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Healthy Lifestyle topic for today is Bitter Melon (Gourd) and Health.

Momordica charantia or karela or Bitter Gourd is a tropical vegetable. The vegetable skin is warty in nature like that of a crocodile. It is bitter to taste. The plant is slender and is a climber. It bears yellow flowers. The bitter gourd is available in many sizes.

Bitter gourd is rich in vitamin A, B1, B2 and c and contains minerals like calcium, phosphorous, iron, and copper, potassium and beta-carotene. It aids purify blood tissue, enhances digestion, and stimulates the liver. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should avoid eating bitter gourd. Since ancient times, the extracts of Bitter gourd have been used in natural medicine. Bitter gourd is a blood purifier, activates spleen and liver. It is a purgative, appetizer and digestive. All parts of the plant, the seeds, leaves and vines, are used for medicinal purposes. Like most bitter fruits and vegetables it promotes digestion. Primarily Asians used bitter gourd to treat malaria. It is said to have a positive effect in controlling the blood sugar level and is termed as 'Plant Insulin'. Three active constituents in bitter melon know as steroidal saponins (charntin, insulin-like peptides, and alkaloids) are believed to be responsible for the blood-sugar lowering. Rich in iron, bitter melon has twice the beta carotene of broccoli, twice the calcium of spinach, twice the potassium of bananas. It is used to treat blood disorders like blood boils, scabies, ring worm etc.

Nutrients present in the bitter gourd include phosphorus, manganese, magnesium and zinc. It is also among the best-known sources of thiamine, foliate and riboflavin.

There are many health reasons why you should take this bitter vegetable seriously. Here are a few:


It is an antidote for alcohol intoxication, and helps purify, restore and nourish liver. Its juice is also beneficial in the treatment of a bad hangover.

Blood Purification

It has blood-purifying properties. As a result, the juice is used in the treatment of blood disorders like blood boils and itching due to blood poisoning. Have it little by little on an empty stomach daily, in 4-6 months you will see enhancement in your state.


Fresh juice of leaves of bitter gourd is also a useful medication in early stages of cholera.


The bitter gourd is particularly used as a remedy for diabetes because of its hypoglycemic action. It contains insulin-like peptides, alkaloids and charantin, all of which act together to lower blood and urine sugar levels without increasing blood insulin levels. These compounds activate a protein called AMPK, which is well known for regulating fuel metabolism and enabling glucose uptake, processes which are impaired in diabetics. You can take the juice of 4-5 bitter gourds every morning on an empty stomach, add seeds in powdered form to food or prepare a decoction by boiling the pieces of this fruit in water. If you are taking medications to lower your blood sugar, adding bitter gourd might make your blood sugar drop too low. Monitor your blood sugar carefully.

Eye problems

The high beta-carotene and other properties in bitter gourd make it one of the finest vegetable-fruit that help alleviate eye problems and improving eyesight.

Good for stomachimmune syatw

It contains cellulose which is a very good source of fiber thus preventing constipation. It also good digestive agent and helps in stimulating the secretion of gastric juices. This can be very helpful for people with dyspepsia. However, sometimes it may worsen heartburn and ulcers.


Immune booster

A glass of bitter gourd juice in the morning can help to strengthen your immune system and increase your body's fighting power against infection. Researchers hypothesize that bitter melon is as an immunomodulator. One clinical trial found limited evidence that bitter melon might improve immune cell function in people with cancer.

Improved Stamina and Energy

Bitter gourd has proved to be a best source for enhancing stamina and energy. Consuming bitter gourd daily improves the energy levels and stabilizes sleeping patterns.


Fresh juice of bitter gourd is good for patients suffering from piles. Take a mixture of bitter melon juice and buttermilk every morning for about a month and you will see an improvement. A paste of the roots of bitter gourd plant can also be applied over piles to get a favorable result.

Skin care

Bitter gourd is also effective in treating skin diseases or skin infections, eczema and psoriasis. It also helps in keeping the skin free from blemishes and keeps the skin glowing. The blood purifying properties make sure that you don't get acne.

Weight Loss

It stimulates liver for secretion of bile juices that are very essential for metabolism of fats. Thus, if you want to have a perfect, slim figure, then bitter gourd can help you.


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