
Black fungus is a common and inexpensive ingredient on Chinese dinner table. It labeled as a medicinal food for thousand years known for its rich nutrients such as iron, protein, fat, vitamins, polysaccharide, and other minerals.

Black fungus has a bittersweet taste and is “neutral in nature” that can replace “Qi” (essential energy), enrich and activate blood, purify lungs and intestines. Its applications include anemia, haematemesis, uterine bleeding, hemorrhoid, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and even cancer prevention.

Black fungus is healthy obesity diet food called "Meat or fish in vegetables". The iron in black fungus is certainly one of the highest among all vegetables; taking regularly can stimulate blood and prevent iron deficiency anemia. Western science has proven that black fungus is highly effective in blood viscosity modulation by inhibiting platelet aggregation and lowering viscosity of blood. Studies show that those who use black fungus regularly tend to have a normal blood viscosity—a similar effect like taking aspirin without side effects of hemorrhage and digestive irritations, and these people are at lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Black fungus carries a compound called polysaccharide, this vegetable not only inhibits tumor growth and prevents cancer, it also neutralizes the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Black fungus also an excellent “adsorbent” and “scavenger” due to the pectin that can adsorb dust in lungs and digestive system and then excrete together. Black fungus contains rich dietary fibres and a special pectin which can assist motility of the stomach and intestine, excreting fat in the intestine, reducing fat intake, and so preventing obesity and help to lose weight.

Black fungus benefits one health in many ways it found to possess anticoagulant properties and prevent blood clotting in blood vessels.

Black fungus in terms of taste and price, it is much better pig liver as a good source of iron, the extremely high Iron, 20 times as celery, 7 times as pork liver. Eating regularly will nourish blood, own visage beauty, and prevent Iron Deficiency Anemia. Lack of iron cause anemia makes a person feels weak or simply tired due to insufficient oxygen in the blood.

It is amusing to note that black fungus discovered to be growing in the radioactive environment of Chernobyl in Russia. Black fungus found to contain melanin that can serve as an antioxidant (source), the pigment that protects the skin against damage by ultraviolet light from the sun. The power of black fungus to thrive in such a destructive environment could provide benefits that may prove to be useful to people. Black fungus is ideal for women not only does it help increase blood circulation and thus improve one skin tone, it reduce skin pigmentation with frequent consumption.

Black fungus reduces blood clot, preventing thrombosis, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, and cancer.

Black fungus possess anticoagulant properties that prevent clotting in the blood vessels.

Fresh black fungus is dangerous to eat as it contains poisonous substance, but most of the toxic stuff will disappear after dried under the sun. Black fungus must be thoroughly soaked in warm/cold water till soft before cooking, and should change the water several times during soaking, washing several times till the water is clear. After soak, black fungus can be cooked into nutritious tasty dishes, such as Fungus salad, Stir Fried Fungus with Meat or Vegetables. It can be incorporate into stewed dishes, soup. Steam Fungus with Jujube(Chinese date) will enhance the role of supplementing blood.

In addition, black fungus also rich in protein, vitamins D, B1. and B2, an excellent source of calcium, apparently with twice the amount of calcium compared to milk.

Chinese eat Black Fungus to improve the blood and blood circulation and thus help a person live longer.

Black fungus commonly known to alleviate “dryness” and stimulate circulation of the body, particularly aids in nourishing the lungs, stomach and liver. More importantly, due to rich iron content, it is surprisingly useful for helping to cleanse the body of stagnant blood.

Although fresh black fungus is available, it is advisable to use the dried form for cooking purposes because that would mean that whatever bacteria on the fungus would destroy while being sun to dried. Black fungus has protein, fat, calcium, carbohydrates, carotene, vitamins, vitamin B1, a variety of amino acids, lysine and leucine and a large number of fibers, potassium, magnesium and sodium. It unusually high volume iron, and the amount of vitamin B2 and calcium said to be 30-70 times that in common meat. Black fungus said to increase the fluidity and circulation of the blood and help those with anemia. Black Fungus also knows to control cholesterol in blood and apparently can help to control weight. Also, helps in detox impurities in the digestive system.

