Author Archives: Kit

About Kit

I am a Certified Wellness Life Coach incorporating with Law of Attraction. Passionate in add value to my health knowledge to individual WHO WANT TO BE HEALTHY, LOSE WEIGHT, LOW BACK PAIN, REGROW LOST HAIR AND SPIRITUAL LIFE.

Walnuts have been shown to have very specific therapeutic effects in the human body. The fat in walnut is beneficial to the formation of albumin in the body. Walnuts fall into the warm category. In TCM, it is claimed that walnut being sweet and warm in property, it can invigorate yang; and being greasy and moist, warm but not dry like most nuts. Hence, it is good for weakness and deficient vital essence in the elderly, nourishing the blood and vital energy, benefitting the lungs and kidneys and moistening the lungs, helping inspiration to relieve asthma, moistening the intestine and relaxing bowels.

Therapeutic Uses 

In TCM, walnuts are associated with the Lung, Large Intestine and Kidney meridians and have sweet and warm properties. It is capable of supplementing kidney-qi, helping inspiration and moistening intestinal dryness, frequently serving to treat painful muscular rheumatism involving the lumbar region, impotence, seminal emission, frequent urination due to kidney-deficiency, chronic cough and asthma of deficiency-syndrome and constipation. It is also an excellent tonic food.

Based on their therapeutic effects, herbs are said to enter one or more of the energetic meridians of the body. Walnuts are said to enter the Kidney, Lung and Large Intestine. Walnuts tonify the Kidney and replenish the Kidney Essence. Kidney Essence controls the growth of teeth and bones and is manifested on the hair. Essence is essential for normal brain development, sexual energy and fertility.

According to TCM, use walnut to soothes irritated tissue and has expectorant property, in the treatment of depression, fatigue, alcoholism, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy and schizophrenia. Walnuts are a "warm" food that benefits the digestive system, reinforces and nourish the blood; and kidney energy, nourishes and warm the lungs; and benefits brain function. It is widely used to relieve coughing and poor memory. Walnuts also nourish the skin and help prevent gray hairs. Walnuts are known to enrich the sperm. Walnuts are an important herb to strengthen the bones.

Typically, walnuts are used to treat pain and weakness in the knees and back, aid in digestion and relieve asthma. Walnuts may play a role in lowering blood cholesterol levels, thus reducing the incidence of some forms of heart disease

For thousands of years Chinese culture deducted that walnuts benefit the brain. One of the oldest principals of Chinese herbal medicine is that the shape, texture or color of a plant or natural substance may mimic certain parts of the body or attributes of certain diseases and therefore suggest a therapeutic correspondence.

Look closely at a walnut. How cerebral does it look? The surface of the walnut resembles the crinkled brain surface, so it is believed to benefit the brain. This is based on the ancient theory that eating things that resemble parts of the body can actually benefit that body part. This brain-shaped nut is wonderful for people with a dry constitution, growing children and of course, your brain.

Nutrition: Rich in protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. Most of the fat in walnuts is linoleic acid, a nutritious unsaturated fatty acid that helps lower cholesterol and prevent hardening of the arteries. The vitamins B and E and phospholipid in walnuts can help delay cell aging and improve memory. Micro-elements like calcium, zinc, cooper and chromium are essential for metabolism.

Walnut has huge amounts of omega-3, an essential fatty acid very beneficial to our body. Renowned for its health promoting quality, this nutrient play a crucial role in brain function as well as normal growth and development. Omega-3 fat helps strengthen cell membrane integrity and repair cellular and tissue damage.

Lack of this important polyunsaturated fatty acid can affect your mood; result in fatigue, dry skin, heart problems and poor circulation.

Walnut is also a rich source of other important nutrients that are vital for activities such as enzyme or hormone activation, building or proper functioning of your nervous system, bones, organs and body tissues.

Walnuts also contain manganese, copper, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc and selenium, all nutrients which are important to good health, like most nuts can help lower cholesterol and improve heart health when eaten as part of a balanced diet.

Walnuts are rich source of many phyto-chemical substances that may contribute to their overall anti-oxidant activity, including melatonin, ellagic acid, excellent source of vitamin E, carotenoids and poly-phenolic compounds. These compounds known to have potential health effects against cancer, aging, inflammation and neurological diseases.

They are also packed with several important B-complex groups of vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6 and folates.

Beneficial For…

Skin. Walnuts are considered moistening, nourishing and rejuvenating. Applied externally, walnut oil is great for dry skin. The oil soothes and lubricates, leaving your skin soft and supple without any greasiness. It is favored as base oil for massage. It is often used to treat wrinkles. Some people also used it to combat various types of skin problems including fungal infections, eczema, acne, pimples, psoriasis, scabies, inflamed skin, sunburn and itchy scalp.

Lungs. Dry cough, consume gruel with powdered walnut, a teaspoon of almond and thickened with rice flour to sooth, reduce inflammation and lubricate our throat and lungs. Add sugar to taste. The leaves are used in folk medicine to treat chronic cough and asthma. TCM prescribed walnut to be taken between bouts of asthma, but not for acute asthma.

Bowels. Walnuts moisten and lubricate the intestines and promotes easy passage of stools through the bowels to treat constipation that is caused by lack of Essence or Blood or both. This often occurs in the elderly or following a chronic illness. A dry constitution and pass out dry, hard stools with difficulty, walnut will be a beneficial add to our diet. Traditional healers uses the bark of walnut to relieve constipation while the rind of the fruit is used to treat diarrhea.

Heart. The best ways to prevent heart disease is to eat a diet low in saturated fat and foods that are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (including omega-3 fatty acids). The high level of polyunsaturated fats in walnut also contributes to better heart health. They slow down blood platelets from clumping together as well as the formation of blood clots and plaque in the arteries. Walnuts strengthen the blood and improve blood vessel health.

