Natural Cure with Chinese Herbs

My private odyssey to outline the link between minerals and health was strengthened by data that certain geographical areas on this planet had inhabitants who were strangers to sickness and lived to a ripe, outdated age. Among these longevous persons are Abkasians from Georgia, the Hunzas of Pakistan, the Bamas of China, the Vilcabambas of Ecuador, and sure Azerbaijans.


These small populations appear to share a typical issue that they stay at excessive altitude. Dwelling at high elevation presents ecology where melting glacial water has an abundant mineral content, for example every quart of Hunza water incorporates about 20,000 milligrams of calcium, and these folks drink several quarts each day. I imagine that the widespread denominator in this group is that their food plan is high in mineral nutrients which can be derived from melting glaciers and snow. Many different scientists, such as Dr. Joe Wallach, have proposed this mineral issue is longevity.


This affiliation between plentiful mineral intake and well-being is supported by the discovering that sea level populations with health and longevity, equivalent to Okinawan’s in Japan, have an identical abundance of minerals of their diet. In the case of Okinawans the supply is the offerings of the coral reefs around the Rukuyuku islands. These reefs provide mineral enrichment to the water provide and coral is commonly taken as a supplement in the diet. Again, one might claim a "fascinating" coincidence; however after a while the many coincidences start to imply proof of trigger and effect.


While minerals will not be the entire story of health and longevity. I consider that they are much more essential than has been previously supposed. There has been a bent in modern medication to reject treatments of pure origin, reminiscent of coral, which have centuries of priority of profitable use. The pendulum is now swinging in the opposite direction as pluralistic medication emerges and we move back to basics in applying optimum lifestyle and diet for health. Coral Calcium serves as a historical example of a natural agent from the ancient seas which holds great power for health and effectively-being.

Sang Ji Sheng Tea is a traditional Chinese medicine a raw bulk herbal tea. It does not cost tremendously much, but it heals and nourishes the body in a number of ways. The health benefits are endless. Sang Ji Sheng is a natural blood builder. The Chinese brand blood as the "mother of energy" because blood required in the bodies to for basic functions. It is a receptacle for sustaining one lives.

Blood provides the necessary moisture needed by the internal organs, to function properly. If blood having low, will develop diseases or dysfunctions in the body because of blood deficiency. We might have some of these problems but are unaware it is due to a blood deficiency, or may be on iron pill that will not quite help with anemia.

Sang Ji Sheng Tea is the key to one problem. It is an excellent blood tonic. It helps the body maintain an adequate blood supply, also soothes and relaxes the nervous system. It has mild laxative properties to relieve constipation.

Cancer Patients undergoing or proceeding radiation treatments this helps with the serious side effects such as nausea, dry mouth from the radiation. It is soothing to the body after the harsh treatments of radiation.

Surgery- After undergoing surgery and losing a lot of blood Sang Ji Sheng Tea help in building up the blood supply back up. If having just given birth, this major on the body and Sang Ji Sheng Tea lift one spirits by getting that nourishment in one body.

Sang Ji Sheng Tea aids in dehydrating.

Menstruating Women- When having crummy cramps the doctor may prescribe birth control pills to help with the cramping. This will not solve the problem in the long run. First of all, birth control pills damage the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland controls emotions and is essential to balance out the hormones and moods.

If having mild cramping or bad awful cramps simply put one blood is low. No birth control pill or iron pill will resolve the matter.

Drinking Sang Ji Sheng Tea regularly will prevent or lessen cramps, because consuming it builds blood and eliminates cramping. Every woman does not cramp if the blood is not low they will not cramp.

Pregnant Women - Sang Ji Sheng Tea keeps one hydrated during the entire pregnancy it is 100% safe to drink. When drinking Sang Ji Sheng Tea faithfully and kept the iron up, even the doctors insisted it because of the iron pill. If taking the drug iron pill because of the Sang Ji Sheng Tea.

Sang Ji Sheng Tea needed when manufacturing life in one body that is taking up one blood and calcium.

Acne Prone Skin- If dinking Sang Ji Sheng Tea consistently it will firm up the skin and create a youthful, radiant glow for male and females.

Arthritis- Sang Ji Sheng Tea promotes circulation helping to improve arthritic and rheumatic pain along with reducing arthritis inflammation.

Vitamins- Sang Ji Sheng Tea contains herbal calcium for strengthening tendons, bones, back and legs. Sang Ji Sheng Tea helps to recoup sore joints and muscles.

Discover the benefits of burdock root
Burdock root as an herbal medicine offers a variety of health benefits. Burdock is as old as Earth. No wonder this plant been used for different purposes for centuries. This herb been known for its healing properties for many centuries and commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat various illnesses.

Long ago, it used for its excellent cleansing and purifying properties. It contains types of essential oil which allow toxin, elimination in our body. Traditionally, it used to treat various viral diseases, like measles, tonsillitis and other respiratory problems. Nowadays, the most promising and developing means to utilize burdock root on oncology.

About Burdock Root
Burdock (Arctium lappa) is an herb with giant leaves which grows all, everywhere in Europe, especially the Mediterranean region and Asia. Burdock plant is a biennial thistle with green hairy, leaves and reddish purple flower clusters it is easy to find and identify as it grows along fences and roads. Burdock plant known for its purple blossoms, surrounded by prickly burrs, which are extremely sticky and can gasp and hold fabric, clothing particularly firmly.

For centuries burdock root, leaves and stems been used as the ingredients of various herbal remedies, supplements and preparations, and the burdock root benefits are immense. In Asia, the taproot of young burdock plant harvested and eaten as a root vegetable. It has a sticky consistency and is sweet to the taste. Burdock root is the most frequently used as an extremely valuable natural remedy rich in such elements as calcium, potassium, iron, copper, chromium, inulin, resin, flavonoids, mucilage, chlorogenic acid, lactone, flavonoids, polyacetylenes, tannin, taraxosterol, a series of vitamins and so on.

Benefits of burdock root also include excellent diuretic properties of this herb. The high proportion of inulin in this herb remedy, drinking burdock root infusion, recommended stimulating appetite and digestion, soothe digestive system and treat various stomach conditions, support liver cleansing, etc. Such burdock root benefits as its antifungal and antibacterial powers used to treat urinary infections, skin ulcers, acne and so on.

Besides, burdock root products can be used to calm down arthritis pain, rheumatism and sciatica inflammations, reducing swelling and pain around joints and ridding the body of calcification deposits.

In Traditional Chinese medicine, burdock root known as an excellent natural aphrodisiac which had super powers to treat infertility and impotence. Benefits of burdock root also include its effectiveness for hair loss prevention and dandruff as burdock root can be used as a solution to stimulate blood flow to the scalp, this process to assist in nourishing and strengthening hair follicles. Burdock root infusion can be applied internally to treat eczema and psoriasis.

What is Burdock Root?
If one come from a country that does not eat burdock root very often one may be wondering what it is. It is a group of biennial thistles. Young roots harvested and eaten as root vegetables. The roots have a mild flavor with a hint of sweetness and a crisp texture like potatoes or asparagus.

Traditional Uses for Burdock Root
In traditional medicine, the seeds of burdock (in traditional Chinese medicine known as niupangzi) compressed to form a mixture that provided relief for measles, arthritis, tonsillitis, throat pain, and viruses like the common cold. Burdock root can also be used to treat gout, rheumatism, ulcers, acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Folk herbalists use it to treat snake bites and those that afflicted with rabies. They also used dried burdock as a diuretic, diaphoretic, and a blood purifying agent. It purifies the blood by getting rid of dangerous toxins.

Remedy for Scalp Problems
Burdock root oil extract or Bur oil used in Europe as a scalp treatment for dandruff and prevents hair loss. Since the burdock oil is rich in phytosterols and essential fatty acids (including rare long-chain EFAs), it also improved hair strength, shine, and body by helping maintain a healthy scalp and promote hair growth. It combines a complete relieving effect with nutritional support for standard functions of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles.