Black fungus has high dietary fibres, and it can “absorb” toxins in one digestive system, and rid them via excretion. Black fungus said to have many health benefits, including prevention of cancer but those patients with blood thinning issues should avoid consuming this. Black Fungus should be eaten with moderation even by healthy folks, not recommend for daily consumption in large quantity.

Dang Shen is the Pin Yin (Chinese) name for the botanical name of Codonopsis pilosula. A common nickname for this herb is “Poor Man’s Ginseng.” This is because the actual Ginseng is too expensive, and Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) can provide similar benefits without the high cost. As an energy tonic, Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) can also offer other health benefits. Since it is gentler than Ginseng, it can be taken as a supplement more often with fewer side effects.

Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) is a shrubby flowering plant that grows along the river banks or streams and shaded areas under larger trees. Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) cultivated around the world for its beauty as an ornamental plant and its healing properties. It is native to Northeast Asia, which includes China and Korea. It can grow up to eight feet high and has a tendency to move onto other larger trees. The leaves are heart-shaped, and the flowers are bell-shaped with purple and yellow coloration on the petals.

Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) been used in China for over 2,000 years as a tonic for the lungs and spleen to strengthen and enrich the blood, counteract the metabolic activity. Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) commonly known as a heart tonic. It been used to strengthen and tone the heart by helping it to vibrate in a steady, regular rhythm. It used to strengthen the liver and stimulate the production of bile.

Historically, Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) thought to have properties similar to ginseng. The Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參), indicated that it was ginseng from the Shandang region; shen is the key word to describe ginseng or a ginseng-like herb. Like ginseng, Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) referred to as an adaptogen, a substance that non-specifically enhances and regulates the body's ability to withstand stress. Adaptogens increase the body's overall performance in ways that enhance the whole body resist infection. Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) thought to serve the whole body by boosting strength, increasing stamina and alertness, rejuvenating the body, strengthening the immune system, aiding recovery from serious illness, reducing stress, and stimulating the appetite. Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) used to treat a variety of afflictions, including asthma, digestive disorders, fatigue, and high blood pressure. Nursing mothers drink the tea for its galactagogue steps to increase their production of milk.

In the mid-1980s, scientific interest raised in Dang Shen’s, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) potential cardiovascular benefits, especially in patients with ischemic stroke or coronary artery disease/angina. More recent studies have focused on possible roles in liver disease (hepatitis and cirrhosis) and as an antioxidant.


CAUTIONS: Not for use if one have the hormone-sensitive disorder such as breast or prostate cancer, or are using anticoagulant drugs. Codonopsis Root (Dang Shen) 黨參 should not be used in cases of infection of the digestive system. Side effects been reported, like dizziness, discomfort in the chest area, nervous and anxious, dry mouth.

Herbs in Chinese Medicine: Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) the healing herb Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) - in Energy formulas.

Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) is toning; it is ideal for building energy and effective for Chi of the body.


This healing herb is in the Ginseng family and therefore; it resembles ginseng and has the same medicinal properties. However, Ginseng is stronger. It is a perennial herb, and its primary purpose is to create energy. It is suitable for mild chronic disorders that do not need the right influence of Ginseng. Sometimes it used in meals of stew and soups because it is an excellent prevention to heart disease. It used in place of Ginseng as it can be far too strong and expensive. It is milder but still has building energy use.

Dang Shen’s, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) properties

•Aids in digestion

•Helps loose stools

•Aids a weakened immune system and stimulates the nervous system

Improves body function, anti-fatigue and gives energy

•Raises blood sugar

• Enhances blood coagulation

• Improves the function of macrophages.