Walnut contain antioxidants and L-arginine (an amino acid), which could improve artery function thus reducing the risk of heart disease. L-arginine is used to make nitric oxide, a compound in the body that relaxes blood vessels. L-arginine may help lower the risk of hardening of arteries. Oil in the nut also helps prevent erratic heart rhythms. The high quantities of magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and calcium in walnut are essential minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the heart as well.

Brain, Nerves and Eyes. Walnuts are brain food that increased intelligence and memory. The huge amounts of omega-3 in the walnut not only improve cognitive function but also behavioral function. Deficiency can result in poor memory, mood swings or depression. In fact, infants who do not get enough omega-3 fatty acids from their mothers during pregnancy risk developing vision and nerve problems. This is because omega-3 in the nut helps optimize neurological transmission and brain function.

The nutrients, Lutein and zeaxanthin in the nut are essential for the retina of our eyes. Deficiency of these nutrients increases the risk of blindness.

Walnut also contains tryptophan, an amino acid that our body needs to produce melatonin, Vitamin B [niacin] and serotonin (a neurotransmitter). Serotonin makes us feel calm, relaxed and filled with a sense of well-being. Melatonin helps us to sleep better. Another amino acid in walnut is glutamic acid. It is considered to be nature's "Brain food" by improving mental capacities and enhancing normal nervous system function. It can cross the blood-brain barrier and is the only means by which toxic ammonia in the brain is removed.

Reduces Inflammation. Walnut has compounds that reduce the production of cytokines, which are involved in inflammatory response. Inflammation makes our body tissues more susceptible to damage and may result in diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, atherosclerosis, bronchitis etc.

It is important to have a balance of omega-3 and omega-6 (another essential fatty acid) in the diet. Whereas Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation, omega-6 fatty acids tend to promote inflammation. Our body is able to convert alpha linolenic acid (omega- 3) to other omega fatty acids when needed but not vice versa.

Weight Watchers. Even though it is high in calories, a study has found that the people who consumed nuts regularly did not gain significant weight. Walnuts (which are rich in alpha linolenic acid, a type of omega-3 fatty acid) that lower total cholesterol and triglycerides in people with high cholesterol levels.

Walnuts are effective in mitigating the effects of a diet high in saturated fats. The protective fat from walnuts actually undoes some of the detrimental effects of a high-saturated-fat diet.

Sleep. Walnut may be a good evening snack for a natural good night's sleep. Walnuts also seem to triple melatonin levels in the body? Melatonin is one of the body's sleep regulating hormones, so if we're tired of counting sheep at night, maybe a pre-bedtime snack of walnuts would help us get some shuteye. Eating walnuts triples blood levels of melatonin (a sleep hormone) and also increases antioxidant activity in the bloodstream. 

TCM believe walnut is good for the organ it emulates and also believe it invigorates qi, enriches blood, nourishes muscles, benefits stomach and spleen and blackens the hair.

Tips: "Warm" walnuts are not recommended for people with excessive internal heat. Walnuts' fat may aggravate diarrhea. The brown coating is nutritious and should not be removed.

Foods that naturally boost glutathione levels are fruits, herbs, vegetables and meats.

Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, onions, Brussels sprouts and cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, and asparagus are good sources of glutathione.

Watermelon, avocado, fruits rich in vitamin C like oranges, foods containing vitamin E like almonds all contain positive levels of glutathione.

Glutathione is found in raw eggs, fresh, unprocessed meats, garlic, turmeric, and herbs such as cinnamon and cardamom.

Brazil nuts are also an effective source of glutathione. Eating one Brazil nut a few times a week is an acceptable way to increase glutathione levels; however, Brazil nuts are high in calories

Levels of Glutathione in the Body
One of the main causes of law levels of glutathione are free radicals. An increased presence of free radicals in the body can cause oxidative stress. Low levels of glutathione deficiency contribute to oxidative stress, which plays a key role in aging.

Oxidative stress can also worsen many diseases which include Alzheimer’s disease, liver disease, Parkinson’s disease, cystic fibrosis, cancer sickle cell anemia, HIV and AIDS, diabetes, and heart attack. The aging process also causes lower levels of glutathione in the body. By age 20, the body begins to lose between 10-15% of glutathione per decade.

It is important to increase consumption of foods rich in glutathione after age 20. Other ways glutathione is decreased in the body can be from pollution, stress, exposure to poison such as pesticides, and birth control pills and hormone therapy. The higher glutathione levels are the healthier the individual is. High levels of glutathione help to rid the body of toxins and boost the immune system as well as the metabolism and energy levels.

Many dermatologists recommend eating foods high in glutathione to help reduce the signs of aging and improve skin clarity. Raising levels of glutathione in the body has an impact on almost every disease and sickness. An increased presence of glutathione can help to reduce symptoms of and prevent colds and the flu, can increase energy levels, and can slow memory loss.

My private odyssey to outline the link between minerals and health was strengthened by data that certain geographical areas on this planet had inhabitants who were strangers to sickness and lived to a ripe, outdated age. Among these longevous persons are Abkasians from Georgia, the Hunzas of Pakistan, the Bamas of China, the Vilcabambas of Ecuador, and sure Azerbaijans.


These small populations appear to share a typical issue that they stay at excessive altitude. Dwelling at high elevation presents ecology where melting glacial water has an abundant mineral content, for example every quart of Hunza water incorporates about 20,000 milligrams of calcium, and these folks drink several quarts each day. I imagine that the widespread denominator in this group is that their food plan is high in mineral nutrients which can be derived from melting glaciers and snow. Many different scientists, such as Dr. Joe Wallach, have proposed this mineral issue is longevity.


This affiliation between plentiful mineral intake and well-being is supported by the discovering that sea level populations with health and longevity, equivalent to Okinawan’s in Japan, have an identical abundance of minerals of their diet. In the case of Okinawans the supply is the offerings of the coral reefs around the Rukuyuku islands. These reefs provide mineral enrichment to the water provide and coral is commonly taken as a supplement in the diet. Again, one might claim a "fascinating" coincidence; however after a while the many coincidences start to imply proof of trigger and effect.