Burn Treatment
The leaves of the burdock can be used for pain management and to help speed up recovery time in burn patients. It said to inhibit bacterial growth and acts as a barrier against moisture.

Burdock’s Skin-Healing Properties
Burdock used to heal eruptions and diseases of the skin including acne, chronic rashes, dry scaly skin patches, eczema, and psoriasis. Poor skin condition is often a symptom of general poor health and Burdock help to improve the skin in two different ways. Firstly, burdock root stimulates the digestive system. This is largely due to the proportion of high amounts of inulin and mucilage, which have a calming effect.

The bitter constituents are responsible for development of digestion and appetite. These stimulations have a beneficial effect upon the skin by improving the absorption of nutrients. Burdock also stimulates the excretory system, which means it works as a blood purifier by eliminating toxins from the body more quickly. For centuries Burdock been used to promote healing of the skin through an infusion of dried leaves. Vitamins and minerals in burdock are irreplaceable in treating and preventing acne. It still made into a root tea today; to help solve a problematic complexion. This makes it an effective treatment for acne, sores, psoriasis and eczema, but it does not happen overnight with results, it recommended that burdock tea taken three times daily over a period of two to three months, before significant results be noticed. Despite the patience required, burdock has proved to be an effective treatment for many chronic skin conditions, with continued use.

For Acne Scar sufferer, burdock helps skin condition! Steep a teaspoon of burdock in one cup of boiling water. Drink 1 to 3 cups a day for 1 to 2 weeks before your period if acne related to your menstrual cycle. Continue for 3 months to 1 year, until the symptoms subside. It may take 3 months to 1 year to create a permanent improvement, but it works!

Secondly, Burdock may also use as a poultice. The leaves usually collected within the first year of growth, bruised slightly, then place in the affected area and covered with a damp cloth. A poultice may also be made from boiled, mashed leaves. This is an effective treatment for boils and acne. The poultice draws out toxins from beneath the skin. It should be applied twice daily.

Cancer Benefits
Today, burdock root used in oncology for its cancer-curing properties, especially in Russia and India. Burdock root has recently become popular as a tea treatment for cancer. Many herbalists say burdock root can prevent cancer cells from metastasizing. Preliminary research has demonstrated that burdock root has certain protective properties that may explain its cancer benefits.

Burdock studied for its potential as a treatment for cancer. It has a long history of use for treating this problem– Hildegard of Bingen, a well-known medieval herbalist, often used burdock for treatment of cancerous tumors. Recent studies have shown that arctigenin, a chemical in burdock, does in fact, slow tumor growth. Burdock is an active ingredient in the traditional natural, remedies for cancer, including Essiac and Hoxsey. World famous and valued by herbalists worldwide burdock has plenty of healing treasures. The plant commonly cultivated for its sweet-tasting root, though other parts also used for medical and other purposes. The plant does not need special conditions for growing; its favorite places are on waste ground and about old buildings, by roadsides and in relatively damp places.

Because of burdock’s absorption of toxins from the bowel, and its alterative effects on the liver, it been shown to be effective for treatment of hepatitis. It also has a mild laxative effect.

Parts Used
Burdock has many beneficial qualities all parts used in many herbal remedies: the leaves (mainly for tea), the burrs, the seed, the stem and root.

The seeds (or flower-heads) collected when ripe – this is during the latter part of the summer or in autumn. They shake off the flower head and dried by spreading them out on paper in the sun. The leaves should be harvested before or during early flowering. The roots should be unearthed in September or October of the first year, or as an alternative in the following spring when the flowers appear. The root is sweet to the taste and has a sticky consistency.

Burdock is available in tea form, juice, powder, capsules and oil.
• Herbal tea (2 - 6 grams for a cup 3 to 5 times a day);
• Oil (for hair - regularly, after washing);
• Fresh or dried root (dried root steep 2 - 6 grams in boiling water for 10 - 15 minutes then strain and drink 3 times a day);
• Tincture (2 - 8 ml, 3 times a day);
• Fluid extract ((1:1): 2 - 8 mL three times a day);
• Decoctions (liquid made by boiling down the herb in water).

Burdock root had a wide range of useful properties, contains high amounts of inulin (27-45%) and mucilage (up to 75% of the root is carbohydrate in the form of fructo-oligo-saccharides (FOS) including inulin), essential oil with 66 identified components (0.06-0.18%), vitamins (B1, B6, B12, and E), polyphenols including caffeic acid (1.9-3.65%), antibacterial polyacetylenes, sitosterol and stigmasterol, different powerful, flavonoid-type antioxidants, trace minerals (phosphorous, sodium, chromium, cobalt, iron, potassium, magnesium, silicon, zinc).

Health Benefits
Burdock root contains high amounts of inulin and mucilage of the root yield excellent soothing effects on the gastrointestinal tract. Inulin is the main ingredient in burdock, and it helps strengthen the organs, and to regulate blood sugar metabolism for diabetics, and hypoglycemics because it does not elicit rapid insulin production; it also slightly lower blood sugar, and benefit both the pancreas and liver.

Some chemicals in the burdock root promote the loss of water from the body that have a cooling effect and can help reduce fever, also headaches and swelling, increase the performance of both urine and sweat. Burdock nourishes and strengthens the actions of the kidneys and urinary organs. It has long considered by Chinese and European herbalists to have a "gently warming, moistening effect". It classified as an alternative, diuretic and diaphoretic. Detoxification of the body has its consequences in all the useful effects of the burdock, so it is difficult to separate the benefits. It is the ability to cleanse impurities from the body.

Improved Digestion
Burdock known to help strengthen the stomach, digestion and appetite. It helps to relieve gas. The mucilaginous fiber has effects on the gastrointestinal tract and helps absorb and eliminate toxins, chemicals and metal contaminants from the large intestine. Burdock seems to maintain healthy intestinal bacteria and sometimes used by folks with Candida or yeast overgrowth. Bitter constituents in the root may also explain the traditional use of burdock to improve digestion. It also contains polyacetylenes that been shown to have antimicrobial activity. Burdock root and fruit also have the ability to lower blood sugar (hypoglycemic effect).

Burdock Root significant impact on the human body
Strengthen "the bone gum is original" of the hardest protein inside the human body promote cell vitality inside the body.

Chemical reaction occur in the body, can produce more than 30 materials, among them, "measure more folic acid" can protect the human body cell from taking place bad variety and prevent° from a cancer cell formation. There is a fantastic deal of burdock root Mao, and wood fat vegetable in the burdock root tea, among them, the burdock root Mao dollar is an anti-cancer live data. Be proven by post experiment, burdock root Mao the dollar and wood fat vegetable has an undeniably anti-cancer function.

Promote propagating of cell in the body, make the T cell be increased with 300% speed, boost immunity dint, promote an anti-cancer achievement effect.

Can encourage Lin calcium in the body and vitamin D are in the balance on the combination and maintain human body growth.

Benefits of Burdock
Burdock been appreciated by herbalists and their clients for many years. Records indicate that burdock used in China, by the Native American Indians, as well as European settlers.

Burdock benefits extend over many different body systems including digestive, circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, and glandular and immune systems. No wonder it can help with stress relief. That is quite a lot of help from one common "weed."

Burdock considered highly beneficial. Its roots can draw sustenance from deep within the soil. It is rich in natural vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, amino acids, sugars and starches. The list of this incredible amazing herb minerals is quite extensive is rich in vitamins, B-complex and E. It also contains, in high amount, chromium, cobalt, iron, magnesium, sodium and potassium, silicon, phosphorous, aluminum, calcium, manganese, selenium and zinc. Burdock also contains thiamine, vitamin C, vitamin A, protein, inulin, phenolic acids, mucilage, pectin and fiber.

Burdock considered an “alternative.” Burdock gradually restores proper functioning and increases strength and vitality. This property can make burdock useful for building resistance to the stress of everyday life. It is said to help increase stamina, resiliency and the joy of life. It is even said to help advance emotional stability.

