Monthly Archives: April 2014

Black fungus is a common and inexpensive ingredient on Chinese dinner table. It labeled as a medicinal food for thousand years known for its rich nutrients such as iron, protein, fat, vitamins, polysaccharide, and other minerals.

Black fungus has a bittersweet taste and is “neutral in nature” that can replace “Qi” (essential energy), enrich and activate blood, purify lungs and intestines. Its applications include anemia, haematemesis, uterine bleeding, hemorrhoid, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and even cancer prevention.

Black fungus is healthy obesity diet food called "Meat or fish in vegetables". The iron in black fungus is certainly one of the highest among all vegetables; taking regularly can stimulate blood and prevent iron deficiency anemia. Western science has proven that black fungus is highly effective in blood viscosity modulation by inhibiting platelet aggregation and lowering viscosity of blood. Studies show that those who use black fungus regularly tend to have a normal blood viscosity—a similar effect like taking aspirin without side effects of hemorrhage and digestive irritations, and these people are at lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Black fungus carries a compound called polysaccharide, this vegetable not only inhibits tumor growth and prevents cancer, it also neutralizes the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Black fungus also an excellent “adsorbent” and “scavenger” due to the pectin that can adsorb dust in lungs and digestive system and then excrete together. Black fungus contains rich dietary fibres and a special pectin which can assist motility of the stomach and intestine, excreting fat in the intestine, reducing fat intake, and so preventing obesity and help to lose weight.

Black fungus benefits one health in many ways it found to possess anticoagulant properties and prevent blood clotting in blood vessels.

Black fungus in terms of taste and price, it is much better pig liver as a good source of iron, the extremely high Iron, 20 times as celery, 7 times as pork liver. Eating regularly will nourish blood, own visage beauty, and prevent Iron Deficiency Anemia. Lack of iron cause anemia makes a person feels weak or simply tired due to insufficient oxygen in the blood.

It is amusing to note that black fungus discovered to be growing in the radioactive environment of Chernobyl in Russia. Black fungus found to contain melanin that can serve as an antioxidant (source), the pigment that protects the skin against damage by ultraviolet light from the sun. The power of black fungus to thrive in such a destructive environment could provide benefits that may prove to be useful to people. Black fungus is ideal for women not only does it help increase blood circulation and thus improve one skin tone, it reduce skin pigmentation with frequent consumption.

Black fungus reduces blood clot, preventing thrombosis, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, and cancer.

Black fungus possess anticoagulant properties that prevent clotting in the blood vessels.

Fresh black fungus is dangerous to eat as it contains poisonous substance, but most of the toxic stuff will disappear after dried under the sun. Black fungus must be thoroughly soaked in warm/cold water till soft before cooking, and should change the water several times during soaking, washing several times till the water is clear. After soak, black fungus can be cooked into nutritious tasty dishes, such as Fungus salad, Stir Fried Fungus with Meat or Vegetables. It can be incorporate into stewed dishes, soup. Steam Fungus with Jujube(Chinese date) will enhance the role of supplementing blood.

In addition, black fungus also rich in protein, vitamins D, B1. and B2, an excellent source of calcium, apparently with twice the amount of calcium compared to milk.

Chinese eat Black Fungus to improve the blood and blood circulation and thus help a person live longer.

Black fungus commonly known to alleviate “dryness” and stimulate circulation of the body, particularly aids in nourishing the lungs, stomach and liver. More importantly, due to rich iron content, it is surprisingly useful for helping to cleanse the body of stagnant blood.

Although fresh black fungus is available, it is advisable to use the dried form for cooking purposes because that would mean that whatever bacteria on the fungus would destroy while being sun to dried. Black fungus has protein, fat, calcium, carbohydrates, carotene, vitamins, vitamin B1, a variety of amino acids, lysine and leucine and a large number of fibers, potassium, magnesium and sodium. It unusually high volume iron, and the amount of vitamin B2 and calcium said to be 30-70 times that in common meat. Black fungus said to increase the fluidity and circulation of the blood and help those with anemia. Black Fungus also knows to control cholesterol in blood and apparently can help to control weight. Also, helps in detox impurities in the digestive system.

Black fungus has high dietary fibres, and it can “absorb” toxins in one digestive system, and rid them via excretion. Black fungus said to have many health benefits, including prevention of cancer but those patients with blood thinning issues should avoid consuming this. Black Fungus should be eaten with moderation even by healthy folks, not recommend for daily consumption in large quantity.

Health Benefits of Pumpkin Flesh and Seeds

Prostate Cancer – The protective compounds present within the pumpkin seeds, called phytosterols can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. This tasks by shrinking the prostate and stimulating the secretion of chemicals that protect against the transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). High DHT levels can cause swelling of the prostate glands.

Lower Cholesterol and Cancer Prevention - Pumpkin seeds contain phytosterols, compounds that have been shown to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol and also protect against various cancers.

Osteoporosis - High in zinc, pumpkin seeds are a common defense against osteoporosis. Low intake of zinc is linked to higher rates of osteoporosis.