While minerals will not be the entire story of health and longevity. I consider that they are much more essential than has been previously supposed. There has been a bent in modern medication to reject treatments of pure origin, reminiscent of coral, which have centuries of priority of profitable use. The pendulum is now swinging in the opposite direction as pluralistic medication emerges and we move back to basics in applying optimum lifestyle and diet for health. Coral Calcium serves as a historical example of a natural agent from the ancient seas which holds great power for health and effectively-being.

Good nutrition can play a huge role in preserving and even boosting your memory. There are several foods that have been clinically shown to enhance storage and recall of information and preventing some of the deleterious effects of aging on the brain.

Here is a list of several foods that you should consider making a part of your regular diet.

Why not start with a treat? Dark chocolate, consumed in reasonable quantities on a daily basis, has been shown to have positive antioxidant effects within the body. The theobromine found in cocoa beans improves cognitive function and enhances your brain’s processing power. Unfortunately, the proven benefits have been limited only to dark chocolate, and not milk or white chocolate.

Luscious red tomatoes contain a fantastic quantity of essential antioxidants that can fight cell damage. Lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant is quite beneficial in the removal of harmful free radicals. Including tomatoes in your dietary regimen should not be a problem as they are easy to find, even when out of season. Understand that you probably won’t get the same benefit from tomato sauce as you will from tomatoes grown in your garden, or even those bought at the grocery store.

Fish oil is considered to be one of the best dietary supplements for the brain because it contains omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are actually produced by the algae in the fish’s ecosystem, and you can actually get this beneficial ingredient by either eating fish, like salmon, taking fish oil supplements, or finding a DHA supplement made from algae. However you consume it, this essential food is key to brain and heart health.

It is true that fish oil can be a bit hard to eat, but blueberries can be some of the most delicious items that can be consumed for enhancing memory power. Getting blueberries is not a difficult task at all as they tend to be easily obtainable. There is good data to show that these berries can directly boost memory when eaten on a regular basis.

Green tea is widely viewed as being helpful for concentration, alertness and memory. Not only can you consume green tea as a beverage, but you can also find foods that contain matcha, which is the powdered form of crushed green tea leaves. Matcha has potent antioxidant effects and is a great way to boost your brainpower.

Enjoy these great foods which really can make a significant difference in your health and memory power.

Watch this video is on the dangers of aspirin.

Commonly allergens known as the salicylates. Aspirin, being acetylsalicylic acid, is a salicylate, and for those who are sensitive enough, it can produce especially severe allergic reactions, even life threatening and malignant ones.

Additionally, acetylsalicylic acid is quite irritating to the gastric mucosa (lining of the stomach). It can quite easily destroy the lining resulting in ulceration and gastric bleeding, which again, can be dangerous, even fatal. This is a unusually high risk for anyone who accidentally or intentionally takes an overdose of the drug.

One rare but hidden problem that often overlooked is that of drug-induced nutritional deficiencies. Aspirin is a glaring example of this problem. It is an ant nutrient. Aspirin marketed and prescribed for daily use to prevent heart attack, aspirin depletes the body of the lifesaving nutrient folic acid (as well as iron, potassium, sodium, and vitamin C). Symptoms of folic acid depletion include anemia, birth defects, elevated homocysteine (itself a significant risk factor for heart disease), headache, fatigue, hair loss, insomnia, diarrhea, and increased infection.

We do not get heart attacks because we do not have enough aspirin in our blood stream. We get heart attacks because we lack proper nutrition and appropriate lifestyles thus causing us to be hypercoagulable not to mention the inflammations in our blood streams adding to this condition.

We get heart attacks because we do not have enough magnesium in our blood stream. Magnesium dilates blood vessels, aids potassium absorption, acts as a natural blood thinner, and keeps your blood cells from clumping together causing thrombosis (clotting).


Sang Ji Sheng Tea is a traditional Chinese medicine a raw bulk herbal tea. It does not cost tremendously much, but it heals and nourishes the body in a number of ways. The health benefits are endless. Sang Ji Sheng is a natural blood builder. The Chinese brand blood as the "mother of energy" because blood required in the bodies to for basic functions. It is a receptacle for sustaining one lives.

Blood provides the necessary moisture needed by the internal organs, to function properly. If blood having low, will develop diseases or dysfunctions in the body because of blood deficiency. We might have some of these problems but are unaware it is due to a blood deficiency, or may be on iron pill that will not quite help with anemia.

Sang Ji Sheng Tea is the key to one problem. It is an excellent blood tonic. It helps the body maintain an adequate blood supply, also soothes and relaxes the nervous system. It has mild laxative properties to relieve constipation.

Cancer Patients undergoing or proceeding radiation treatments this helps with the serious side effects such as nausea, dry mouth from the radiation. It is soothing to the body after the harsh treatments of radiation.

Surgery- After undergoing surgery and losing a lot of blood Sang Ji Sheng Tea help in building up the blood supply back up. If having just given birth, this major on the body and Sang Ji Sheng Tea lift one spirits by getting that nourishment in one body.

Sang Ji Sheng Tea aids in dehydrating.

Menstruating Women- When having crummy cramps the doctor may prescribe birth control pills to help with the cramping. This will not solve the problem in the long run. First of all, birth control pills damage the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland controls emotions and is essential to balance out the hormones and moods.

If having mild cramping or bad awful cramps simply put one blood is low. No birth control pill or iron pill will resolve the matter.

Drinking Sang Ji Sheng Tea regularly will prevent or lessen cramps, because consuming it builds blood and eliminates cramping. Every woman does not cramp if the blood is not low they will not cramp.

Pregnant Women - Sang Ji Sheng Tea keeps one hydrated during the entire pregnancy it is 100% safe to drink. When drinking Sang Ji Sheng Tea faithfully and kept the iron up, even the doctors insisted it because of the iron pill. If taking the drug iron pill because of the Sang Ji Sheng Tea.

Sang Ji Sheng Tea needed when manufacturing life in one body that is taking up one blood and calcium.