Using Burdock
The benefits of burdock can be gained in several different ways.

Burdock commonly used in Japanese and macro biotic cooking as a deeply nourishing root vegetable – high in nutrients yet low in calories. Cleaned burdock root often teamed with brown rice, soy sauce, sesame seed and other traditional eastern flavorings.

Get the dried root powder from the bulk herb section of the health food store. Add a spoonful of dried powdered, burdock root, at the end of cooking, to soup stocks and vegetable stews for a slightly sweet nutritional boost.

Burdock also used as tea. (Place about one teaspoon of burdock root in a cup of water, simmer for 10 to 15 minutes, cool and drink.)

Burdock can be used medicinally as a fresh root tincture and externally as a poultice on sores and wounds. Although burdock is a natural plant, it is possible to be allergic to it. It is always wise to consult with a trained health care professional for proper recommendations for your situation.

Burdock Medical History Usage
Burdock been used for centuries to treat a host of ailments. It been traditionally used as a “blood purifier” to clear the bloodstream of toxins, as a diuretic (helping rid the body of excess water by increasing urine output) and a topical treatment for skin problems such as eczema, acne, and psoriasis. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, burdock often used with other herbs for sore throat and colds. It reported helping strengthen the lungs and assist in breathing. Extracts of burdock root found in a variety of herbal preparations as well as homeopathic remedies.

In Japan and parts of Europe, burdock eaten as a vegetable. Burdock contains inulin, a natural dietary fiber, and also to improve digestion. In fact, recent studies confirm that burdock has prebiotic properties that could improve health.

Burdock consists mainly of carbohydrates, volatile oils, plant sterols, tannins, and fatty oils.

Researchers are not sure which active ingredients in burdock root are responsible for its healing properties, but the herb may have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial effects.

Burdock is safe, but some people should be careful when taking this herb, especially those with abnormal blood sugar levels.

Burdock Available Forms
Burdock products consist of fresh or dried roots. Burdock supplements can be purchased as dried root powder, decoctions (liquid made by boiling down the herb in water), tinctures (a solution of the herb in alcohol, or water and alcohol), or fluid extracts.

Burdock root is a traditional medicinal herb that used for many ailments can also help to reduce cravings and hunger and thus assist in weight loss. Burdock root cleanses and eliminates impurities from the blood rapidly. It will also clear skin diseases, boils and carbuncles. Burdock root can be used as a diuretic, especially suitable for children.

In traditional herbal, burdock root is one of the herb world's best natural described as a "blood purifier agent" in the herbal formula or "alterative" diaphoretic, and diuretic that traditionally used to cleanse the bloodstream of toxins; it purifies the blood without side effects and heals the kidneys and liver.

It has mild and cleansing diuretic, action but has stronger effects. Heavy metals inside your body can be removed by using burdock. It used both internally and externally for eczema and psoriasis as well as to treat painful joints and as a diuretic. It also used to treat burns, eczema, and acne. In traditional Chinese medicine, burdock root in combination with other herbs used to treat sore throats, tonsillitis, colds, and even measles.

Traditionally used as a blood purifier and overall system tonic, burdock root often recommended by herbalists for the natural support it provides for healthy liver function. Native Americans used burdock tea to treat rheumatism, to purify the blood, for female weakness, kidney gravel, scurvy and venereal diseases.

Interactions with Drugs Medication adjustments may be required. Burdock been associated with diuretic effects (increasing urine flow) in one human report, and in theory may cause excess fluid loss (dehydration) or electrolyte imbalances (for example, changes in potassium or sodium levels in the blood). These effects may be increased when burdock get together with diuretic drugs.

Burdock root interferes with iron absorption when taken internally. Because of its diuretic actions, burdock should not be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Burdock been shown to interact with hypoglycaemic drugs, anti-inflammatory medications and lithium treatment, when taken internally. Burdock root in large quantities may stimulate the uterus and therefore, should be used with caution during pregnancy. It recommended that pregnant and breastfeeding women to refrain from using burdock products because of its highly effective diuretic effect.

Also, in order to avoid affected by allergies and side effects of burdock root caused by interaction with other medicines or herbal remedies, talk to the health care practitioner or a specialist before starting any treatment involve burdock extracts or products.

Using this herb believed to be safe but we should avoid unwanted side effects of burdock root. Those include slow heart rate, dry mouth, extreme changes of sugar levels in blood and contamination.

Edible Pearl Powder, the Calcium Supplement

Natural Pearls (No Human Intervention)

Natural pearls produced when the shell of a mollusk invaded by an intruder, most often a tedious parasite. The intruder makes its way into the mantle tissue of the mollusk. This tissue has unique nacre-secreting cells known as epithelial cells. These cells form a sac around the intruder (pearl sac) and begin depositing a calcium carbonate substance known as nacre. Nacre is the building block of pearls.


Cultured Pearls (Human Intervention)

Cultured pearls produced in both saltwater mollusks and freshwater mussels. The process involves coaxing open the shell, and in the case of saltwater mollusks, making a small incision on the reproductive organ and inserting into this incision a rounded bead made of freshwater mussel shell and a small piece of mantle tissue from a donor mollusk. The same process of natural pearl production then takes place.

In the case of cultured freshwater pearl production, incisions made to the mantle organ of the mussel, and insert a small piece of donor mantle tissue. This followed by the same process of natural pearl production.

Edible oyster does not produce pearl and the title "pearl oyster" is a misnomer. The correct technical name would be pearl mollusk.


Who should take Pearl Powder?

Those who love to be forever young, ageless, have fair skin, a natural approach to weight loss and those who want to take calcium.


What are the reasons?

One will have firm, tone and beautiful smooth, skin texture, weight loss without having to give up your favorite food (omit: sugar and carbohydrate), longevity, enhancing bone density, firm tone body muscles and increase energy levels.


Why use Pearl Powder?

Pearl has a natural source of calcium of more than 90%, which hard to find in any other food.

It also includes 18 amino acids such as aspartic acid, thronine, serine, methionine, Isoleucine, Alanine, Phenylanine, Arginine, Lysine, and Glutamic Acid, mucopolysaccharides, B-vitamins which the human body required, and a no protein amino acid which is extremely rare—taurin. Minerals include calcium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, strontium, silicon, titanium and nearly 21 kinds of micro elements like selenium, germanium. Pearl also contains calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, calcium phosphate, ferric oxide, silica.


How does Pearl Powder works?

Natural calcium supplements to enhancing bone density and promote excellent health.


Opinion and testimonials:

When I come across Pearl Powder, my 1st priority is to have all established calcium to enhancing my bone density. Secondly it well known in ancient Chinese record the value from Pearl Powder is it gives clear skin complexion, but I get more than what I want out of taking “Pearl Powder”. Pearl Powder also helps with detoxicate and eliminate toxic substances from one body.


Overview of Edible Pearl Powder

Pearl powder is a finely ground powder from genuine pearls and has long been regarded as a traditional Chinese medicine of extreme reputation. According to Chinese medical literature, the use of pearl powder as an excellent tonic medicine for treating diseases and skin care cosmetics can be traced far back to over two thousand years ago. Because of its rarity and magic multifunctional properties in ancient China, pearl powder had been the most sought-after and expensive Chinese medicine but only affordable by royal families, high level officers or celebrities. According to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, pearl been used in Chinese herbalist over 3000 years to promote health and beauty. In Qing Dynasty Empress Dowager takes Pearl Powder internally to maintain her youthful appearance.

Composition: Natural calcium (formed by completing of CaCO3 and protein) occupies more than 90%, and amino acids, minerals, micro elements occupy about 10%. Among them, the amino acids include 18 amino acids such as aspartic acid, threonine, serine, glycine and methionine which the human body required, and a no protein amino acid which is extremely rare—taurin. Minerals include calcium, iron, zinc, manganese, and nearly 21 kinds of micro-elements like selenium, germanium.