To take it

•Suck on the bark like a stick

•To be taken raw

•Cook it

•Take it in herbal formulas

Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參)

Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae

Properties: The herb is sweet in flavor, neutral in nature, and acts on the lung and spleen channels. Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) being sweet, neutral, moist, not dry, not greasy and gentle in intensity, it can not only invigorate spleen-qi but also nourish blood and stimulate the production of the body fluid. With its effects similar to, but weaker than those of ginseng, Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) can be used to replace ginseng, but the dosage of Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) should be doubled as much as that of ginseng wherever ginseng used except for emergency treatment of collapse. Therefore, Dang Shen, Codonopsis pilosula (黨參) often used to treat deficiency of spleen-qi and lung-qi, tonifying the lung and control of body fluid and blood.

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Healthy Lifestyle topic for today is Gingko and Health.


The Ginkgo biloba tree is the oldest species of tree still living today. The tree can live to be 1,000 years old, making the leaves very hardy and resistant to inclement weather. In addition to its use in modern herbal medicine, Ginkgo biloba has been used by traditional Chinese medical practitioners for over 5,000 years.

Today, thanks to man's intervention, Ginkgo trees grow all over the world, line U.S. streets and boulevards. And in return for saving this ancient tree, we have all been offered the chance to benefit from the secret that Ginkgo biloba has kept hidden in its leaves for hundreds of millions of years—unique phytochemicals with a variety of health benefits that nobody could have expected to come from just one plant!

Active components of Ginkgo biloba: There are more than 40 components identified from ginkgo biloba tree but there are only two active components that are responsible for its beneficial effects. These components include;

  • Flavonoids such as quercetin and rutin both have powerful antioxidant effects. Studies have shown that flavonoids protect the nerves, heart muscle, blood vessels and retina from damage.
  • Terpenoids such as ginkgolides improve blood flow by dilating blood vessels and reducing the stickiness of platelets.

The health benefits of Ginkgo biloba are possible because of two of its active ingredients. Terpene lactones, which occur in Ginkgo biloba as bilobalide and ginkgolides, promote increased circulation and have a protective effect on the nerve cells of the body. Ginkgo flavone glycosides act as antioxidants and can also reduce the stickiness of platelets, which can help prevent clogged arteries and poor circulation.

Ginkgo Biloba - How Does It Work?
As an oxygen-carrying agent, Gingko Biloba increases the blood flow throughout the circulatory system as well as the brain. Vital nutrients and oxygen are circulated throughout the body’s blood stream network. By improving the circulatory system the body will improve your overall health and help you live longer. Ginkgo Biloba will also keep your vital organs healthier and functioning properly.

Ginkgo Biloba has several active ingredients that provide the powerful healing action. The Ginkgo Biloba extracts contain: Flavonoids, Terpene lactones that also include Ginkgolides A, B, and C, Bilobalide, Quercetin and lastly Kamepferol. The Ginkgolides act as anti-allergen, anti-inflammatory and treat respiratory ailments such as Asthma. The healing power of Ginkgo Biloba also kills free radicals inside of the body. These radicals can cause the body harm by afflicting damaged cells and causing various diseases.

Gingko has been known as a powerful brain stimulant and memory enhancing extract. A Ginkgo Biloba user will benefit from the nutrients ability to enhance the brains functionality including mental alertness and memory enhancement. In some phases of Alzheimer’s, patients who suffer from this disease can gain some benefit from its memory enhancing power. Ginkgo can help treat affected areas of the brain that suffer from a decreased blood flow and poor circulation.

Proven Health Benefits

Several of the claimed health benefits of Ginkgo biloba have been proven with placebo-controlled, double-blind research studies conducted by major universities and government agencies. Ginkgo biloba received a three-star rating for use in treating age-related cognitive decline, glaucoma, early-stage Alzheimer's disease and intermittent claudication, which is pain in the legs caused by blocked arteries.

Alzheimer's Disease: Research has shown that because Ginkgo biloba enhances blood flow to the brain, it can improve memory and mental function in some people with Alzheimer's disease. Ginkgo shows the most benefit for people already suffering from Alzheimer's and other age-related memory problems, not for those who are healthy.