Acne Prone Skin- If dinking Sang Ji Sheng Tea consistently it will firm up the skin and create a youthful, radiant glow for male and females.

Arthritis- Sang Ji Sheng Tea promotes circulation helping to improve arthritic and rheumatic pain along with reducing arthritis inflammation.

Vitamins- Sang Ji Sheng Tea contains herbal calcium for strengthening tendons, bones, back and legs. Sang Ji Sheng Tea helps to recoup sore joints and muscles.

Discover the benefits of burdock root
Burdock root as an herbal medicine offers a variety of health benefits. Burdock is as old as Earth. No wonder this plant been used for different purposes for centuries. This herb been known for its healing properties for many centuries and commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat various illnesses.

Long ago, it used for its excellent cleansing and purifying properties. It contains types of essential oil which allow toxin, elimination in our body. Traditionally, it used to treat various viral diseases, like measles, tonsillitis and other respiratory problems. Nowadays, the most promising and developing means to utilize burdock root on oncology.

About Burdock Root
Burdock (Arctium lappa) is an herb with giant leaves which grows all, everywhere in Europe, especially the Mediterranean region and Asia. Burdock plant is a biennial thistle with green hairy, leaves and reddish purple flower clusters it is easy to find and identify as it grows along fences and roads. Burdock plant known for its purple blossoms, surrounded by prickly burrs, which are extremely sticky and can gasp and hold fabric, clothing particularly firmly.

For centuries burdock root, leaves and stems been used as the ingredients of various herbal remedies, supplements and preparations, and the burdock root benefits are immense. In Asia, the taproot of young burdock plant harvested and eaten as a root vegetable. It has a sticky consistency and is sweet to the taste. Burdock root is the most frequently used as an extremely valuable natural remedy rich in such elements as calcium, potassium, iron, copper, chromium, inulin, resin, flavonoids, mucilage, chlorogenic acid, lactone, flavonoids, polyacetylenes, tannin, taraxosterol, a series of vitamins and so on.

Benefits of burdock root also include excellent diuretic properties of this herb. The high proportion of inulin in this herb remedy, drinking burdock root infusion, recommended stimulating appetite and digestion, soothe digestive system and treat various stomach conditions, support liver cleansing, etc. Such burdock root benefits as its antifungal and antibacterial powers used to treat urinary infections, skin ulcers, acne and so on.

Besides, burdock root products can be used to calm down arthritis pain, rheumatism and sciatica inflammations, reducing swelling and pain around joints and ridding the body of calcification deposits.

In Traditional Chinese medicine, burdock root known as an excellent natural aphrodisiac which had super powers to treat infertility and impotence. Benefits of burdock root also include its effectiveness for hair loss prevention and dandruff as burdock root can be used as a solution to stimulate blood flow to the scalp, this process to assist in nourishing and strengthening hair follicles. Burdock root infusion can be applied internally to treat eczema and psoriasis.

What is Burdock Root?
If one come from a country that does not eat burdock root very often one may be wondering what it is. It is a group of biennial thistles. Young roots harvested and eaten as root vegetables. The roots have a mild flavor with a hint of sweetness and a crisp texture like potatoes or asparagus.

Traditional Uses for Burdock Root
In traditional medicine, the seeds of burdock (in traditional Chinese medicine known as niupangzi) compressed to form a mixture that provided relief for measles, arthritis, tonsillitis, throat pain, and viruses like the common cold. Burdock root can also be used to treat gout, rheumatism, ulcers, acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Folk herbalists use it to treat snake bites and those that afflicted with rabies. They also used dried burdock as a diuretic, diaphoretic, and a blood purifying agent. It purifies the blood by getting rid of dangerous toxins.

Remedy for Scalp Problems
Burdock root oil extract or Bur oil used in Europe as a scalp treatment for dandruff and prevents hair loss. Since the burdock oil is rich in phytosterols and essential fatty acids (including rare long-chain EFAs), it also improved hair strength, shine, and body by helping maintain a healthy scalp and promote hair growth. It combines a complete relieving effect with nutritional support for standard functions of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles.

Burn Treatment
The leaves of the burdock can be used for pain management and to help speed up recovery time in burn patients. It said to inhibit bacterial growth and acts as a barrier against moisture.

Burdock’s Skin-Healing Properties
Burdock used to heal eruptions and diseases of the skin including acne, chronic rashes, dry scaly skin patches, eczema, and psoriasis. Poor skin condition is often a symptom of general poor health and Burdock help to improve the skin in two different ways. Firstly, burdock root stimulates the digestive system. This is largely due to the proportion of high amounts of inulin and mucilage, which have a calming effect.

The bitter constituents are responsible for development of digestion and appetite. These stimulations have a beneficial effect upon the skin by improving the absorption of nutrients. Burdock also stimulates the excretory system, which means it works as a blood purifier by eliminating toxins from the body more quickly. For centuries Burdock been used to promote healing of the skin through an infusion of dried leaves. Vitamins and minerals in burdock are irreplaceable in treating and preventing acne. It still made into a root tea today; to help solve a problematic complexion. This makes it an effective treatment for acne, sores, psoriasis and eczema, but it does not happen overnight with results, it recommended that burdock tea taken three times daily over a period of two to three months, before significant results be noticed. Despite the patience required, burdock has proved to be an effective treatment for many chronic skin conditions, with continued use.

For Acne Scar sufferer, burdock helps skin condition! Steep a teaspoon of burdock in one cup of boiling water. Drink 1 to 3 cups a day for 1 to 2 weeks before your period if acne related to your menstrual cycle. Continue for 3 months to 1 year, until the symptoms subside. It may take 3 months to 1 year to create a permanent improvement, but it works!

Secondly, Burdock may also use as a poultice. The leaves usually collected within the first year of growth, bruised slightly, then place in the affected area and covered with a damp cloth. A poultice may also be made from boiled, mashed leaves. This is an effective treatment for boils and acne. The poultice draws out toxins from beneath the skin. It should be applied twice daily.