The effective components of pearl powder engage in metabolism of the human body by promoting development of new cells, supplying nutrients to skin (thus to make skin softer and smoother). Pearl powder can increase the activity of SOD, restrain synthesis of melanin (thus to make skin brighter), because SOD eliminates free radicals skin aging and wrinkles thus can be partially prevented. Natural pearl powder can also tranquilize nerves, improve sleep and dissipate fatigue.

Li Shizhen, a famous Chinese doctor in Ming Dynasty, indicated in the 46th publication of his book Compendium of Material Medical: "Pearls are salty and sweet they are cold and nonpoisonous. They can calm people's hearts down and brighten their eyes. People's faces can be reddened healthily when they apply it on the face. It can clean the skin when people apply it on their hands or feet. It cleans expectoration, eliminates facial speckles, stops diarrhea. It removes children's fever, calms them down, it eliminates poxes and poison. "Approved by modern medical research, pearls have the potent of improving sleep, slowing down aging, whitening and dispelling speckles, healing pocks, soothing the nerves and calming shocks, cleaning livers and brightening eyes, removing temperature and eliminating poison, enhancing bone density and adjusting internal secretion.


WHY AND HOW DOES PEARL POWDER WORK | Pearl powder is a delicate powder from quality fresh water pearls. Pearl Powder a natural consistent and easily absorbed by the skin and body. Proven safe to ingest and apply to skin directly.

Pearl powder contains about 18 amino acids and over dozen minerals. Including 10 essential amino acids necessary for the human body to improve and maintain cell nutrition. These basic building blocks of collagen and protein each has a responsibility. Deficiency of any one of the essential amino acids causes the skin to look coarse, depleted, old, and wrinkled.

Traditionally recognized benefits of using pearl powder products include Healing, skin brightening, anti-wrinkle, and sun protection. Other anti-aging benefits: Helps to stimulate cell renewal, enhance elasticity, improve circulation, calming and detoxification, protects from environmental radicals, and regulates skin discoloration and smoothie’s skin texture.

Pearl powder is a compound of crushed fresh-water pearl used for skin care and in as an agent. In Chinese medicine, it also used frequently as a relaxant. Pearl powder is a powder made from freshwater pearls, which contains numbers of amino acids and several minerals. It can also be made from saltwater pearls. It considered by proponents to help improve the appearance of the skin.

Daily takes a small dose of Pearl Powder orally. It widely used as a treatment for acne as it has a purifying effect on the skin and is suitable for sensitive skin and also effective at fading acne scars. Used internally, Pearl Powder believed to: Detoxify the system; Clean and clear the skin; Remove age and liver spots on the skin; Give the skin a younger appearance; Adjust the body energy; Calm the liver; Relieve stress from the mind; Treat sore throat; Adjust the nerve system; Regulate the metabolism; Improve eyesight; Treat insomnia; And Energize the body. When a pregnant woman or breast feeding mother taking Pearl Powder, it believed to speed up bone development and develop intelligence in babies. When used topically, 100% freshwater pearls crushed into Pearl Powder well known for keeping skin smooth, soft, and shiny looking; It also used in treatment of open sores burns, and cuts; As well as a homeopathic remedy for fever.


Chinese Medicine summarizes the most recognized benefits of pearl powder as follows:

Pearls believed to have a tremendous effect on the skin, it beautify complexion, improve skin appearance. (Rejuvenate skins; make skin have a tender, delicate appearance).

In regards to women’s health and beauty, Chinese empresses discovered this remarkable success when they used pearl powder on their faces 4,000 years ago. The secret pearl powder formula passed on from generation to generation by the doctors who treated the women of the emperor's palace. Only in the pearl does a rare combination of organic substances and minerals exist which, when applied topically, keep the skin smooth, soft and supple.

Pearl powder prevents pigmentation by slowing down the growth of melanin which controls the colour pigments of the skin.

Tea prepared to use burdock leaves helps in treating indigestion, strengthening and toning the stomach, building the systems of young women, as well as treating genitourinary conditions, bladder pain, fluid retention and gout. It also helps in stimulating the eliminatory organs and treating glandular conditions, swollen glands, certain inflammatory conditions, inflammations, rheumatic conditions, liver conditions, hepatitis, jaundice, and liver problems.

Burdock tea helps in stimulating the secretion of bile. Tea prepared to use burdock leaves helps in clearing stubborn teenage acne if taken for three to four weeks.

Burdock root tea prepared in combination with dandelion root and burdock leaves found to be highly effective liver cleanser and stimulator. It helps treat respiratory tract conditions and other ailments like asthma, boils, certain cancers, eczema and fevers. It also helps neutralize and eliminate poisons from the system and aids in the treatment of sciatica, scurvy, and other skin diseases.

Tea from burdock leaves works well alone, combined with yellow dock and sarsaparilla for treating various skin conditions.

Burdock preparations use externally as a wash for abscesses, acne, all manner of swellings, boils, catarrh and hair growth. When burdock prepared in combine with blind nettle, it helps with treating scaly skin conditions, syphilis, and ulcers.

Externally, burdock leaves applied as a poultice for gouty swellings, old sores and ulcers, shrinking arteries and sinews, tumors, relieve bruises, as well as relieve inflamed surfaces in general.


Burdock Extract
Burdock has historically used to treat a wide range of ailments, including arthritis, diabetes, and hair loss.

Burdock is an ingredient in the standard purported cancer cure, Essiac®. Preliminary study has shown that burdock may have anti-cancer effects and increase quality of life in cancer patients.


Burdock Dosage for Adult
Dried root: steep 2 – 6 grams in 150 ml (2/3 of a cup) boiling water for 10 – 15 minutes then strain and drink 3 times a day; may soak a cloth in the liquid, once cooled, wrap the cloth around affected skin area or cut (known as a poultice), but do not use on open wounds.

Tincture (1:5): 2 – 8 mL 3 times per day; the tincture may applied to a cloth and wrapped around affected skin area or cut. Topical preparations of burdock used for skin problems (such as eczema) and wounds.

Burdock Possible Interactions There are no known scientific reports of interactions between burdock and conventional medications. However, we should talk to the doctor before taking burdock if we take any of the following:

Diuretics (water pills) — Burdock could produce the effect of these drugs stronger cause dehydrated. Medications for diabetes — Burdock might lower blood sugar, resulting in hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).


Interactions with Drugs Medication adjustments may be required. Burdock been associated with diuretic effects (increasing urine flow) in one human report, and in theory may cause excess fluid loss (dehydration) or electrolyte imbalances (for example, changes in potassium or sodium levels in the blood). These effects may be increased when burdock get together with diuretic drugs.

Burdock root interferes with iron absorption when taken internally. Because of its diuretic actions, burdock should not be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Burdock been shown to interact with hypoglycaemic drugs, anti-inflammatory medications and lithium treatment, when taken internally. Burdock root in large quantities may stimulate the uterus and therefore, should be used with caution during pregnancy. It recommended that pregnant and breastfeeding women to refrain from using burdock products because of its highly effective diuretic effect.

Also, in order to avoid affected by allergies and side effects of burdock root caused by interaction with other medicines or herbal remedies, talk to the health care practitioner or a specialist before starting any treatment involving burdock extracts or products.

Using this herb believed to be safe but we should avoid unwanted side effects of burdock root. Those include slow heart rate, dry mouth, extreme changes of sugar levels in blood and contamination.

Burdock root in burdock root tea cleanses our blood reduces fat by regulating blood sugar levels in our body.

Burdock improves fat metabolism and acts as a diuretic. Active ingredients include inulin, polyphenolic acids, and non-hydroxy acids. Is an excellent herbal blood purifier that help in detoxifies the blood and lymphatic system. It is high in iron, can help to form blood during times of low hemoglobin. Burdock also considered a mild laxative. Burdock aids in the elimination of uric acid.

Burdock root can help to reduce cravings and hunger and thus assist in weight loss. The best way to use burdock root for weight loss is as a standard decoction: Pour about an ounce of dried burdock root in boiling water, gently simmer for 10 -20 minutes, allow to cooling and drink between meals.