Anti-Inflammatory Effect – The Beta carotene present in pumpkin seeds and flesh has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of pumpkin protects against joint inflammation and arthritis. Pumpkins have been known to provide relief from inflammation quickly, without the harmful side-effects of anti-inflammatory medicines.

Great on skin – The high amount of Vitamin A, C and E as well as Zinc present in pumpkin, make it an excellent choice for a healthy and glowing skin. A cup of pumpkin seeds per day stops the appearance of wrinkles and keep skin hydrated and nourished.

Prevents Kidney Stones – Have 5 to 10 grams of pumpkin seeds daily. This stimulates the kidneys and prevents the formation of calcium oxalate stones, and pumpkin seed extracts improved bladder function.

Depression – Pumpkin flesh contains L-tryptophan, a chemical compound that triggers feelings of well-being and happiness. Having pumpkin as our daily diet keep our spirits high and prevent depression.

Treatment of Parasites – In different cultures especially China; pumpkins are used as a natural cure for tapeworms and other parasites. Studies show how effective against severe schistosomiasis a parasite contracted from snails.

Diuretics – Pumpkins are natural diuretics. This support in flushing out the toxins and unwanted waste material from the body leaving make us feels refreshed and healthy.

With so much fitness benefits, it is no wonder that pumpkin is an essential part of the Super Foods. Do not shy ignore the flesh or the seeds – instead boil, bake or make them in any form you need.

Soy Bean Side Effect

Mild, side effects include stomachaches, constipation, and diarrhea.


Soybeans also contain adequate amounts of a natural substance called purine. Consuming large amounts of purines can cause gout worse. Persons with gout should not eat a lot of soy products.

The Chinese did not eat unfermented soybeans as they did other legumes such as lentils because the soybean contains large quantities of natural toxins or "antinutrients ". First among them are potent enzyme inhibitors that block the action of trypsin and other enzymes needed for protein digestion.

These inhibitors tightly fold proteins that are not quite deactivated during ordinary cooking. They can cause severe gastric distress, reduced protein digestion and chronic deficiencies in amino acid uptake.

Soybeans also contain haemagglutinin, a clot-promoting substance that causes red blood cells to clump together.

Trypsin inhibitors and haemagglutinin are growth inhibitors. Growth-depressant compounds deactivated during the process of fermentation, so once the Chinese discovered how to ferment the soybean, they began to incorporate soy foods into their diets.

In precipitated products, enzyme inhibitors concentrate in the soaking liquid rather than in the curd. Thus, in tofu and bean curd, growth depressants reduced in quantity but not totally eliminated.

Soy also contains goitrogens - substances that depress thyroid function.

99% percentage of soy genetically modified, and it also has the highest percentages contaminations by pesticides than any other foods.

Soybeans are high in phytic acid, present in the bran or hulls of all seeds. It is a substance that can prevent the uptake of essential minerals - calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and especially zinc - in the intestinal tract.

Disadvantages of Soy Milk


Soy as one of the most common products that cause the allergic reaction in children. Unfortunately, more and more processed food products contain some form of soy, making acquired soy allergies increasingly common.

Less Calcium

When compare soy milk with commonly used cow's milk, soy milk contains far less calcium, a vitamin crucial for nourishing bone strength. Unless the soy milk fortified with calcium, it is not an adequate substitute for cow's milk and, therefore, calcium must be found elsewhere.

Digestive Problems

Soy inhibits the enzymes needed to absorb proteins. This can cause severe gastrointestinal distress and a chronic inability to take in amino acids, which required to overall health.

Thyroid Disorders

Over-consumption of soy isoflavones can trigger a thyroid disease or worsen an existing thyroid problem. Soy foods claim that soy does not in any way contribute to an unhealthy thyroid.

Estrogen and Blood

Soy has large quantities of estrogen. Men or boys who ingest soy products experience suppression of testosterone. Soy said to reduce menopausal symptoms; no studies have gathered convincing evidence to support this claim. Soy milk linked to infertility, and giving an infant soy formula is equivalent to giving him five birth control pills per day. Soy linked to breast cancer in women. Finally, hemagglutinin causes blood clots by promoting red blood cells to the group and stick together, inhibiting oxygen and causing heart and vascular problems.


The nutrient-blocking characteristics of soy products, caused by phytic acid, block zinc, calcium, magnesium, copper, and iron from absorbed into the body. Zinc linked to brain function and cognitive development and functioning. When zinc not absorbed properly, it affects the immune system and causes mental breakdown and brain shrinkage. Zinc regulates the blood sugar, protein synthesis, and collagen formation in the body and for a healthy reproductive system. Soy milk also causes calcium to be leached from the bones. Soy products do encourage the absorption of aluminum, however.

Disease and Cancer

The trypsin inhibitors in soy products found to cause the enlargement of pancreas, and also linked to pancreatic cancer. Isoflavones, found in soy products, act similarly to hormones and disrupt the endocrine system, causing thyroid conditions by suppressing thyroid function. Isoflavones have even been linked to thyroid disease and cancer. Children severely affected by isoflavones.