Asthma: Ginkgo biloba has long been used in China to ease asthma attacks. Ginkgo helps relieve the airway spasms and wheezing associated with this disease.

Brain Optimization, Memory and Aging: Ginkgo biloba is not known to prevent memory loss, but its ability to improve blood flow to the brain suggests that it may help slow mental decline and optimize brain function. Ginkgo biloba may be useful in reducing the impact of early stage Alzheimer's and some forms of dementia. When age-related memory loss is caused by these conditions, Ginkgo biloba may help.

Depression Anxiety: By improving blood circulation to the brain, ginkgo may be useful for treating depression and anxiety, especially in older people, where reduced blood flow is often caused by a buildup of cholesterol in the arteries.

Diabetes: Ginkgo biloba may be helpful in treating complications due to diabetes. Studies have shown ginkgo is useful for treating Diabetic neuropathy, the nerve damage resulting from poor circulation to the extremities that is common in diabetes sufferers. Animal studies have shown that Ginkgo may also help prevent diabetic retinopathy, an eye disease that can cause blindness.

Hemorrhoids: Ginkgo biloba can be used for relief of acute symptoms of hemorrhoids (for control of bleeding and re-bleeding).

Impotence: Ginkgo biloba extract has been shown to be helpful in treating erectile dysfunction due to poor blood flow. A study of impotent men showed improved penile blood circulation after six weeks of using Ginkgo extract. After six months, 50% of the patients had regained potency.

Macular Degeneration: There is some evidence that Ginkgo biloba may be helpful in treating macular degeneration because it increases blood flow to the eyes. Ginkgo’s antioxidant capabilities may also help to neutralize the cell-damaging free radicals that are considered a leading cause of macular degeneration. Ginkgo biloba's powerful antioxidant and circulation-promoting properties may also be of help in treating the blurring and dimming of vision caused by cataracts.

Multiple Sclerosis: There is some evidence that Ginkgo biloba can improve memory problems as well as muscle pain and fatigue associated with multiple sclerosis.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS): Research on women with premenstrual syndrome or breast discomfort suggests that Ginkgo biloba may ease symptoms such as breast discomfort and mood shifts.

Raynaud's Disease / Intermittent Claudication: Raynaud's disease is caused by reduced blood flow to the extremities - including the fingers, toes, nose and ears - when exposed to temperature changes or stress. By improving blood circulation to these areas Ginkgo biloba helps relieve the pain associated with this disease. Intermittent Claudication is associated with pain in the legs due to reduced blood flow. Ginkgo biloba has been shown to help this type of pain.

Stroke: Ginkgo biloba has a similar effect to aspirin in reducing the "stickiness" of the blood. This means ginkgo may help lower the risk of blood clots and reduce the risk of heart attacks or stroke.

Gingko Nuts 白果 Cautions Use:

Gingko Nuts 白果 are very toxic for children. When using Gingko for asthma therapy, the effective dosage is very close to toxic quantity. Cooking can only destroy the cyanide by hydrolysis but cannot destroy the toxicity caused by ginkgo phenols and ginkgo toxin.

A normal amount of flavonol does not affect the blood clotting time. A large dosage can interfere with the blood clotting time.


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Jiaogulan belongs to the same family of plants as cucumbers and melons, but it does not bear an edible fruit or vegetable. Harvested in the late summer, the leaves of Jiaogulan are dried and used for healthcare products and medicine.

Ancient Chinese medicine has no record of this herb. But recent research has found that it is helpful in anti-aging, boosting energy, combating cancer, prevents tumors, treats ulcers, relieves stress, promotes long life and improves memory, ease pain and adjusting endocrine levels. Jiaogulan is also believed to have calming effects and to be useful in combination with codonopsis for jet lag and altitude sickness.