Burdock root efficacy in clear bowel aperient, aid in bowel protecting stomach.


What are Burdock Root and How Can It Help with Weight Loss?

Burdock root eaten as a root vegetable and it can make a difference in our weight loss plan. Often eaten in Asian dishes, it not accepted everywhere. However, this vegetable or herb can make a difference in our weight loss.


What Burdock Root Can Do?

Burdock root is ideal for weight loss plan, can add a lot of benefits.

This is because of the fiber in burdock root that also fills us up and makes it so that we do not feel hungry as fast or as often. Finally, it reduces cravings and makes it easier to avoid the foods we should not be eating. This is because it has nutrients that help level out the blood sugar and keep it level.

Burdock Improves and speed up the fat metabolism also acts as a diuretic. This makes possible to lose extra weight while we are at rest. It used in most of the herbal supplements in the Market for Weight Loss. Active ingredients include inulin, polyphenolic acids, and non-hydroxy acids. It is an excellent herbal blood purifier that detoxifies the blood and lymphatic system. It is high in iron, and can help to form blood during times of low hemoglobin. Burdock also considered a mild laxative. Burdock aids in the elimination of uric acid. Burdock root can also help to reduce cravings and hunger and thus assist in weight loss.


Select Burdock Roots.

Burdock can have a sweet flavor however; if it gets too old then it becomes bitter. When Shopping for burdock roots make sure that are 1 inch or less in width and those that not bruised or cut.

Burdock is a powerful diuretic, and is safe to be taken internally, externally, or as food. However, it is necessary to make sure that the herb is pure. Some reports have indicated that burdock could have toxic properties, since cases of illness reported that involved burdock tea. However, further analysis showed that the adverse effects were the result of contaminated burdock root. Some belladonna, which contains atropine, had contaminated the burdock root. It is necessary to look at source and purity of burdock root before obtaining it.

Burdock tea produced by the company to the base of pollution-free high-quality green burdock as raw materials, ingredients without any additives, the use of stock Need more than half of burdock, burdock successfully retained the sweetness and aroma, the company's high-quality tea, burdock
Is a pure natural green food, safe to drink all year round! Products are sold to Japan, Korea and other countries and regions, the majority of consumers, has become the highest share of domestic market for like products of the brands.

Burdock tea and warm, sweet tea, non-toxic burdock, burdock tea can pass twelve channels in addition to the five internal organs burdock tea can foul smells, light-weight resistance Jiufu old tea burdock, burdock tea, detoxification and the efficacy of burdock tea can dampness, spleen, burdock tea can pass appetizers
Then, burdock tea can Ziyin for drinking all year round! Health care is the best moment of the Road. The company burdock tea in bulk, canned and other packaged hardcover gifts, whether for personal use or gifts, an ideal is your best choice!


Historical Uses of Burdock Root
Burdock root has often been used to purify the blood by removing toxins that can build up in blood. It can be taken orally or used topically as a remedy for skin disorders. Also, burdock root can be a diuretic or soothe aching joints. Traditional Chinese healers used burdock root in combination with other plants to make cures for colds, measles, throat pain, and tonsillitis. Burdock root was also popular in Japan as a source of vitamins and other nutrients. In modern times, burdock root has been employed in the treatment of certain cancers. However, this use of burdock root still needs to be systematically tested.

Historically, the seeds of the burdock plants were compressed to make a mixture that was effective in cleansing the bloodstream, easing pain from arthritis, and treating gout, rheumatism, ulcers, acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Its cancer-curing properties were also utilized in Russia and India. The Chinese used it as an aphrodisiac, and found it effective in treating barrenness and impotence.

Burdock’s active ingredients are arcigen, calcium, chlorogenic acid, essential oil, flavonoids, iron, inulin, lactone, mucilage, polyacetylenes, potassium, resin, tannin, and taraxosterol. The seeds of the plant contain beneficial fatty acids. The oil from the seeds can be used as a diaphoretic, which leads to increased perspiration, which is essential in cleansing the body of toxins or harmful elements. According to traditional healers, diaphoretics are integral to treating influenza, gallbladder or liver disorders, and to aid the kidneys which purify the blood.

Burdock root is eaten as a vegetable in many places. It has many nutrients like iron, inulin (a carbohydrate), and beneficial oils. Also, burdock can be used as a gentle laxative and help eradicate uric acid. Some of the active ingredients of burdock are polyacetylenes, which are known to be effective antibacterials and antifungals. Burdock enhances the performance of many of the organs which purify the body and eliminate toxins or waste (like the kidneys, liver, colon, etc). This enhances overall health and helps correct disorders.

Burdock is easily obtainable as an ingredient in teas, ointments, or pills. It is a powerful diuretic, and is safe to be taken internally, externally, or as food. However, it is important to make sure that the herb is pure. Some reports have indicated that burdock could have toxic properties, since cases of illness were reported that involved burdock tea. However, further analysis showed that the negative effects were the result of impure burdock root. Some belladonna, which contains atropine, had contaminated the burdock root. It is important to look at the source and purity of burdock root before obtaining it.
Almost all the parts of the plant are being used either for culinary purpose or as curative remedy for certain medical conditions.


Burdock root health benefits
Burdock roots, young shoots, peeled stalks, and dried seeds contain numerous compounds that are known to have anti-oxidant, disease preventing, and health promoting properties.
The root is very low in calories; provides about 72 calories per 100 g. Burdock is very good source of many non-starch polysaccharides such as inulin, glucoside-lappin, mucilage...etc that help act as good laxative. In addition, inulin acts as prebiotic helps reduce blood sugar level, weight and cholesterol levels in the blood.
Burdock root is especially containing good amounts of electrolyte potassium (308 mg or 6.5% of daily-required levels per 100 g root) and low in sodium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure.
It also contains some valuable minerals such as iron, manganese, magnesium; and small amounts of zinc, calcium, selenium, and phosphorus.
This herb root contains small quantities of many vital vitamins including folic acid, riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin, vitamin-E, and vitamin-C that are essential for optimum health. Both vitamin C and E is powerful natural antioxidants help body stave off infections, cancer and neurologic conditions.


Medicinal uses
Like its asteraceae family member dandelion, almost all the parts of burdock herb found place in various traditional as well modern medicines.
Burdock has been used in many folk remedies as one of the best blood purifiers. It contains certain diuretic principles, which help expel toxic products from the blood through urine.
The herb is employed in the treatment of skin problems such as eczema (dermatitis), psoriasis, skin dryness...etc. The plant parts have been used as herbal remedy for liver and gall bladder complaints.
Effusion of burdock seeds has been used for throat and chest ailments.
Burdock leaves and stems, in addition to their use as vegetable, have appetite stimulant and are a good remedy for dyspeptic complaints.

Hawthorn (Shan Zha), also known as red berries, Shan Lihong, rouge fruit. China has 3,000 years of cultural history. According to the Chinese Center for Disease Control Nutrition and Food Safety of the latest tests showed that Hawthorn is rich in many nutrients, especially the: hectogram Hawthorn (Shan Zha) flesh, Eat Hawthorn (Shan Zha) will have a positive anti-aging, beauty, anti-cancer and prevention of arterial atherosclerosis of the role. Hawthorn (Shan Zha) itself is a rare health food. Hawthorn (Shan Zha) is rich in carbohydrates. Things like dietary fiber, vitamin C, calcium, iron, potassium and other mineral elements.

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) acid has anti-tumor, anti-HIV, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, anti-bacteria, and the promotion of meat digestion, weight loss and beauty, and other effects, the Hawthorn (Shan Zha) contains flavonoids with the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases task.

Modern medicine has proved that Hawthorn (Shan Zha) contains citric acid, malic acid, ascorbic acid, sugar and protein, carbohydrates. Lowering blood pressure, and promote the role of gastrointestinal digestion. Chinese medicine believes that hawthorn may spleen consumer product, the weight loss support. Assist analysis of secondary obesity.