Cancer Benefits
Today, burdock root used in oncology for its cancer-curing properties, especially in Russia and India. Burdock root has recently become popular as a tea treatment for cancer. Many herbalists say burdock root can prevent cancer cells from metastasizing. Preliminary research has demonstrated that burdock root has certain protective properties that may explain its cancer benefits.

Burdock studied for its potential as a treatment for cancer. It has a long history of use for treating this problem– Hildegard of Bingen, a well-known medieval herbalist, often used burdock for treatment of cancerous tumors. Recent studies have shown that arctigenin, a chemical in burdock, does in fact, slow tumor growth. Burdock is an active ingredient in the traditional natural, remedies for cancer, including Essiac and Hoxsey. World famous and valued by herbalists worldwide burdock has plenty of healing treasures. The plant commonly cultivated for its sweet-tasting root, though other parts also used for medical and other purposes. The plant does not need special conditions for growing; its favorite places are on waste ground and about old buildings, by roadsides and in relatively damp places.

Because of burdock’s absorption of toxins from the bowel, and its alterative effects on the liver, it been shown to be effective for treatment of hepatitis. It also has a mild laxative effect.

Parts Used
Burdock has many beneficial qualities all parts used in many herbal remedies: the leaves (mainly for tea), the burrs, the seed, the stem and root.

The seeds (or flower-heads) collected when ripe – this is during the latter part of the summer or in autumn. They shake off the flower head and dried by spreading them out on paper in the sun. The leaves should be harvested before or during early flowering. The roots should be unearthed in September or October of the first year, or as an alternative in the following spring when the flowers appear. The root is sweet to the taste and has a sticky consistency.

Burdock is available in tea form, juice, powder, capsules and oil.
• Herbal tea (2 - 6 grams for a cup 3 to 5 times a day);
• Oil (for hair - regularly, after washing);
• Fresh or dried root (dried root steep 2 - 6 grams in boiling water for 10 - 15 minutes then strain and drink 3 times a day);
• Tincture (2 - 8 ml, 3 times a day);
• Fluid extract ((1:1): 2 - 8 mL three times a day);
• Decoctions (liquid made by boiling down the herb in water).

Burdock root had a wide range of useful properties, contains high amounts of inulin (27-45%) and mucilage (up to 75% of the root is carbohydrate in the form of fructo-oligo-saccharides (FOS) including inulin), essential oil with 66 identified components (0.06-0.18%), vitamins (B1, B6, B12, and E), polyphenols including caffeic acid (1.9-3.65%), antibacterial polyacetylenes, sitosterol and stigmasterol, different powerful, flavonoid-type antioxidants, trace minerals (phosphorous, sodium, chromium, cobalt, iron, potassium, magnesium, silicon, zinc).

Health Benefits
Burdock root contains high amounts of inulin and mucilage of the root yield excellent soothing effects on the gastrointestinal tract. Inulin is the main ingredient in burdock, and it helps strengthen the organs, and to regulate blood sugar metabolism for diabetics, and hypoglycemics because it does not elicit rapid insulin production; it also slightly lower blood sugar, and benefit both the pancreas and liver.

Some chemicals in the burdock root promote the loss of water from the body that have a cooling effect and can help reduce fever, also headaches and swelling, increase the performance of both urine and sweat. Burdock nourishes and strengthens the actions of the kidneys and urinary organs. It has long considered by Chinese and European herbalists to have a "gently warming, moistening effect". It classified as an alternative, diuretic and diaphoretic. Detoxification of the body has its consequences in all the useful effects of the burdock, so it is difficult to separate the benefits. It is the ability to cleanse impurities from the body.

Improved Digestion
Burdock known to help strengthen the stomach, digestion and appetite. It helps to relieve gas. The mucilaginous fiber has effects on the gastrointestinal tract and helps absorb and eliminate toxins, chemicals and metal contaminants from the large intestine. Burdock seems to maintain healthy intestinal bacteria and sometimes used by folks with Candida or yeast overgrowth. Bitter constituents in the root may also explain the traditional use of burdock to improve digestion. It also contains polyacetylenes that been shown to have antimicrobial activity. Burdock root and fruit also have the ability to lower blood sugar (hypoglycemic effect).

Burdock Root significant impact on the human body
Strengthen "the bone gum is original" of the hardest protein inside the human body promote cell vitality inside the body.

Chemical reaction occur in the body, can produce more than 30 materials, among them, "measure more folic acid" can protect the human body cell from taking place bad variety and prevent° from a cancer cell formation. There is a fantastic deal of burdock root Mao, and wood fat vegetable in the burdock root tea, among them, the burdock root Mao dollar is an anti-cancer live data. Be proven by post experiment, burdock root Mao the dollar and wood fat vegetable has an undeniably anti-cancer function.

Promote propagating of cell in the body, make the T cell be increased with 300% speed, boost immunity dint, promote an anti-cancer achievement effect.

Can encourage Lin calcium in the body and vitamin D are in the balance on the combination and maintain human body growth.

Benefits of Burdock
Burdock been appreciated by herbalists and their clients for many years. Records indicate that burdock used in China, by the Native American Indians, as well as European settlers.

Burdock benefits extend over many different body systems including digestive, circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, and glandular and immune systems. No wonder it can help with stress relief. That is quite a lot of help from one common "weed."

Burdock considered highly beneficial. Its roots can draw sustenance from deep within the soil. It is rich in natural vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, amino acids, sugars and starches. The list of this incredible amazing herb minerals is quite extensive is rich in vitamins, B-complex and E. It also contains, in high amount, chromium, cobalt, iron, magnesium, sodium and potassium, silicon, phosphorous, aluminum, calcium, manganese, selenium and zinc. Burdock also contains thiamine, vitamin C, vitamin A, protein, inulin, phenolic acids, mucilage, pectin and fiber.

Burdock considered an “alternative.” Burdock gradually restores proper functioning and increases strength and vitality. This property can make burdock useful for building resistance to the stress of everyday life. It is said to help increase stamina, resiliency and the joy of life. It is even said to help advance emotional stability.