Its chemical constituents include the triterpenoid saponins gypenosides which are closely structurally related to the ginsenosides from the well-known medicinal plant ginseng. Ginseng alternatives, only jiaogulan actually contains compounds closely related to ginsenosides, although ginsenosides alone do not determine the effectiveness of ginseng. This herb is in the category called "Tonify Qi." This means strengthening energy and vitality.

Little was known about the plant until after the 1960s, when the Chinese began to realize that it might be an inexpensive source of adaptogenic compounds, taking pressure off of the ginseng stock. Think it may be a substitute for the ginseng that was being harvested by the ton. Worried that ginseng would get scarce, they began studies of jiaogulan. Jiaogulan is a plant that is either a female plant or a male plant. When the seeds are wanted from this herb, you must grow both the plants. The jiaogulan does not show any toxic effects.


More importantly for heart health, it also reduces cholesterol, lowers triglycerides, helps regulate blood sugar and reduces inflammation. What's not to like? Gynostemma (Jiaogulan) tea has been used in a Randomized Controlled Trial to treat type 2 diabetic patients.

If you decide to take it you might want to start with a small amount for a short time and see how your body responds before taking it full time.

Although it has long been used for beverages and medicine in southern China, praised in China as the herb of immortality, a Japanese researcher, discovered Jiaogulan have many qualities similar to ginseng. It sparks scientific research on Jiaogulan, revealing it to be a powerful adaptogenic and antioxidant herb with many health-giving properties.

Studies have confirmed the Possible Benefits of Jiaogulan
Studies recently have shown it contains many ingredients found in Asian ginseng. The properties that ginseng is known for such as preventing stress from causing an imbalance in the body have been found in this herb as well.

Scientific studies have confirmed Jiaogulan ability to assist the regulation of serum cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL (bad cholesterol), and HDL (good cholesterol, which helps to metabolize cholesterol from the arteries).

Blood Pressure
Jiaogulan has been widely reported to be effective in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. Although the exact mechanism is still being researched, studies have shown that it improves the metabolism of the heart directly as well as enhances the release of nitric oxide in the body, which helps to relax the coronary blood vessels.

While it is great for regulating cholesterol, it also assists a good weight loss program, by improving and strengthening digestion. At the same time, it helps an underweight person by assisting the absorption of nutrients. This regulatory effect on bodily functions is the hallmark of an Adaptogen.

Strength and Endurance
The results of human studies confirm that Jiaogulan can enhance the contractility of the heart muscle and heart pumping function. Other studies have shown that the saponins (chemical compounds having a soapy characteristic), as well as trace minerals, amino acids, proteins, and vitamins. Jiaogulan increase strength and endurance in the body. Considering these findings overall, Jiaogulan becomes the perfect herb for anyone who wants to improve his competitive edge in any field of athletic performance.

Jiaogulan has also demonstrated an ability to support the immune system when under the siege of various destructive agents.

Adaptogenic Properties
Jiaogulan has a biphasic effect on brain functions, energizing or calming the system depending upon need, as well as on the regulation of hormonal functions in both men and women. The healthy maintenance of these physiological actions plays a major role in the body's ability to cope with stress. It has the ability to adapt and regulate our sympathetic nervous system. Depending on the person or the situation it can calm or excite, yet there is no caffeine found in it.

Antioxidant Properties
The results of many scientific studies show that Jiaogulan powerful antioxidant quality protects against free radical damage.

People called Jiaogulan an 'immortality herb' and sometimes called "Southern Ginseng" or "poor man's ginseng". It was used in the Guizhou Province where people make a tea with the plant. The immortality associated with this herb comes from the fact that the people of this area live to be quite old.

Jiaogulan is a Chinese herb also called the Longevity Herb and in Japan it is called Amachazuru and it is used to increase the Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) in the body. Researchers use the SOD levels in studies as a reliable indicator of long life. SOD is one of the body's most important antioxidants. Human studies have showed that SOD levels can returned to youthful levels after taking it for only one month.

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