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) most notable success is the digestion, Chinese medicine, surface digestion with malt, rice digestion buds with rice, meat digestion with Hawthorn (Shan Zha). When the body of a one-time intake of meat excessive consumption of hawthorn have a significant digestion. Hawthorn (Shan Zha) aids digestion theory does not exist the ability to spleen and stomach, but only can stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, in this way but also stimulation the stomach, suffering from stomach problem should not be fasting drinking the Hawthorn (Shan Zha) water or eat Hawthorn (Shan Zha), especially for gastritis, hyperacidity, gastric ulcer and reflux gastritis and esophagitis patients will be worse. Control the amount of intake Hawthorn (Shan Zha), not only do the lipid-lowering role of weight loss, but also lead to serious gastrointestinal problems. While taking Hawthorn (Shan Zha) tea, it is difficult to control the intake, if drinking Hawthorn (Shan Zha) tea whole day, it clearly detrimental to the stomach. Therefore, taking Hawthorn (Shan Zha) tea should pay attention to the amount consumed, otherwise not a lipid-lowering, but likely to cause gastrointestinal upset, not worth the candle.

The role of Hawthorn (Shan Zha) first digestion, consumer product food, use and support digestion. Traditional Chinese medicine theory holds that the surface (eat) digestion with malt, rice (to eat) digestion with rice shoots, meat (eating) digestion with Hawthorn (Shan Zha). Hawthorn (Shan Zha) to aid digestion, people with stomach problem should not drink hawthorn (Shan Zha) tea, hyperacidity, gastritis, gastric ulcer, reflux gastritis; reflux esophagitis is not suitable for drinking.

Insist on having Hawthorn (Shan Zha) tea once a day, require time in order to achieve the lowering blood pressure, moderate blood vessels. The experts recommend daily use of Hawthorn (Shan Zha) portion of 25 g. Accompanied by step-down the cassia seed, Hawthorn (Shan Zha) tea antioxidant polygonum multiflorum, would be better.

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) Effect:
Governance meat product, phlegm, fullness, intestinal wind, low back pain, hernia, post-natal child occipital pain, not the lochia children milk food stagnation. Digestion stomach, qi and blood stasis. Used for meat Indigestion, fullness of stomach alkyl, Xie Li abdominal pain and bleeding amenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis, the confidant tingling, hernia pain, hyperlipidemia. The leaves are edible and, if picked in the months of April and May, they are tender enough to be used in salads.

Medicinal use
In recent years, this program had been noted and adopted by Chinese herbalists as well. Hawthorn (Shan Zha) also used as an aid to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and treat some heart related diseases. Hawthorn (Shan Zha) widely use in weight loss pills and other weight loss program.

Side effects
Overdose can cause cardiac arrhythmia and dangerously lower blood pressure. Milder side effects include nausea and sedation. Digestion product scattered bleeding, taeniafuge.

Chinese Name: Shan Zha
English Name: Hawthorn Fruit

Clinical Usage and Indications
Reduces and moves food stagnation outward - accumulation of meat and/or fatty foods with distention, pain, diarrhea. Transforms blood stasis, dissipates clumps - post-partum abdominal pain, hernial disorder.

Stops diarrhea (when partially charred).

Dosage and Preparation Notes
Dosage: 9-15g
Channels/Meridians Influenced

Associated Temperature and Taste
Sour (Suan)
Sweet (Gan)
Warm (Wen)

The leaves, berries and flowers, used medicinally. These items carry bioflavonoids, which include a variety of cardiovascular benefits, including a reduction in hypertension, increased coronary artery blood flow and improved delivery of the heart muscle. Large scale clinical trials have confirmed that Hawthorn (Shan Zha) is effective in treating patients with early-stage and mild congestive heart failure. Other smaller studies have shown that it may help patients with angina and abnormal heart rhythms.

What is the amount of Hawthorn (Shan Zha) should I use?
Many herbalists recommend taking 80-300mg of a Hawthorn (Shan Zha) extract, either in capsule or tablet form, two to three times a day. If traditional preparations used 4-5 grams per day or 4-5ml of a Hawthorn (Shan Zha) tincture three times daily.

When using Hawthorn (Shan Zha), make sure to use only standardized Hawthorn (Shan Zha) products. Look for a label that says the product contains between 4-20mg of flavonoids and 30-160mg oligomeric procyanidins, or 1.8% vitexin rhamnoside/10% procyanidins.

What forms of Hawthorn (Shan Zha) are available?
Hawthorn (Shan Zha) tea by combining dry cut, Hawthorn (Shan Zha) leaves, flowers and berries in boiling water.

What can happen if I drink too much Hawthorn (Shan Zha) tea? Are there any interactions I should be aware of? What precautions should I do?

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) is extremely secure. The American Herbal Products Association has given Hawthorn (Shan Zha) a class I level, meaning it is a safe herb with a wide dosage range. Nevertheless, it is always wise to follow the recommended dosage. In addition, pregnant or lactating should not use hawthorn.

Berries, flowers, and leaves of Hawthorn (Shan Zha) used medicinally as cardiac tonics. They work in different ways to nourish the heart functions.

Olegomeric Proanthocyanadins are key flavonoid constituents of Hawthorn (Shan Zha) particularly strong in young leaves. They have a profound antioxidant effect subdue inflammation support healthy blood vessels and strengthen the capabilities of vitamin C.

Meal Mover
Hawthorn (Shan Zha) is well known in Asian as Meal Mover.
It is a Chinese herbal medicine which promotes weight loss by removing stagnation of food and attending to digestion. Meal Mover is a regulator of Qi, and triggers off peristalsis. It is appropriate for most people, assisting those with underactive digestion, through excessiveness, inadequacy, strength, weakness, poor sustenance or over indulgence.

Meal Mover can also be utilized for indigestion associated with hyper or hypo stomach acidity, incompetent digestion of animal protein, vegetable fiber, fats and starches, regular cravings, and irregular appetite. Additionally, Meal Mover utilized for uncertainty distinguishing between satiety and hunger, cramping, regurgitation, sickness and bloating. Additionally, delayed digestion or slow-moving peristalsis, congestion, drowsiness or lethargy after consuming food.

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) contains tartaric acid, citric acid, saponin, fructose, vitamin c, vitamin B, niacin, calcium, iron, selenium, flavonoids and other nutrients. High content of vitamin c which is only less, than jujube fruit and kiwi fruit; carotene and calcium content is also excellent. Therefore, elderly people eat Hawthorn (Shan Zha) products can enhance the appetite, improve sleep, maintain bone and blood calcium homeostasis, prevention of atherosclerosis, people live longer it seen like Hawthorn (Shan Zha) is “longevity food.”

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) can prevent cardiovascular disease, with the expansion of blood vessels, increase coronary blood flow, improve cardiac activity, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, moderate blood vessels and a diuretic and calming effect. Hawthorn (Shan Zha) acid also cardiac function in elderly heart disease also has benefits.

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) appetizer digestion, there is the power of promoting blood circulation and help alleviate local congestion state, there are secondary effects of traumatic injury. In addition, the Hawthorn (Shan Zha) effect on the uterine contraction can stimulate uterine recovery after childbirth.

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) contains flavonoids and vitamin C, carotene and other substances can prevent and reduce the production of free radicals, can improve the body’s resistance, anti-aging, anti-cancer effect.

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) has the structure of reduce asthma and phlegm; suppress bacteria, treatment of abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) common nutrients is incredible
Haw preserved from the Hawthorn (Shan Zha) or Tang Hu Lu, and Hawthorn (Shan Zha) to begin with both of these snacks are appropriate for our digestion, Hawthorn (Shan Zha) is extremely healthy food. Do not under estimate Hawthorn (Shan Zha).

