in promoting gastric juice secretion and gastrointestinal peristalsis, which play an important role of in aid digestion, increase appetite, eliminating indigestion; and its contained some solutions of lipase can aid the digestion of fatty foods.

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) has excellent effectiveness of prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Experts said because of several active substances in Hawthorn (Shan Zha), triterpenes such substance, and flavonoid constituents, strengthening and regulating myocardial coronary, blood flow, heart function, moderate blood vessels. Increasing ventricular atrial, movement amplitude, preventing cardiac arrhythmia due to electrolyte imbalance also lower serum cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and diuretic sedative effects. Common Hawthorn (Shan Zha) treatment of bacillary dysentery, gastroenteritis and diarrhea in children. Hawthorn not only has a high nutritional value, also have powerful therapeutic value.

Strong hearts: Hawthorn (Shan Zha) is rich in flavonoids compounds. Antioxidation of flavonoids is a famous material; high intake of flavonoids can prevent heart disease. In addition, contained some of quercetin in Hawthorn (Shan Zha) by increasing cardiac contractility in myocardial cells and maintain pulsation, which play a role in improving the use of myocardial cell.