Using Burdock
The benefits of burdock can be gained in several different ways.

Burdock commonly used in Japanese and macro biotic cooking as a deeply nourishing root vegetable – high in nutrients yet low in calories. Cleaned burdock root often teamed with brown rice, soy sauce, sesame seed and other traditional eastern flavorings.

Get the dried root powder from the bulk herb section of the health food store. Add a spoonful of dried powdered, burdock root, at the end of cooking, to soup stocks and vegetable stews for a slightly sweet nutritional boost.

Burdock also used as tea. (Place about one teaspoon of burdock root in a cup of water, simmer for 10 to 15 minutes, cool and drink.)

Burdock can be used medicinally as a fresh root tincture and externally as a poultice on sores and wounds. Although burdock is a natural plant, it is possible to be allergic to it. It is always wise to consult with a trained health care professional for proper recommendations for your situation.

Burdock Medical History Usage
Burdock been used for centuries to treat a host of ailments. It been traditionally used as a “blood purifier” to clear the bloodstream of toxins, as a diuretic (helping rid the body of excess water by increasing urine output) and a topical treatment for skin problems such as eczema, acne, and psoriasis. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, burdock often used with other herbs for sore throat and colds. It reported helping strengthen the lungs and assist in breathing. Extracts of burdock root found in a variety of herbal preparations as well as homeopathic remedies.

In Japan and parts of Europe, burdock eaten as a vegetable. Burdock contains inulin, a natural dietary fiber, and also to improve digestion. In fact, recent studies confirm that burdock has prebiotic properties that could improve health.

Burdock consists mainly of carbohydrates, volatile oils, plant sterols, tannins, and fatty oils.

Researchers are not sure which active ingredients in burdock root are responsible for its healing properties, but the herb may have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial effects.

Burdock is safe, but some people should be careful when taking this herb, especially those with abnormal blood sugar levels.

Burdock Available Forms
Burdock products consist of fresh or dried roots. Burdock supplements can be purchased as dried root powder, decoctions (liquid made by boiling down the herb in water), tinctures (a solution of the herb in alcohol, or water and alcohol), or fluid extracts.

Burdock root is a traditional medicinal herb that used for many ailments can also help to reduce cravings and hunger and thus assist in weight loss. Burdock root cleanses and eliminates impurities from the blood rapidly. It will also clear skin diseases, boils and carbuncles. Burdock root can be used as a diuretic, especially suitable for children.

In traditional herbal, burdock root is one of the herb world's best natural described as a "blood purifier agent" in the herbal formula or "alterative" diaphoretic, and diuretic that traditionally used to cleanse the bloodstream of toxins; it purifies the blood without side effects and heals the kidneys and liver.

It has mild and cleansing diuretic, action but has stronger effects. Heavy metals inside your body can be removed by using burdock. It used both internally and externally for eczema and psoriasis as well as to treat painful joints and as a diuretic. It also used to treat burns, eczema, and acne. In traditional Chinese medicine, burdock root in combination with other herbs used to treat sore throats, tonsillitis, colds, and even measles.

Traditionally used as a blood purifier and overall system tonic, burdock root often recommended by herbalists for the natural support it provides for healthy liver function. Native Americans used burdock tea to treat rheumatism, to purify the blood, for female weakness, kidney gravel, scurvy and venereal diseases.

Interactions with Drugs Medication adjustments may be required. Burdock been associated with diuretic effects (increasing urine flow) in one human report, and in theory may cause excess fluid loss (dehydration) or electrolyte imbalances (for example, changes in potassium or sodium levels in the blood). These effects may be increased when burdock get together with diuretic drugs.

Burdock root interferes with iron absorption when taken internally. Because of its diuretic actions, burdock should not be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Burdock been shown to interact with hypoglycaemic drugs, anti-inflammatory medications and lithium treatment, when taken internally. Burdock root in large quantities may stimulate the uterus and therefore, should be used with caution during pregnancy. It recommended that pregnant and breastfeeding women to refrain from using burdock products because of its highly effective diuretic effect.

Also, in order to avoid affected by allergies and side effects of burdock root caused by interaction with other medicines or herbal remedies, talk to the health care practitioner or a specialist before starting any treatment involve burdock extracts or products.

Using this herb believed to be safe but we should avoid unwanted side effects of burdock root. Those include slow heart rate, dry mouth, extreme changes of sugar levels in blood and contamination.

Today, vegetables taste bland because lack of minerals in the soil. Then a lot of chemicals added to make it taste delicious and preserve it.

Why are they salty? Because salt (sodium chloride) helps prevent spoiling by drawing moisture out of food, so bacteria cannot produce. Salt also kills existing bacteria that might cause spoiling. At one time, salting was one of the only methods available.

Additionally, the food that has processed contains a lack of enzymes. Every metabolic activity in the body and every chemical reaction that keeps us well helped by enzymes. Enzyme is a catalyst, use to makes something work more efficiently. The oil in the automobile engine is a catalyst. Although the engine runs on gasoline, how helpful would it be without oil? This is an example of how catalyst helps reactions take place more efficiently.

Without enzymes, there is no life. Enzymes maintain the body. Every day the body burns, enzymes to nourish the organs like the heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas, as well as the trillions of cells that carry on life. Those enzymes need to be replaced as the body uses them up.

The body re-supplies enzymes by manufacturing them or by receiving them from an outside source. They come from raw foods - vegetables, fruits, and even meat. They can be converted for bodily needs.

When there are not enough enzymes available on a daily basis, one body begins to cut off from various bodily functions. For instance, hair may become dry nails may crack, and skin may become dry - giving the appearance of an older person. Then more serious, the liver will not be able to handle the excretion of waste products.

Fifty percent of all enzymes burned by the body used in digesting food. When restricted enzymes are available for the digestion system the body steals them from other organs. Evidence, the high number of indigestion aids sold and the fact that one feels sleepy after a meal. The body is stealing energy (enzymes) from other bodily functions. Without these enzymes and lack of them in the food we eat average person only digests about 30 to 70% of what they eat.