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) contains the majority of nutritional components of it, for your health and beauty has a tremendous extensive use. It might be small Hawthorn (Shan Zha), but fresh in Hawthorn fruit per 100 g contains vitamins C89 mg, second only to the fresh jujube, Kiwi ranked third in the fruit, vitamin B2 content 5 times higher than the Apple, and banana, side by side with its first fruits; carotene 0.82 g is Apple’s 10 times; even more impressive is the extent of calcium-containing, as high as 85 mg, also being on the forefront of fruits and vegetables in the Group fruits after olive. Hawthorn (Shan Zha) is most suitable for children, pregnant women and the elderly’s need for calcium. Also, contain iron, Nick acid and protein, fat, carbohydrates and other nutrients.

As fruits of hawthorn (Shan zha), Hawthorn (Shan Zha) fruit, famous as Beijing candied haws on a stick, a chain of mountains red, sweet and delicious. Hawthorn (Shan Zha) not only sour and sweet in taste, can stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, appetite, digestion, also has a variety of therapeutic value.

Experts said fresh fruits of Hawthorn (Shan Zha) vitamin e ranked the highest it also contains rich protein, amino acids, and sodium, potassium, manganese and other minerals. In addition, pectin content in Hawthorn (Shan Zha) fruit comes first. Have lower cholesterol and blood sugar, pectin gallstone prevention effectiveness. According to the latest research, there is radiation protection impact of pectin, take half of the radioactive elements from the body – such as strontium, cobalt and Palladium. In addition, there are large amounts of dietary fiber in Hawthorn (Shan Zha).

Hawthorn’s (Shan Zha) most foremost is an aid to digestion, treating diarrhea popular prescriptions, eliminating meat, top of Hawthorn (Shan Zha)is dedicated to eliminating meat from backup. Dietary fiber is intestinal “scavenger”, can promote intestinal motility and secretion of digestive glands, in favor of food digestion and excretion of wastes.

An aid to digestion: Hawthorn (Shan Zha) is rich in organic acids, dietary fiber, food can play a role in promoting gastric juice secretion and gastrointestinal peristalsis, which play an important role of in aid digestion, increase appetite, eliminating indigestion; and its contained some solutions of lipase can aid the digestion of fatty foods.

Hawthorn (Shan Zha) has excellent effectiveness of prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Experts said because of several active substances in Hawthorn (Shan Zha), triterpenes such substance, and flavonoid constituents, strengthening and regulating myocardial coronary, blood flow, heart function, moderate blood vessels. Increasing ventricular atrial, movement amplitude, preventing cardiac arrhythmia due to electrolyte imbalance also lower serum cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and diuretic sedative effects. Common Hawthorn (Shan Zha) treatment of bacillary dysentery, gastroenteritis and diarrhea in children. Hawthorn not only has a high nutritional value, also have powerful therapeutic value.

Strong hearts: Hawthorn (Shan Zha) is rich in flavonoids compounds. Antioxidation of flavonoids is a famous material; high intake of flavonoids can prevent heart disease. In addition, contained some of quercetin in Hawthorn (Shan Zha) by increasing cardiac contractility in myocardial cells and maintain pulsation, which play a role in improving the use of myocardial cell.

Health Benefit of Licorice Root, Chinese Herb Gan Cao (甘草)

Common Names: Chinese Licorice, Gan Cao, Sweet Licorice, Sweet Wood,
Scientific/medical name(s): Gan Cao, Glycyrrhizaglabra, Glycyrrhizauralensis.

Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) is a perennial herb that grows in southern Europe, Asia, and the Mediterranean. It is the dried roots, and underground stems of the plant been used in herbal remedies.

Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) is an ingredient in many traditional Chinese herbal remedies. It also used in many countries, to treat a wide range of health problems. However, it linked to some fairly serious side effects. Whole-herb licorice can constitute a violation of fluid and the mineral potassium in the body, which can lead to heart rhythm problems, high blood pressure, muscle weakness, and even paralysis.

What is the history behind it?
Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) extracts used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. The Chinese used it as a mild laxative and to help regulate the heartbeat in those with heart problems. Chinese herbalists often prescribe licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) with the purpose of helping other herbs to work better together and promoting integration of herbs. It used for medicinal purposes in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome.

Recently, science has re-discovered the health benefits of licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草). Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) is in fact, a strong antiviral that contains 10 antioxidants, at least 25 fungicidal and 9 expectorant compounds.

Glycyrrhizin, which is the, principal active ingredient in licorice root acts as an expectorant by losing thinning mucus and phlegm from the respiratory tract, makes it easier to cough up.

Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) is one of the most valuable herbs in traditional Chinese medicines and used for more than 3,000 years, to treat a wide range of illnesses, food poisoning, urinary tracts and relieves heartburn. In China, licorice considered an excellent balancing or harmonizing agent and added to various herbal formulas. It used to prevent peptic ulcers, coughs, boils and reduce inflammation, soothe and heal ulcers and stomach inflammation, control blood sugar, and balance hormones. Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) is excellent for healing canker sores and cold sores (herpes simplex virus). Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) is a potent antiviral agent and can be used to treat flu, herpes, and even hepatitis. Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) is also a strong anti-inflammatory agent and can be used to improve the flavour of other herbs. With all of these uses, it is no wonder that licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) finds its way into so many therapies. It reputed to revive the heart and spleen functions.

Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) has also been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, (TCM) to treat conditions ranging from diabetes to tuberculosis. The two main constituents of licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草), glycyrrhizin and flavonoids, may also indicate anti-inflammatory effects and inhibit the breakdown of the cortisol produced by the body. Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) may also have antiviral properties, although this has not been proven in human pharmacological studies. The ancient Chinese also used it as an antidote for drug poisoning.

Delicious Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) will help to keep your lungs clear, your digestive tract calm, your colon cleansed and your adrenal gland functioning properly. Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) is a safe and pleasant way to soothe a sore throat.

An extract of licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草), called liquiritin, used in connection with melasma, a pigmentation disorder of the skin. However, the usefulness of licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) for treating this situation has not been substantiated.

Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) has a sweet flavour, neutral in property, performing on the heart, spleen, stomach, and lung. It invigorates the spleen, eradicates phlegm, refills qi, clears toxins and heat, halts cough, lightens spasm and pain, and moderates other herbal properties.

It applied for the inadequacy of the spleen Qi and stomach Qi manifested as loose stool, insufficient breath, asthenia, and poor appetite. It often utilized as a substantiating herb with dang shen and white atractylodes rhizome.

In cases of lack of Qi and blood with manifestations of an irregular pulse, palpitation, and spontaneous sweating, it applied with dried Rehmannia Root, Dang-Shen, Ophiopogon Root and Cinnamon twig, as in Decoction of ready Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草).

An Ancient Font of Health
Used for generations in China, ancient Greece and the British Isles, Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) cultivated around the world. The sweet taste of its yellow root prompted its use in the manufacture of candies. It contains vitamin E, B-complex, biotin, niacin, pantothenic acid, lecithin, manganese and other trace elements. Although Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) has been used as flavouring for hundreds of years, many people do not know that it also has most valuable medicinal qualities. Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) has gained a reputation for strengthening the body during times of stress.

The benefits of the use of Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) in Herbal Preparations Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) are one of the more widely consumed herbs in the world. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it occurs in more formulas than any other single herb because it thought to coordinate the development of all other herbs.

Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) is remarkably soothing and softens the mucous membranes of the throat, lungs, stomach, intestines, and at the same time cleanses any inflamed mucous membrane that needs immune system support. This is the reason why Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) found in so many cough and sore throat medications. It reduces the irritation in the throat and yet has an expectorant action. It is the saponins (detergent-like action) that minimize the phlegm in the respiratory tract so that the body can remove the mucus. It is a powerful healing agent for tuberculosis, where its effects been compared to hydrocortisone. For colds and flu, Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) can be combined with tonic herbs such as cayenne or ginger, to heighten the effect. For sore throat and irritated bronchials, Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) is more effective when combined with Horehound or Mullein.

Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) also has a soothing and therapeutic effect on the stomach and digestive tract. It lubricates and nourishes the entire intestinal tract with a system as easy as 40% Licorice root and 60% Slippery Elm.

Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) employed in complex recipes, to scale down the toxicity of other herbaceous plants or control the massive hot or cold properties, and align the effects of individual herbs herbal effects. For cough resulting from wind-heat, it may be given together with Peucedanum Root, Arctium Fruit, Mulberry Leaf, and Platycodon Root to relieve coughing because of wind-cold, it can be divided with Ephedra and Bitter Apricot kernel for cough and dyspnea due to heat in the lung. Radix Glycyrrhizae may also be utilized with unprepared Gypsum, Ephedra, and Bitter Apricot Kernel.

The active ingredient, glycyrrhizic acid, known to be fifty-times sweeter than sugar cane, but it does not help thirst; but it will reduce thirst.

Beneficial Uses:
Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) been used for thousands of years as an excellent expectorant that commonly used for respiratory problems. It is a wonderfully essential ingredient in cough medicines and cough drops as both a pleasant flavouring, as well as an expectorant and soothing agent. Many cough lozenges and syrups use licorice as flavouring and a cough suppressant.

Today, alternative health care professionals, continue to use the benefits of Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) to ailments such as allergies. In addition, it used for stomach problems (including heartburn from reflux), inflammatory disorders, skin conditions (including eczema and psoriasis) minor skin infections and liver problems.

Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) with glycyrrhizin may help to:

Respiratory mucus production increased by glycyrrhizin. This increase helps to reduce thin mucus in airways; this makes a cough more "productive," bringing up phlegm and other mucus bits. Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) can also eliminate lungs of mucus and eases congestion, tackle problems such as bronchitis, ease non-productive coughing and colds.

Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) also helps to reduce bronchial spasms. In addition to its beneficial uses as a demulcent, Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) acts as an expectorant, which has also been long valued. Glycyrrhizin also harbors anti-inflammatory properties. Help to soothes mucous membranes and soreness in the throat, fights viruses that cause respiratory illnesses and an overproduction of mucus. In the respiratory system, it has a similarly calm and therapeutic efficacy, reducing irritation and the inflammation and has an expectorant effect, useful in irritating coughs, asthma and chest infections.

Lessen symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. By enhancing cortisol activity, glycyrrhizin helps to increase energy, relieve stress and reduce the symptoms of ailments sensitive to cortisol levels, such as chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromylagia.

As an anti-inflammatory, the glycyrrhizinic acid activity in Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) seems related to the way corticoids released from the adrenal glands, which is useful in treating arthritis, rheumatism and aching, painful joints. The herb stimulates production of cortisone and aldosterone, which appear to be effective anti-inflammatory agents.

Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草) is a tremendous support for healthy digestion and healthy gastrointestinal system. The herb soothes the mucous membranes and protects the stomach and intestines. It known to coat the stomach's lining with mucus, rather than restraining the secretion of gastric acid (which would result in incomplete digestion); reduce the activity of pepsin and increases blood flow to the damaged tissues and decreases muscle spasms." Glycyrrhizinic acid also helps to inhibit enzymes that dismantle prostaglandins, which will help the stomach and upper intestine, allowing ulcers to recover more quickly. This activity may also protect the colon and treat ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, Celiac disease, gastritis and peptic ulcer.


Where do the healing benefits of Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草)come from? Glycyrrhizin, one of the key components found in licorice, believed to be responsible for many of its healing properties. However, there are other potentially beneficial substances that been identified in licorice as well, including compounds called flavonoids and various plant estrogens (phytoestrogens).

Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草)also seems to support the adrenal glands -- making these adrenal hormones such as cortisol (the body's primary stress-fighting adrenal hormone) also available to the body. As such, Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草)may help lessen symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia by enhancing cortisol activity. Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草)contains phytoestrogens that seem to have minimal estrogens-like effects. As such, it often included in formulas, to help combat PMS and menopausal complaints. Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草)also contains various flavonoids, which are potent antioxidants.

Some experts point out that one -- among the arsenal of benefits of Licorice Root, Gan Cao (甘草)an excellent liver tonic.

Dang Shen is the Pin Yin (Chinese) name for the botanical name of Codonopsis pilosula. A common nickname for this herb is “Poor Man’s Ginseng.” This is because the actual Ginseng is too expensive, and Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) can provide similar benefits without the high cost. As an energy tonic, Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) can also offer other health benefits. Since it is gentler than Ginseng, it can be taken as a supplement more often with fewer side effects.

Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) is a shrubby flowering plant that grows along the river banks or streams and shaded areas under larger trees. Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) cultivated around the world for its beauty as an ornamental plant and its healing properties. It is native to Northeast Asia, which includes China and Korea. It can grow up to eight feet high and has a tendency to move onto other larger trees. The leaves are heart-shaped, and the flowers are bell-shaped with purple and yellow coloration on the petals.

Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) been used in China for over 2,000 years as a tonic for the lungs and spleen to strengthen and enrich the blood, counteract the metabolic activity. Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) commonly known as a heart tonic. It been used to strengthen and tone the heart by helping it to vibrate in a steady, regular rhythm. It used to strengthen the liver and stimulate the production of bile.

Historically, Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) thought to have properties similar to ginseng. The Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參), indicated that it was ginseng from the Shandang region; shen is the key word to describe ginseng or a ginseng-like herb. Like ginseng, Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) referred to as an adaptogen, a substance that non-specifically enhances and regulates the body's ability to withstand stress. Adaptogens increase the body's overall performance in ways that enhance the whole body resist infection. Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) thought to serve the whole body by boosting strength, increasing stamina and alertness, rejuvenating the body, strengthening the immune system, aiding recovery from serious illness, reducing stress, and stimulating the appetite. Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) used to treat a variety of afflictions, including asthma, digestive disorders, fatigue, and high blood pressure. Nursing mothers drink the tea for its galactagogue steps to increase their production of milk.

In the mid-1980s, scientific interest raised in Dang Shen’s, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) potential cardiovascular benefits, especially in patients with ischemic stroke or coronary artery disease/angina. More recent studies have focused on possible roles in liver disease (hepatitis and cirrhosis) and as an antioxidant.


CAUTIONS: Not for use if one have the hormone-sensitive disorder such as breast or prostate cancer, or are using anticoagulant drugs. Codonopsis Root (Dang Shen) 黨參 should not be used in cases of infection of the digestive system. Side effects been reported, like dizziness, discomfort in the chest area, nervous and anxious, dry mouth.

Herbs in Chinese Medicine: Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) the healing herb Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) - in Energy formulas.

Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) is toning; it is ideal for building energy and effective for Chi of the body.


This healing herb is in the Ginseng family and therefore; it resembles ginseng and has the same medicinal properties. However, Ginseng is stronger. It is a perennial herb, and its primary purpose is to create energy. It is suitable for mild chronic disorders that do not need the right influence of Ginseng. Sometimes it used in meals of stew and soups because it is an excellent prevention to heart disease. It used in place of Ginseng as it can be far too strong and expensive. It is milder but still has building energy use.

Dang Shen’s, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) properties

•Aids in digestion

•Helps loose stools

•Aids a weakened immune system and stimulates the nervous system

Improves body function, anti-fatigue and gives energy

•Raises blood sugar

• Enhances blood coagulation

• Improves the function of macrophages.

To take it

•Suck on the bark like a stick

•To be taken raw

•Cook it

•Take it in herbal formulas

Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參)

Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae

Properties: The herb is sweet in flavor, neutral in nature, and acts on the lung and spleen channels. Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) being sweet, neutral, moist, not dry, not greasy and gentle in intensity, it can not only invigorate spleen-qi but also nourish blood and stimulate the production of the body fluid. With its effects similar to, but weaker than those of ginseng, Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) can be used to replace ginseng, but the dosage of Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) should be doubled as much as that of ginseng wherever ginseng used except for emergency treatment of collapse. Therefore, Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) often used to treat deficiency of spleen-qi and lung-qi, tonifying the lung and control of body fluid and blood.

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