Processed foods and most all packaged foods do not contain active enzymes. When any food heated over 112 degrees Fahrenheit, the active enzyme activity destroyed.

The bottom line is that when we eat foods that are void of adequate nutrition and void of any enzymes into the body, we finally go down.

The elimination of active enzymes does not allow the food to be thoroughly digested. The immune system becomes weakened, and we get degenerative diseases.

Practical Tip
All of these compounds, just to look and taste as close to normal as possible. Why not get totally, real food and not all these synthetics?

Get the right food with the real benefits! How to avoid processed food while living an active lifestyle

What are Processed Foods?

Processed foods are foods that have compromised by the addition of hormones, additives, preservatives, synthetic genetic material or other chemical or heat treatments that alter or destroy the natural healthy, enzymes, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

The main source of food processing is to increase the shelf life of foods so that larger amounts can be sold over time.

In contrast, whole foods are simple and straightforward. Whole foods require no processing - they are ready to eat off the vine or off the fire; whole foods age as like us, and they must be eaten while fresh.

A List of Processed Food
Ever notice that the sources of the ingredients in processed foods shrouded in mystery? Food manufacturers even patent some of the processing methods they use. The process for making Splenda, an artificial sweetener, is a big secret and patented with the US Government.

Seems to me that if one has to follow the procedure for how food made a big secret, it probably means that if most people knew the process, they would not eat the food.

Here’s, a short list of some common processed foods (most have unusually long shelf lives):

•White wheat flour, typically bleached white flour.
•Refined sugars (crystalline fructose, malt dextrin, dextrose, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, maple syrup, date sugar, cane sugar, brown rice syrup, corn sugar, beet sugar, agave syrup, etc..)
•Margarine and other hydrogenated vegetable fats
•Refined vegetable oils
•Artificial sweeteners
•Food additives
•Canned foods
•Boxed foods such as meal mixes, cereal and pasta
•Soft drinks and sugary "fruit" drinks, which loaded with white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, flavors and other food additives.
•Fast food, which is a source of Trans fats
•Cheese food, packaged cakes and cookies, chips, snack food crackers and other junk food
•Processed meat products (sausage, bologna, bacon, packaged ham, and salami) if they contain artificial colors and soy fillers.
•Frozen foods such as TV dinner meals, fish sticks, pizza rolls and similar foods
•Soy products such as soy milk, soy cheese, soy protein isolate, and other processed soy foods. Natural soybeans taste horrible; it is Nature's way of warning about the dangers of soy. In order to make soy products edible, soy manufacturers have to add large amounts of sugar, MSG and other flavorings and spices.
•Powdered milk and eggs: Commercial milk powders contain ox sterols (oxidized cholesterol) in excessive amounts. The ox sterol free radicals have suspected of being initiators of atherosclerotic plaques. Powdered eggs contain even more ox sterols.

As a general rule, processed food has changed extensively from its natural state.

Other Less Obvious Processed Foods to Avoid
•Avoid non-organic pasteurized, homogenized milk and products made from it. Many commercial dairy farms manage their dairy cows with recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), which made from genetically modified organisms. It increases the production of milk but also sickens the cows, increasing udder infections and lameness by 40-55%.

The use of rBGH has banned in Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan and every other industrialized country except the United States.

The proteins in pasteurized milk have altered from the high heat applied, and the useful digestive enzymes and vitamins have destroyed. Without the beneficial enzymes, milk is a lot harder to digest, and "lactose intolerance" is the result.

•Do not buy meat, pork and poultry from commercial factory farms. Here's, why: The animals raised in these factory farms confined, abused, fed food which makes them sick (genetically modified soybeans and corn, other extinct animals, bakery waste, manure and other nasty things), and many become seriously ill from this treatment.

They then injected with bacterial killing drugs, further polluting their flesh. Worse, this reliance on drugs contributes to the development of new and lethal bacteria strains resistant to modern antibiotics. Read this article about the resistant bacteria MSRA found in commercial pork products. It already killed 19,000 people, but the FDA is choosing to ignore the problem.

Choose grass fed organic meats and chicken instead.

Processed foods made for convenience and long shelf life, and have completed short-changed in nutrition while using these methods to create foods.

The relationship between processed food and health is not a favourable one. On top of the loss of nutrients during the manufacturing process, most convenience foods recommend using a microwave oven to make them, which further deteriorates the nutritional values.

Genetically Engineered Foods
Here, a sobering factoid: it estimated that nearly 75% of the processed junk foods found in local grocery store contain corn, soybean or canola ingredients which have engineered from genetically modified organisms. This includes bakery products, salad dressings, corn products, baby food, infant formula and other products.

In addition, vegetables like tomatoes and potatoes genetically modified as well. That is another compelling reason to grow own vegetables. Recently, the biotech companies have applied genetically to alter fish.

The adverse health effects of these foods well known in relation to the animal kingdom.
•Farmers have reported that if given a choice, cattle will ignore genetically engineered corn in favor or naturally raised corn.

•Dairy cattle get sick when injected with rBGH, a genetically engineered hormone used to increase milk production, and still, this hormone used widely in the commercial milk industry. Fortunately, many grocery store chains have pledged to avoid selling milk tainted with rBGH.

Now all of this information is by no way "scientific", but common sense tells me that if cows will not eat genetically engineered food crops, and insects die after interacting with these food crops, it would be wise to avoid them as much as possible.

The human body did not change eating these technological foods, and the adverse health results have documented in studies.

Remember that by avoiding processed junk foods, we will automatically avoid most genetically engineered foods.

Vitamin D is one of the most important ones. Vitamin D is very commonly known as the 'sunshine vitamin'. The reason for this is that vitamin D is produced in the body as a result of direct exposure to sunlight. The main purpose of vitamin D in the body is to make use of the calcium available in the diet to strengthen the bones and teeth.

Deficiency of Vitamin D Causes

  • Rickets: This is one of the biggest problems. Weak bones that get hurt easily or fractured regularly are one of the biggest effects vitamin D deficiency causes. The prevalence of hypovitaminosis D is seen mostly in elderly people.
  • Skin pigmentation: If a person regularly notices pigmentation on their skin, it is very likely that this is being caused by an acute lack of vitamin D. Depression as a result of this.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease: People experiencing inflammatory bowel movements must also be wary, as this is also widely recognized as one of the most common symptoms of low vitamin D level in the human body.
  • Obesity: People who are obese must also be very careful about their intake of vitamin D, as obese people are more prone to it.
  • Other problems include knock-kneed appearance, low blood calcium levels, high blood pressure, tuberculosis, depression, bowed limbs, chronic fatigue, type I diabetes and chronic bone pain, muscle pain or joint pain.

Reasons that lead to the presence of these symptoms.

  • Lack of foods rich in vitamin D in your diet.
  • Minimal exposure to sunlight.
  • Failure of kidneys to convert vitamin D to its active form.
  • Dark skin shade in people.
  • Inability of digestive tract to absorb vitamin D.
  • Using too much sunscreen.
  • Age and hereditary conditions.

Vitamin D is naturally obtained through exposure to sunlight and from foods such as oily fish, eggs, fortified fat spreads and some fortified breakfast cereals. But it’s difficult to get enough from food alone.

Avoid becoming Vitamin D deficient by ensuring that you include Vitamin D rich foods in your diet each day. Foods that contain a good amount of Vitamin D are: salmon, mackerel, tuna, eggs, milk, and shitake mushrooms.

Though vitamin D deficient hair loss is often overlooked when it comes to the symptoms of being Vitamin D deficient, it's important to know that it is a rather common side effect of not including this essential vitamin in your diet.

The Hair follicle cycles (The anagen phase is when your hair grows, the catagen phase is when your hair stops growing, and the telogen phase is when your hair reaches it's dead state.) can become interrupted or altered. For instance, one phase may become longer while another is dramatically shortened. This can lead to Vitamin D deficient hair loss, as the phases of hair-follicle cycling are being impeded.

If you think that you might have Vitamin D deficient hair loss, then you should begin taking Vitamin D supplement or eating vitamin D rich foods, and schedule an appointment with your doctor.

My Comments:

It is not difficult to try, 1 item per month for 3 months and a health body.


What is Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent fasting (IF) is a pattern of eating that alternates between periods of fasting (usually meaning consumption of water only) and non-fasting. A specific form of IF is alternate day fasting (ADF), which is a 48-hour routine typically composed of a 24-hour fast followed by a 24-hour non-fasting period. (ADF is also sometimes referred to as every other day (EOD) fasting, or sometimes every other day feeding (EODF).)

There is some evidence that intermittent fasting may have beneficial effects on the health and longevity.


3 Health Habits to Try (and Maybe Continue)

Some friends and I predicted that the gym would be packed for the first three weeks of January, and drop off from there. It didn’t even last two weeks this year. While some may forgo their resolutions of being healthier, losing weight, or having more energy, these all can be achieved without going to the gym (though, that addition can certainly help). Unlike many fitness experts, who’ll list a thousand ways you can be healthier (all of which would deplete your energy levels while you try), I’ll list three health habits to change for the next three months. The key: do only one at a time for a month before moving on to the next. If you try each for three months and you see no results, discontinue it (the try-it method).

1. Give up sugar. Don’t indulge from time to time. Don’t come up with excuses why you’re not going to try. Just give it up. Sugar doesn’t give you more energy; it actually steals energy from you by giving you a short burst of energy with a rush (hello dopamine) and then a crash. But we don’t need a short burst of energy – we need energy that lasts and lasts and lasts. Sugar fails.

And the news on grows worse for sugar consumers. Not only does sugar give you a quick rush while taking away your long-term energy, it alsotends to increase your calorie consumption(ie: appetite). In other words, sugar addition makes losing weight seem like an impossible goal.

2. Intermittent fasting. To an outside observer, this almost sounds like a religious practice, but it isn’t. Here’s some research on alternate day fasting (ADF):
· In male humans only, insulin sensitivity seemed to increase after three weeks (insulin sensitivity makes it easier to lose fat and gain muscle).
· In male humans, triacylglycerol concentrations decreased; in female humans, HDL-cholesterol increased.
· In animal studies, ADF showed positive effects against cancer. However, the human studies were too short to state either way (this also applies to blood pressure – the study was too short to indicate any long term results).

Before anyone cries “correlation is not causation” (for the record, the actual truth regarding correlation is that correlation may or may not be causation), keep in mind that many intermittent fasting studies have lacked significant length. This favors the try-it method: if it works for you, then continue doing it. If it doesn’t, discontinue.

3. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Cliché, right? Except I’m not going to ask that you eat 5-7 servings. Instead, eat one fruit and one vegetable a day and do it for the next three months. You can add more if you want later (and are feeling the results), but setting a small habit of a fruit and vegetable will establish an important routine while adding a nutritious source to your daily diet.

Also, make things easy on yourself regarding the fruit and vegetable. If you love taste, eat your favorite tasting fruit and vegetable. If you love convenience, eat the most convenient fruit and vegetable to you. If you like nutritional value, eat what you consider to be the most nutritious fruit and vegetable. What you select should reward you.

You won’t feel as overwhelmed by doing one of these resolutions for a month before moving on to the next one as you would if you tried going to the gym, eating healthy, and cutting back on food. Meet small goals that equate to large results over the long run (like giving up sugar) and you’ll find that your energy levels increase to where meeting difficult tasks becomes easy. In other words, these are the 20% of solutions that will give you 80% of the results. You can focus on the other 80% later.

Timothy Smith writes about fitness, health and nutrition at the Smashion Babble. He is also an expert on the Millennial generation and writes about them at The Echo Boom Bomb (and written several articles for Peter on Millennials).